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NWN2 is Great! And sux at same time

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:16 pm
by Slayeth
I have been checking the game out and I have to say, the plot, graphics and new classes are awesome. Really like the road they went down with it. However... the game crashes randomly, saves self delete, video graphics go out, memory errors, etc.... Kinda taking and outweighing how fun the game really is. Sucks to get excited about a newly discovered feature in the plot to go around and beat the next *big* stage of a quest and get to a turning point..... save the game.... game locks up then have to reboot the machine to load back and see all your saves gone. I have a really hard time seeing how this game made it to the shelves as buggy as it is.... Kinda like playing a beta version. When you pay 50$ you expect to play the game out of the box after ya install it. Pretty dissappointed, and really hope they are able to get some of the bugs taken care of.


Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:44 am
by ST_DM_Myle
The game basically IS stil beta.

Advice #1: Use the search feature here for NWN2 topics and use the advice there for altering your settings or tweaking your system for better game play.

Advice #2: Put it on the shelf, wait until Febuary, then log back on. Download the 3 months worth of updates and hope that they have made enough progress that the game is not essentually still a beta test imposed on the public.

Advice #3: This one does not aply because you already paid good money for the previledge of beta testing a game that should have been done and ready to play out of the box ages ago.

The good news is that you at least have a system that can handle the game.


Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:28 am
by _Murdock_
well I got the game and my oppinion is we have to get use to it......just the same as every new game.
I upgrated my drivers from the net and it runs smoother than before so that's the advise I give to others....upgrade your drivers before run the thing.

personally I didn't have crashes or reboots so far

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:39 am
by Gibbo
Tis a shame that a few people are having such difficulties. I've had nothing but flawless success and overwhelming praise-- along with everyone else I've personally spoken with who owns the game. Fear not the patches. Every game has them when they first release. I believe they're called "Release Patches". Go figure...

Heh.. of course, the game supporters who aren't having problems probably aren't posting because they're too busy trying to protect their keep from the armies of cultists.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:26 am
by Rami_Ahmed
It runs really good with me too. Only crashed twice, once because Norton Antivirus started scanning and then made pop-ups, while I was loading new module. The other time I don't remember, but anyway, game runs fine for me. So, maybe you should update drivers, play with game settings or get a new graphics card.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:54 am
by Lady Tray'o Curs-ed Song
Now that I have everything set up and my drivers were updated (properly this time) I think the game is Fing awesome. I'm playing my usual druid (in her new subrace and multiclass build might I add) and I am having a ball. Star Child rules my party. I am part way through act one and she's doing great.

Wild Shaping to act as tank when necessary, casting like hell to heal and buff party members, using her animal wolf companion to assist my dwarf friend, and relying on Zen Archery with Point Blank Shot for deadly accuracy. Good. No its better than good. When I'm done with single player hopefully a nice mod will be out there to join for multiplayer.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:14 pm
by Caesius
I'm currently in Act 3, I rolled up a variant version of a wood elf character of mine. Selamine currently has 8 Ranger/1 Wizard/10 Arcane Archer. The keep building elements and the siege remind me of the suikoden games which I thoroughly enjoyed. (Except for no. 4. Sailing from island to island was very tedious with a fight every 10 seconds.)

Once you get past the technical issues, I find the game to be at least as addictive as it's predecessor.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:31 pm
by Lady Tray'o Curs-ed Song
Cass how are you already on act 3?.... Must be nice. Anyway I must say for the limited gaming time I do have now I too am addicted. Sure it has some issues but its still loads of fun to play.

Selamine sounds nice. Star will be Druid 17, Monk 1, Assassin 1, SD 1 in the end. I could go on foreever as to why I chose to build that way.

If anyone wants to start from the beginning with a new char but play multiplayer let me know. I'll be happy to begin a new campaign with another char I have in mind.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:31 pm
by Caesius
Lady Tray'o Curs-ed Song wrote:Cass how are you already on act 3?...
I target enemy spellcasters first and I fire off lots of head shots(crits).

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 9:29 am
by Gibbo
I can just imagine ...


Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 9:45 am
by Doofy Britches
Midway through act II with a straight fighter...and I have a 5th lvl Warlock near of the end of Act I. Warlock is very interesting character....

I do like the story.. its good.. and there's plenty of fighting to do. The camera is still screwy though... so much so that I often find myself fighting it instead of enjoying the game. Combat.. is well... clunky. You get it done.. but its sloppy... its not "point and click friendly" as NwN is... but getting used to it still.

While there are some pretty darn good looking areas graphically.. nothing I've seen yet compares to screenies that Kurgan and Driller posted yesterday. BSK2 will surpass this, I'm sure.

I must say, its incredibly cool to zoom the camera in to 1st person view in the dungeons and buildings, and be able to see the roof and such... very engrossing.. but there is another NwN mod I play on where that is the norm as well. The graphics are better here.. but.. hard to enjoy because of the clunkiness.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:46 am
by Rami_Ahmed
Doofy Britches wrote:I do like the story.. its good.. and there's plenty of fighting to do. The camera is still screwy though... so much so that I often find myself fighting it instead of enjoying the game. Combat.. is well... clunky. You get it done.. but its sloppy... its not "point and click friendly" as NwN is... but getting used to it still.
When you get used to it, you won't find it clunky. I like the camara modes. I find it easy and kinda cool.
I completed the OC with a clean sorcerer, male human. Now I'm completing it 'the evil way' with a Fighter/WM/Rogue. I love NWN2 :mrgreen:

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:09 pm
by Caesius
My favorite method of controlling the camera is by holding the scroll wheel down while moving the mouse.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 10:33 pm
by Wing--Zero
Caesius wrote:My favorite method of controlling the camera is by holding the scroll wheel down while moving the mouse.
Thank you Caes ive been meaning to say that to people that keep on complaining about the camera angles. Just click the mouse wheel and your good to go. I myself have been playing nwn 2 and have about 5-6 builds lined up and awaiting nwn 2 some wich involve clerics, rdds, monks and druids. Cant wait to see how bsk 2 will look love the screenies single player is awesome very better than nwn 1 in my opinon game wise I have had no problem with except for the spell casting feature it just seems slower to me than the one on nwn 1. It feels like you gotta wait on it to load than cast *shrugs* maybe its just me I dont know oh well cant wait to see you all there on bsk 2 and Star or a bunch of us should hook up on a multiplayer/singleplayer game would be fun.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:07 am
by DM Dragonheart
Might be a while before im with ya there Wing heheh but ill get there eventually i seriously do need to upgrade tried to run NWN2 on my system with reduced settings as suggested and sadly wayyyy to laggy atm quality is very poor also but hey..Rome wasnt built in a day :)