Introduction - Stealth

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Introduction - Stealth

Post by Stealth »

Hey all. I just wanted to quickly introduce myself. I go by the online name Stealth in Neverwinter Nights. For those of you who were really active on the old BioWare forums back in the day, yes I was that die hard community member under the name Stealth with the gazillion posts. I was super active with the original Broodslayers guild, serving as a DM and scripter there and I also served as a scripter on the old Dragonlance server. I also ran my own online weekly campaigns as a DM in the Subterra world, with some of those old modules that I co-authored still available for download today buried in the deep recesses of the Internet.

I started playing NWN when it first came out and enjoyed the game immensely for years. I can't even tally up the hours I spent on this game. I'm so grateful that Beamdog brought out an Extended Edition for NWN. What fun it has been to re-experience this amazing game with full multi-player support.

Ah the memories of playing multi-player ... I was a member of the Tower guild wearing the Black Robes on the Dragonlance server, and loved hunting down the renegades (basically anybody with sorcerer in their build), the RP, the friends and the fun. The wizard duels were the best - throwing around spell mantles, spell breaches, empowered fingers of death, etc. *grins*

Just a little bit more about me. Wizards are my favorite class to play. I love the challenge of the lower level encounters when your life is constantly on the line, and I enjoy the strategy and planning associated with the mid level encounters up until hitting level 20. Once you hit epic levels in wizard, I do agree with some of the other posters on these forums that the lack of scaling with the spells will become a real challenge if you are trying to go solo - I haven't ventured into epic levels here yet but it sounds like I'm in for a difficult road ahead. But that's OK at the end of the day in a multiplayer world such as Blackstone Keep ... a wizard can be a helpful companion to a party with the various buffs that can be shared with the team, etc. That said, the Dragonlance server that I played on had some nice customization with the scripting spellhook features which provided some benefits to pure casters that multi-class casters couldn't achieve, which included some additional damage scaling by caster level in addition to some other things that needed to be "discovered" ... I did have an advantage there in knowing what to do since I had primary responsibility for the Dragonlance spellhook script at one point *grins*.

Anyway, it's about having fun for me at the end of the day and I like the variety in battle tactics and the specific spell preparation required for particular encounters when playing mages. Please keep an eye out for Ember. She's going to be my pure wizard. Pure casters have the best ability to pierce spell resistance, and epic wizards also get access to Great Intelligence as a bonus feat which over time as your intelligence goes up also increases the DC on the spells you cast along with providing additional spell slots. Pure wizards can also take the various spell focus feats to further bump up their DC with selected spell schools. It will be interesting to see how much any of that actually matters at Blackstone Keep as I venture forth into the epic levels in the weeks/months ahead.

My other characters so far on the server are Silver (an arcane archer) and Rogrog (will end up majority barbarian with fighter and weapon master thrown in so that he's not completely nerfed on this particular server).

Driller, I am amazed at what you've done with this PW. The scripting, layout, variety and functionality are remarkable. It is obvious that this has been a passionate labor of love for you over the years. I take my hat off to you, sir. Thank you for all that you have done with this amazing game.

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Re: Introduction - Stealth

Post by driller »

Thanks and welcome aboard.
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Re: Introduction - Stealth

Post by Wing--Zero »

Glad to meet a new face! If you need any help drop me a PM sometime
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Re: Introduction - Stealth

Post by Trudes »

Hiya Stealth :)
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