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Business Out of the Usual..

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 2:59 pm
by ValentianNizzle
.. The town's crier stood gaunt and tall as per usual, though, a large money bag was placed in his hand as he yelled at the top of his lungs: "hear ye, hear ye - I have been paid to inform you all, that.. *mumbles as he tries to remember the bloke's name, and after a few seconds he snaps his fingers at remembering the name* that Mr. Cairn of the Order of the Morning Lord seeks to purchase Forge Stones and encourages any and everyone whom seeks to sell their Forge Stones. Also, Mr. Cairn seeks able-bodied young men to be placed in his service, more details can be found out upon seeking Mr. Cairn out! Hear ye, hear ye.. *he goes as he is about to start repeating what he just said so that all should hear throughout the keep* "Oh.. and ye! I almost forgot.. those whom will be placed in his service will also receive a large gold bag every fortnight!"

Seems business in Blackstone may be in for a change..

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 8:01 pm
by Hordack
**A dark figure looks up from his book and looks over at the Town Crier**

Blah .... I rather sale my stones to the jackal then people of some cult .. who believe's in some false god ... **chuckles**

Only one true god around here **pulls a gold coin out and flip's it** Yes and indeed only one true god around here ...

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 1:54 pm
by ValentianNizzle
Later that same evening, came a good and long time friend of Ahmad's, Amundsen Peril. They had known eachother for a very long time and had recently just begun a business venture together, entitled The Merchant's Consortium for now. Ahmad stood and chatted casually as they always did near the Blackstone Marketplace, they joked about this and that, critized adventurers and other uncultivated people and generally acted like snobs with a healthy sense of humor. Though it could easily be overheard that Amundsen had lost all his funding and material when Zim nearly had capsized the ship in a unfortunate accident whilst travelling to Blackstone by seafare.. He was now to go out and reclaim some fortune for him to build his brewing empire up with once more. But what of Ahmad's call for fighters? Well their had been one.. But he was hardly worth mentioning.

What shall become of Amundsen Peril's brewing business? What does this call for fighters mean? And what is this Merchant's Consortium? Time will tell..