Character respec change.

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Character respec change.

Post by driller »

Based on what I said in this thread:


I am changing how the reset character works. Some people might not like this, but this is final.

Your character will now be reset to 1 xp and then immediately it will refund your XP back to what you had before resetting.

You do no need to use the transfer shelf anymore. The downside is that you are now stuck with the base class of you character.

If your character becomes illegal and fails the ELC check, then you will be put in the ELC area where you can delete and remake your PC.
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Re: Character respec change.

Post by Dyndrilliac »

So, for my Paladin, how can I re-add the Celestial sub-race to him? Or is that no longer possible? That's the only thing I wouldn't mind being able to address. The level 4 Druid toon I made for testing I can always remake from scratch to fix her. Is there any way you can create/add an NPC that will allow you to set your sub-race if you don't already have one?
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Re: Character respec change.

Post by driller »

This will not happen in the future due to the change I made. In your specific case, I will see about fixing it.
Dyndrilliac wrote: Sun Aug 01, 2021 7:02 pm So, for my Paladin, how can I re-add the Celestial sub-race to him? Or is that no longer possible? That's the only thing I wouldn't mind being able to address. The level 4 Druid toon I made for testing I can always remake from scratch to fix her. Is there any way you can create/add an NPC that will allow you to set your sub-race if you don't already have one?
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Re: Character respec change.

Post by Dyndrilliac »

Thank you! It's not a huge deal, so if it turns out to be too time consuming to resolve, I'll understand, it just really fits my theme well :)
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Re: Character respec change.

Post by bthorns »

Well that’s a neat change. I read that thread and I wasn’t totally in agreement with what the person was saying. Personally, I have had no trouble at all with the transfer shelf, releveling, not losing items or fear from using the system.

Actually, I was amazed by it. Having played the original years ago, you just simply had to make a new character entirely if you messed up lol. I was thankful for seeing it.

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Re: Character respec change.

Post by sergeil »

Can I still delete the character and get his experience back? Let it will be not in state building, but in another place

Let's new users use this way, but give experienced users the way to create character from start.
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Re: Character respec change.

Post by Catopillar »

Would you consider adding the function back but in a more advanced are, maybe even in skyhaven? This way only more advanced users would have access to it, so newer players wouldn’t accidentally lose stuff.
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Re: Character respec change.

Post by sergeil »

As I remember, re-leveling by XP drop was used some time ago and is cancelled because a lot of issues.

PS: Well, few people lost their equipment because they were not enough careful. It is good lesson for future in game and in real life too. Tomorrow they will feed Pixy-trader some valuable. Is it reason to disable Pixy-trader?
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Re: Character respec change.

Post by driller »

The original reason I added respec was to get around ELC issues and endless emails about I made a mistake with my character.
I never liked the trainer aspect of I can level one character and play then all angle. This change fixes all these issues.
Catopillar wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:37 am Would you consider adding the function back but in a more advanced are, maybe even in skyhaven? This way only more advanced users would have access to it, so newer players wouldn’t accidentally lose stuff.
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Re: Character respec change.

Post by Sway »

I understand and can agree with the change 100%. However, there was no warning about this before the change was made. Is there anyway we can get a timeframe to make changes on the old system before this is put into permanent place. I ask not for me, but for other players that were leveling up toons with a "level up build" then releveling them with their proper builds. I have players saying they're quitting the server due to this change and i hate to see that become a trend.
driller wrote: Sun Aug 01, 2021 2:29 pm Based on what I said in this thread:


I am changing how the reset character works. Some people might not like this, but this is final.

Your character will now be reset to 1 xp and then immediately it will refund your XP back to what you had before resetting.

You do no need to use the transfer shelf anymore. The downside is that you are now stuck with the base class of you character.

If your character becomes illegal and fails the ELC check, then you will be put in the ELC area where you can delete and remake your PC.
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Re: Character respec change.

