Interior Tile Mistake or Flaw of Fastpaws?

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Interior Tile Mistake or Flaw of Fastpaws?

Post by Gibbo »

I posted this message on the Bioware forums, but you people are just like family, from the slurring drunken uncles to the great-cousins who are still in denial that man has landed on the moon. Here it is:

I've been working with the toolset and came across an unusual problem while working with the 'Standard_Interior' tileset.

I tried using the tile called "Floor_2_Corners" for aesthetic reasons in a tavern layout. Seems as though characters cannot walk into this tile, even though it's a flat floor.

The toolset shows that it is a walkable tile, however in game I cannot get the characters on the tile.

Has anyone else run into this problem. I glanced over the first page of posts and did not see anything that fit quite right, so I'm tossing it out to the community. Is this just a user error (ie, I'm missing something) or is this one of those more real and serious issues?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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Post by viobane »

Hey! Perhaps I'm that great cousin? I may be drunk, too. Not sure. ... ccusations
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Post by Caesius »

Did you put any placeables on the tile? It seems the baking process gets funny when that happens according to the folks on this thread: ... &forum=113

Here's a couple of excerpts from the nwn2toolsethelp.html file in the documentation folder:

nwn2toolsethelp.htm wrote:Level Baking

Level baking needs to be done before a map is completed just like exterior maps. Tilesets are predefined for baking. The walls and doorways are already setup to bake properly. Your main consideration will be placeables and other objects. Remember if a tile is overly populated with objects it can fail to bake properly. If this happens that tile will not be walkable and you will either have to remove some objects or convert some to environmental objects and use walkmesh cutters. See the Level Baking section for more info.
nwn2toolsethelp.htm wrote:Walkmesh Cutter (Trigger)

In the “Triggersâ€
The only constant is change.
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Post by Gibbo »

Baking is second nature to me-- admittedly it took me 2 days of head scratching at first to realize what it did (I don't read manuals often).

Caes, I tried out your suggestions and it appears to be a placeable problem...

But it's screwy! Screwy, I say! I have the least amount of placeables comparatively in that one tile than anywhere else in the entire area... but it still wouldn't work properly.

When I moved all the placeables in that tile to the tile adjecent, rebaked, saved and fired up the game for a test. I could enter the tile, but I couldn't enter the next tile with the original placeables. .... Hiss! Growl! Rawr! Piss and vinegar!

I have this sinking feeling that it's just one buggy placeable causing my problems. I'll do a little more trial and error to see what comes up.
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Post by driller »

Draw a walkmesh cutter trigger around the placeables to fix the problem.

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Post by Gibbo »

Oooooooooooookkkkayyyy......... :? :? :?

I moved the placeables back into their original tile and tried to recreate the glitch... but everything worked fine.

>_<; A day or two of frustration with trigger walk cutters and detailed research on the bake function, and all I had to do was move the table 10 feet away, then move it back.

At least it's fixed, that's what matters. That and I've learned to keep a bottle of delicious nearby for stress release :D
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Post by Pretty Fly White Guy »

im still thinking it's an Error of Fastpaws, tbh :P
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Post by Gibbo »

Ah... the prankster nephew from England who hides rubber snakes in the bathtub... so we meet again.