The Blackstone Times

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The Blackstone Times

Post by Fyren »

Town Events

My fellow residents, A most unusual occurrence is taking place within our very midst.

Golems have been seen about Blackstone visiting folks and handing them letters then turning and vanishing only to appear later to others and doing the same.

The town folks of Starkson will not speak to anyone about what is going on and the Ladies Ortelassa and Winesa can not be found nor will anyone tell folks where they are to be found.

The guards only will talk to those bearing the letters and even then it is only to tell them that 10 members must gather. Over all the island is very somber.

Once more, I have visited the Warden of the Keep, he will not confirm any details nor will he discuss these magical constructions that are roaming, without hinderance, around the Keep.

I know not what this portends, I am, however, resolved to find out details behind this mystery.

Kynan Bladvick, Editor, Gentleman of Leisure, Importer of Exotic Impedimenta.

*All your adventuring needs catered for by the Merchants Guild. Good Honest Prices from Good Honest Traders*
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The Blackstone Times

Post by Fyren »

Keep Events.

I must apologise to you, my wonderful readers, for the lack of recent publications. I have been taking a small holiday, on that wonderful Island of Starkson, being provided the most marvellous hospitality by some of the residents. I shall indeed have to visit my tailor, it appears there is something strange in the air or water on that isle, most of my clothing appears to have shrunk. Most strange.

I have returned to Blackstone Keep for now, although I may yet if I am invited, take another small vacation on that wondrous Isle. I would dearly love to inspect the Castle itself at some point.

The Druid Kamryn, I gather, has been most notable by his absence. I do not know if this portends evil for us all, or merely a refreshing relief from his plotting. I also have discovered that a new brotherhood has been established, The Dwarven Shield of Blackstone. Master Orlvas gently informed me that unfortunately I could not be admitted, due to not being a Dwarf. He does request though, that anyone who is of that race and is interested, should contact him.

A strange creature has been sighted, I am told, within the Keep and surrounding areas. Described as a quadruped, with a human torso. I have yet to view this exotic and marvellous creature myself, I do so look forward to the encounter with great anticipation and excitement.

I have been informed of some strange goings on involving shadows, People have been very reluctant to talk to me about this. I shall do my utmost to try and investigate this further.

Other than this, I find that things have been quite uneventful in the keep. Most strange and unusual from my previous experiences here. I shall dig a little and try to determine if this is the truth or merely the calm before a building storm.

Kynan Bladvick, Editor, Gentleman of Leisure, Importer of Exotic Impedimenta.

*All your adventuring needs catered for by the Merchants Guild. Good Honest Prices from Good Honest Traders*
*Please see the various representatives around the town and state your requirements*
*A Lifetime Guantee on all goods. -refunds only to original purchasers, not to surviving relatives-

I, Elcas Greysten, have the pleasure of informing you that my employer, Farim Forgehammer and his sons of the Forgehammer clan, renowned merchants and craftsmen once residing in Blackstone will be returning to the Keep.
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The Blackstone Times

Post by Fyren »

World Events

Let us rejoice. The Lady Arial has been acclaimed by election, the new occupier of Starkson Island.
May the vinyards never wither, may the winery never run dry.

I have heard that the consort and husband of Lady Arial, Marcus, has been invited to become a General of the Militia.

Unfortunately at this time I have very little else to report on these matters. It seemed no matter which way I turned, there stood someone who only wished to refill my drinking vessel, be it servant or guest. I, being a trusting soul, could not gracefully refuse the hospitality. I fear the potent wine of that island overpowered my senses and rendered me incapable of learning further details of this.

I am also grateful the Golems of that isle are fully controlled. It appears that during my state of confusion, I may have purchased an inordinate amount of flowers and attempted to climb one to spread the petals on the battlements, during my adventure, it seems my small cargo may have dropped, scattering and adorning one. I must have fallen some distance and rendered myself unconcious, for when I awoke I found one glaring at me, yet fully garlanded in blooms.

My apologies also are rendered unto Captain Zim. I fear I am not a seasoned traveller. Though the crossing was short, the inclement weather proved a little much for my delicate constitution. Have no fear, brave Captain, I shall reimburse you for the cleaning of the cabin and also dispatch a half case of fine alcohol in the direction of yourself and your crew as some recompense.

Nature Notes.

Several new, fine, creatures have been sighted within the keep. I am told they are gifts of Vor to those shining bastions of chivalry known as Paladins. Again,it was gently explained to me that I am unlikely to be bestowed with such a magnificent animal and it would be better for my health if I did not approach, as they are fully trained war horses. Such magnificence, caparisoned with armour. A true delight to view. I have fully noted their description in my book. I fear at this rate I may have to invest in another soon, for there is barely any space left for further notes.

