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Re: Useful Information

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:03 am
by Jazelle
Luceran wrote:Hello...evil smiley face=humor.
Yea yea I know but anyway long day at work so just started in the chat info mod there.

Re: Useful Information

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 10:48 pm
by ST_DM_Myle
Each DM has a slightly different view of RP-lite - so this may not apply to the thinking of all the DM's here...

Driller has set it up so you can delevel and then go earn back you xp. I point this out for no particular reason other than to point it out in reference to the following...

It is not 'uncommon' for people to rebuild new versions of their character on BSK. Some rebuild their characters once or twice. Some rebuild their characters so many times that they could populate BSK all by themselves. This in and of itself is not a problem. We are realxed enough around here not to nick pick too much - though - most prefer that the general idea of the character remain valid.

It is, after all, a bit silly to have a character morph from being a crit spamming Paly-WM to a time stop spamming Sorcerer to a impolosion spamming Cleric and then rebuild into a Shape spamming shifter.

Silly... but known to happen... and generally as long as the character remains true to their interative RP's. most other players will shrug it off.

A little harder to shrug off is when people completely change their race.
I will leave it up to individuals effected to raise any flags on this... and I also know that a good number of you won't care as long as it has no negative effect on your own RP... . That much said: If you change your character - I will not transfer any non-drop race specific or class specific items if the revised character does not share the same class or race.

While I have no problem with RP that includes race changes - unless I am personally aware of the RP, I am not going to step in after the fact and exchange such items. The ajudicating DM in that RP should handle such matters.
