Druid shifty forms equip bug

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Druid shifty forms equip bug

Post by SolusEmsu »

This was brought up previously in this thread: viewtopic.php?t=4275

At the end of that one it seems the reporter declared it to be resolved.
However, I am noticing a recurrence myself, of this bug in particular, as reported by the user Drow Arrow:
"Every time I interact with a chest (taking/placing items) or buy from a vendor (can't sell while shifted) it does the usual unshift and shift thing but now it's forgetting my merged gear (which i know because my AC drops from 40 while shifted to 28) so I have to unshift and shift again to fix it."
Any change to the inventory while shifted causes a green sparkly re-calculation of my stats, and it gives me multiple "You cannot use that item" messages, and then my AC drops by 14+ points. My guess is that this has to do with the way shifted AC is calculated, since it is being buffed on this server to take more from equipment than the base game says it should. When it re-shifts me I think it is giving me the amount of AC I "should" have in the base game, without the benefits granted by Blackstone Keep.

Since the previous thread indicated a resolution, I wanted to bring this up as a new bug report, as the situation might well have changed since the original thread in 2021. I am not sure how it is intended to be, but it seems to be a bug, so I shall report it as such.

Thank you for your time, have a good day! ^.^
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Re: Druid shifty forms equip bug

Post by driller »

Shifters have always had issues even in the base game. But, I made a change that may help.
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Re: Druid shifty forms equip bug

Post by SolusEmsu »

Unfortunately, it now since the most recent restart seems that the shifty forms are not taking any armor properties. Not AC, not ability increases, not saves, only the +damage properties of my weapon. However, even the +damage effect seems to be inconsistent. Sometimes it does not apply at all, sometimes it waits for that heartbeat to apply like it would before, and sometimes it gives me the +damage, then the damage bonus is lost on the heartbeat.

By dropping an item and then picking it up I forced the green transformation thing to occur, and it gave me.. some of my armor properties, but not all. It gave me my +Saves, and seems to re-apply my damage bonus if it was lost upon the initial transformation.

All of the above seems to also be affecting the Polymorph spell(s), as I tested that on my Wizard after seeing the change on my Druid. I imagine the same script was running for both of them, so it is (non-)affecting both now.

I have heard many times that the whole polymorphing/wild shaping stuff is probably the buggiest part of the time, I get that. I do hope you can find a fix for it, I will watch here and report any further issues I find.
I know little about the inner workings of the engine and trying to make this stuff work, I am just trying to test and report what I find here, in as much detail as I can gather and express.
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Re: Druid shifty forms equip bug

Post by SolusEmsu »

Just updating again because I noticed it and remembered.
Seems to have been reverted to the previous version, it takes my armor values and such on shift but loses it on area transition or inventory change.
Not sure if you did something more or if it just started to click.

If that is just the way it is I can deal with it, this is definitely more just annoyance than gamebreaking. Especially once the Druid level is high enough that I can shift many times a day, it becomes much less of an issue.

EDIT: Fadrithial achieved level 16 and got Elemental Shape. Elemental Shape does not seem to lose the full stats when it does its green shifty thing when I pick up items, or when I transfer zones. It seems to specifically affect Wild Shape.
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Re: Druid shifty forms equip bug

Post by SolusEmsu »

And testing today, it seems to no longer be happening!
Even after arranging inventory/going through area transitions to make it proc the re-form, it seems to now be keeping the AC and buffs intact.

Thank you for whatever you did! Hopefully it sticks. ^.^
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