Kynan Bladvick, Editor, Gentleman of Leisure, Importer of Exotic Impedimenta.

*All your adventuring needs catered for by the Merchants Guild. Good Honest Prices from Good Honest Traders*
*Please see the various representatives around the town and state your requirements*
*A Lifetime Guantee on all goods. -refunds only to original purchasers, not to surviving relatives-

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The Blackstone Times

Post by Fyren »

Keep Events

A Gods Mischief

Oh woe is me. I slept the only way innocents can. I now find that during my rest, from various sources, that the god or godling (one is never quite sure how to address the omnipotent or near omnipotent) Kazra has appeared in the keep.

I have received a report of true bravery. A citizen, of whom it has been confidentially vouchsafed, is a member of a strange and rarely heard brotherhood called 'The Shadowstalkers', and a student of Lord Hordack (although the connection between a merchants apprentice and the fabled shadowstalkers is quite beyond me..), faced this godling and an army of untold numbers of undead in the Hamlet to the north of the keep. I am informed he fought to the last arrow and then to the last drop of his blood, aided at the very last second by a cleric known as Tiberias and a Knight, who has been named to me as Sarah. As of yet, I have not been able to learn any further details of these three most valiant heroes.

It is somewhat disturbing that no other came to the aid of these three fine persons. The much vaunted Dwarven Shield were singularly absent, along with any member of the Hunters or Starkson Protectorate. (although it is possible that defending Blackstone is outwith the precints of any duties of Starkson). Nor any of druids of Kamryns circle attended to protect their precious tree.

It is obvious though that Evil has returned to Blackstone. Let us hope, in the event of no others, standing shield to shield, and prepared to lay their very lives down in defence of this Keep that a cleric, a knight and a walker of shadows once again find the strength and courage to stand again, and come the moment, defend us all from certain death.. or worse.

A disappearance.

Lord Hordack the Dark is missing. Previously this paper had reported a similar thing. However this time there is no rumour of his death, just a Hordack sized space. He has not been sighted within the keep. His lodgings are empty and all his personal effects are gone. I found, pushed under my door, a key and attached a parchment with an address. On locating the premises, I foundit to be a small lock up store. Entering with the key provided, I found my stores of ink, paper and a few cases of my favourite fermentation. Previously this was stored, free of charge, at one of Master Hordacks premises. I have since learned the deeds have been made out in my name, and any dues to the Keep have been paid for some considerable time. I can only mourn the loss of such a prominent citizen of Blackstone. Whether friend or foe, the keep will be somewhat less colorful without him.

On The Rumour Mill.

One evening recently I was enjoying some convivial company in the tap room of the Playful Maiden. On a brief sojorn to take a little night air, I was approached by a person who had taken steps to disguise both their features and voice. All I can say is they were tall and had a coarse raspy whisper. I am told a certain Paladin, I am told a fanatic of Vor, has been seen in the company of a notable citizen, a member of the gentry no less. Both, it seems, were enjoying a lighthearted laugh. The gentry representative, or so I have been advised, was non other than Lord Lightfingers, a reputed finder of goods, sometimes before the owner of the property realises they have been lost....

I am told the gist of one subject discussed was that Master Lightfingers may have intentions to dispose of any competitors, ergo, any who fail to take his employ. A doubly disturbing event. Should this pass, any innocent travelling the streets at night may get caught up in this fracas. I approached the Warden for a comment, however he was unable to say at this time how he intended to keep the peace. I can only appeal to any of our public hearted citizens to avail themselves and assist anyone in need. That a Vorite and alleged bastion of goodness, a so called flower of chivalry should keep such company makes me quake more than hearing Kazra now walks amongst us once more.

Kynan Bladvick, Editor, Gentleman of Leisure, Importer of Exotic Impedimenta.

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(Usually found by the great tree.)

I, Elcas Greysten, have the pleasure of informing you that my employer, Farim Forgehammer and his sons of the Forgehammer clan, renowned merchants and craftsmen once residing in Blackstone will be returning to the Keep.

Mr. Tanglefoot Shoes and fine foot wear -- Best cobbler in town
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The Blackstone Times

Post by Fyren »

Keep News

I have received various reports about some events concerning a Mr Tanglefoot. It would appear that this trader of shoes had his possessions most foully stolen. A few days later, it seems this brave chap enaged a Master Belnath and companion in combat and soundly beat them after discovering at least one of them responsible for the theft of his property.
The wanton appropriation of others goods should be most severely dealt with, in the strongest terms. Good and Honest citizens fear for their hard earned coin, while rogues almost openly pilfer their belongings.

Nature Notes

I recently encountered a strange creature within the walls of the Keep. I recoursed to my handy book of notes and discovered it bore a strong resemblence to a Kobold. This was then confirmed. I then set about to discover more from this creature about itself and its kin.