Post by driller »

If someone quits over this, then they would they will be better off downloading and playing Advanced Halls of Training.

This happens all the time, some people get upset about things changes don't go their way then they declare they will quit and that's fine. There are plenty of servers out there that are really well made and have this option. That's where they need to be playing.

Sway wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 7:47 am I understand and can agree with the change 100%. However, there was no warning about this before the change was made. Is there anyway we can get a timeframe to make changes on the old system before this is put into permanent place. I ask not for me, but for other players that were leveling up toons with a "level up build" then releveling them with their proper builds. I have players saying they're quitting the server due to this change and i hate to see that become a trend.
driller wrote: Sun Aug 01, 2021 2:29 pm Based on what I said in this thread:


I am changing how the reset character works. Some people might not like this, but this is final.

Your character will now be reset to 1 xp and then immediately it will refund your XP back to what you had before resetting.

You do no need to use the transfer shelf anymore. The downside is that you are now stuck with the base class of you character.

If your character becomes illegal and fails the ELC check, then you will be put in the ELC area where you can delete and remake your PC.
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Re: Character respec change.

Post by Dyndrilliac »

Sway wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 7:47 am I ask not for me, but for other players that were leveling up toons with a "level up build" then releveling them with their proper builds.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only difference is now they can't change the choices they made for their very first class level. This shouldn't impact them unless they are playing a very specific build that requires front-loading a dip and that front-loaded dip makes it virtually unplayable 1-40. And if that was the case, I do sincerely apologize and hope we can address the needs of those users.

But, not gonna lie, it's also a bit cheesy and power-gamey to play through the whole game with one build, and then switch at the last minute to a build that is unplayable in the early game. How is that sort of shenanigans any different from using alignment shift tricks to combine chaotic and a lawful classes, which is prohibited here?

So on one hand I do have sympathy, but on the other hand, the only level they can't change is the first level, so that sympathy doesn't extend super far.
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Re: Character respec change.

Post by Sway »

Like i said, i understand and agree with the change 100%. However, the sudden change doesn't sit well with some players because of the months/year of the current respec system, which i can understand.
Sway wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 7:47 am I ask not for me, but for other players that were leveling up toons with a "level up build" then releveling them with their proper builds.
^^^ this has been the way of life on BSK for a while.
Dyndrilliac wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 9:26 am
Sway wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 7:47 am I ask not for me, but for other players that were leveling up toons with a "level up build" then releveling them with their proper builds.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only difference is now they can't change the choices they made for their very first class level. This shouldn't impact them unless they are playing a very specific build that requires front-loading a dip and that front-loaded dip makes it virtually unplayable 1-40. And if that was the case, I do sincerely apologize and hope we can address the needs of those users.

But, not gonna lie, it's also a bit cheesy and power-gamey to play through the whole game with one build, and then switch at the last minute to a build that is unplayable in the early game. How is that sort of shenanigans any different from using alignment shift tricks to combine chaotic and a lawful classes, which is prohibited here?

So on one hand I do have sympathy, but on the other hand, the only level they can't change is the first level, so that sympathy doesn't extend super far.
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Re: Character respec change.

Post by Darkness »

I'm going to opine quickly, based on general principles. Change happens. You can adapt or complain. Like art, NWN servers are the result of someone's effort. We play in it but had no hand in creating it, except maybe tangentially. If you don't enjoy it, don't play. I plan to adapt and enjoy the changes. I have met several people, particularly in the guild I am in, that I enjoy playing with. Until that changes, it's still fun. That's why I play. The other principle that I tend to apply to such situations is that I like to pretend that the world I'm in is real when I play. It's just that it's a far more interesting world, with magic and dragons. That's the rp aspect. As in the real world, change happens. When it does change, you can either be the dinosaur or the mammal. Adapt or die.
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Re: Character respec change.

Post by driller »

I guess my plan to turn hardcore rules on and enable monsters crits then remove all immunities and replace them with + to saves won't be well received either?
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