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Joined: Mon Jul 03, 2023 5:37 pm


Post by Se7en »


A thousand years ago the Mage Council of Gideon banished the Arch-Enemy Shalnath and inscribed the words of power on obsidian tablets placed around the Keep.

Time and time again adventurers have ventured into the Dungeon of Doom and defeated the Arch-Enemy.

Time and time again he rises.

All while his malevolent influence continues to spread across the realm.

This cycle threatens the very fabric of Eons cosmic framework and must be opposed.

I come from Argos, a city across the sea where the malign grasp of the Arch-Enemy has not yet reached but we need only look at Marvale to see what fate await the Keep if we are complacent.

Mere days after arriving in the Keep and offering assistance to travelers on the Blackstone Road I have been assailed by the forces of the Arch-Enemy, including an incursion by Cultist into the very Keep itself.

The Arch-Enemy knows our weaknesses. I am a Minister. I offer assistance, healing and inspirations to others. I am no warrior. Knowing this the Arch-Enemy set upon me when I was alone - and yet his minions were soundly defeated.

He sends dreams to tempt and sow discord among us even in our sleep - and yet we stand strong in our convinction.

The lesson is clear: Unite or die.

To my fellow Kazrites, Vorites and Lianites:
I understand that you wish to see the Scales of Balance tipped one way or the other – but the Arch-Enemy seeks to destroy the Scale itself. Set aside your differences and unite against the common foe.

To the Guilds of Blackstone Keep
I ask the same, and should you require my assistance in doing so it will be provided.

To the adventurers of the Keep,
to you I will offer assistance, blessings and healing whenever I can.

United we stand
Divided we fall

Neothian Dawnguard
Minister of Eon
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