I attempted to question it at length and have found out that Kobolds are born from eggs. They are also related, in some way, to Dragons, ostensibly Red Dragons. The most disturbing information I was given, by the Kobold himself, is of their dietary nature. He stated they eat babies stolen from their cradles. I was greatly upset by this. Master Edmund Dantes bravely, and without any thought of his own safety, actually rescued one from the clutches of this creature. To prevent a further immediate threat I manage to persuade it that a good chicken dinner and a large helping of fresh strawberries, with a small flask of ale, would suffice. May I urge all families with babes - Lock your doors, fit locks to your nursery doors. Do not let these small creatures step over the threshold of your dwellings. By all means, give them food and encourage them to seek alternative dining choices.

A Journey of Discovery - in Progress.

In my last offering of news and other matters, I reported an incident concerning a member of the so called Nobility.
Apparently, my report found disfavor in this persons eyes, informing me of this in what appeared to be a nature of veiled threats.

I have been asking discrete questions around the keep. The person involved is a Lord Jon Litefingers, though from my investigation so far, I feel I must now merely refer to him as Master Litefingers. I tried to question the Warden regarding the title. The Warden could shed no light on any details of Master Litefingers lineage or title. He permitted me access to his bookshelves, I could find no trace of either title or lineage. Finding this unusual I then started to ask the question, Lord of what ? Of land ? - there seems to be no public record. Inherited title ? - there seems to be no public record. Has Master Litefingers elevated himself to the peerage ? Has he, as his very name suggests, appropriated the title for himself ?
I cannot find any answers to these questions. I shall continue my Journey.

Other Events

Since the last reported uprising of the godling Kazra and followers, things appear to have been quiet on the omnipotent and deity front. Let us all pray this was a random occurence and not something that signals new incursions.

The Lady of Starkson, Arial, appears to be settling comfortably into her new position. I wish her well and success in this.

Kynan Bladvick, Editor, Gentleman of Leisure, Importer of Exotic Impedimenta.

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(Usually found by the great tree.)

I, Elcas Greysten, have the pleasure of informing you that my employer, Farim Forgehammer and his sons of the Forgehammer clan, renowned merchants and craftsmen once residing in Blackstone will be returning to the Keep.

Mr. Tanglefoot Shoes and fine foot wear -- Best cobbler in town
Posts: 29
Joined: Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:08 pm

Re: The Blackstone Times

Post by Fyren »

The Blackstone Times

Special Edition

I have been contacted by a resident of the keep who prefers to remain anonymous.
Before I am monstrously accused of failing to check my sources and information, I have made various enquiries and cannot find any information to the contrary.

The night was dark, a sea mist had rolled in - almost unnaturally so. A carriage had been hired and waited near to the Dock at Blackstone Keep.
A ship arrived. Disembarking a small group of Dwarves carried a long crate with what appeared to be obscure symbols in white. The Dwarves appeared to have a strange manner about them, staring ahead, seemingly ignoring any citizens and residents of the keep around them.

Upon reaching the carriage, as the Dwarves attempted to secure the crate the horse took fright. Two Dwarves appeared to lose their grip and the crate slipped. One end was staved in. The two careless Dwarves appeared slightly stunned, when suddenly a claw emerged from the crate and merely seemed to touch them, whereupon they fell to the floor, dead.

The remaining Dwarves seemed unaffected by this, however they did appear to lose their inclination to further employ the carriage and took hold of the crate, carrying it off between them

Shortly after this, two residents of the keep arrived and discovered the bodies. After making enquiries they found a young child who told the pair of the events that had occurred. While checking the immediate area a further two residents also arrived. The four then decided to investigate the occurences as a party.

No further trace was found within the Keep. In the Hamlet though was a different tale. A third dead Dwarf was found. The four adventurers then braved the Blackstone Road, heading north trying to track the remaining Dwarves.

Upon reaching Skara Brae a further three Dwarves were found, bereft of life. The four heroic hunters then scoured the area, eventually finding in the graveyard area the body of a seventh dead dwarf...

The body was not unaccompanied ! A Coffin, painted with white ice flake symbols lay open - and standing next to it, with several summoned retainers was a dread creature, a Wight. Around him on the ground ice patches were forming. With no hesitation our brave defenders launched an attack and after an heroic struggle, subdued and killed the creature.

And so, let us salute our bravest of the brave, raise a glass in their honour, for they have surely earned respect for solving the strange and dangerous mystery we must now call... The Snow Wight and the Seven Dwarves.

Kynan Bladvick, Editor, Gentleman of Leisure, Importer of Exotic Impedimenta.

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(Usually found by the great tree.)