General suggestions

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General suggestions

Post by Harvey88 »

After deleting all my characters and trashing my 25+ worthless forge stones, I figured I would stop by and drop some suggestions.

Make AC actually matter, currently bosses have 120 to hit, making AC 100% a worthless statistic.

Don't hide crafting behind a super secret system that has no hints and people protect like it's the f'n covenant. If i ever come back, it would prevent me from just tossing them into the trash receptacle.

Add custom content, CEP has been out for a while now and NWN sync is easy.

Give some hints on what you are actually supposed to do, after reaching level 40 and dying in the lost city for months, obnoxious roleplay is all that there is left to do.

Had fun with lots of people here the last 3 months, take care bros.
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Re: General suggestions

Post by driller »

First, there is no way to satisfy everyone who logs on to this server. It is never going to happen.

Part of original intent of AC was to take in account of how much protection armor gave, when D&D added DR, it pretty much superseded this as a mechanic in my mind. There is a personal bias at work here to, I never liked the ideal of that you couldn't hit something standing within arms length.
DR makes much more sense to me. This is why the server works the way it does.

The forging system is meant to be learned by experimenting and interacting with other players.
This is for the "I want to experiment and discover something crowd", not the "I want it now one".

A lot of what is in CEP is of poor quality and it adds bloat to the module size which is already fairly large.
If I ever add custom content, It will be handpicked to allow only the highest quality and stuff that makes sense for bsk.

Again, interacting with others players was always the goal to find out new things about the server.

You had fun with lots of people, mission accomplished.

Thanks for the suggestions.
Harvey88 wrote: Tue Jul 20, 2021 10:09 am After deleting all my characters and trashing my 25+ worthless forge stones, I figured I would stop by and drop some suggestions.

Make AC actually matter, currently bosses have 120 to hit, making AC 100% a worthless statistic.

Don't hide crafting behind a super secret system that has no hints and people protect like it's the f'n covenant. If i ever come back, it would prevent me from just tossing them into the trash receptacle.

Add custom content, CEP has been out for a while now and NWN sync is easy.

Give some hints on what you are actually supposed to do, after reaching level 40 and dying in the lost city for months, obnoxious roleplay is all that there is left to do.

Had fun with lots of people here the last 3 months, take care bros.
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Re: General suggestions

Post by Kalizzle »

Harvey88 wrote: Tue Jul 20, 2021 10:09 am Don't hide crafting behind a super secret system that has no hints and people protect like it's the f'n covenant. If i ever come back, it would prevent me from just tossing them into the trash receptacle.
I've played on this server on and off for 17 years and still have yet to figure out all the forges secrets. It's not hard to reach out in game to someone to help with crafting even if that means paying them a fee. Why should someone that spent hours building said crafter do something for free or just give away the info. Yes I found out over time what certain forge stones did what...but that was also wayyy before driller added additional forge stones and even the new socket so I've been bounced back to a newbie status on all that.. but as driller said the whole point of the server is to interact with other players or learn by trial and error...yea you could lose forge stones in the process but as you stated you trash them anyway.
-Lady Sabel
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Re: General suggestions

Post by SkyBlues87 »

I too have been around on BSK for the likes of 16 years plus but had the likes of a 7 year break from it due to family related issues.. If you truely wish to acquire knowledge of the forge stones and their usage then do as I did when I returned to BSK and make a public deal with another player like mine in the cork board to gain the up to date information it cost me a prismatic forge stone and a few other bits and pieces but it was worth it in the long run..

Claiming that it is hard to find the forge and difficult to get to in my opinion is an absolute nonsence... You want difficult to find a forge try looking at PoA Higher Ground server/s still running on NWN1.. Back in the days were I played there as well as BSK you had to be level 40 to go find it, it would randomly appear on 1 of there 9 servers and like 1 of each servers 7 elemental plains and then 1 in 3 of said elemental plains maps for around 24 hours before it moved to a new location... Now thats difficult compared to what BSK has.. I only found it once only to discover I had not got the right ingrediants to do what I wanted to do, because it is even more secretive than BSK has been or ever will be... Please be more patient and learn to love what you have here in BSK than you'd find elsewhere..
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Re: General suggestions

Post by Harvey88 »

"If you truely wish to acquire knowledge of the forge stones and their usage then do as I did when I returned to BSK and make a public deal with another player like mine"

All im hearing is another >pay me for the privilege of knowledge.
Yawn, it reminds of me of the guy that drives out into the country and all the hicks go "we don't like yer kind around here" It's easier to just move to another server than to try and break into silly RP cliques
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Re: General suggestions

Post by Kalizzle »

Harvey88 wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 10:11 pm "If you truely wish to acquire knowledge of the forge stones and their usage then do as I did when I returned to BSK and make a public deal with another player like mine"

All im hearing is another >pay me for the privilege of knowledge.
Yawn, it reminds of me of the guy that drives out into the country and all the hicks go "we don't like yer kind around here" It's easier to just move to another server than to try and break into silly RP cliques
Well you sound like you're just pouting then...literally make friends with someone that's been around a while. It's not hard to interact in or out of character rather than trolling the discord like you have been saying that forge stones are useless and trashing them. Driller, skye and I have all given you advice on ways to figure it could take the advice..
-Lady Sabel
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Re: General suggestions

Post by Harvey88 »

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Re: General suggestions

Post by sergeil »

Harvey88 wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 10:11 pm Surprised im hearing is another >pay me for the privilege of knowledge.
Yawn, it reminds of me of the guy that drives out into the country and all the hicks go "we don't like yer kind around here" It's easier to just move to another server than to try and break into silly RP cliques
Surprised. IMHO, this is a very fresh and unexpected point of view. I was sure that if I want something limited, like beer, I have 3 options.

1. Brew beer.
2. Pay for beer
3. Get beer from friends as a treat.

In the case of crafting on the server.
1. You can learn craft by trial and error
2. You can pay people who have already invested
3. You can get knowledge as a gift.
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Re: General suggestions

Post by Garrett »

instead of being salty, you could have just asked anyone in game to help you with crafting for free. :mrgreen:
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Re: General suggestions

Post by sergeil »

Garrett wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 11:02 am instead of being salty, you could have just asked anyone in game to help you with crafting for free. :mrgreen:
Be honest, not everyone will craft for free. But, there is chance to find someone who will craft for reasonable cost. Crafting has it's net cost. It mean, crafting all gear for level 40 requires a lot of forge stones an 30-50M gold.

PS: Well, sure, crafter can pay net cost for his good friend.
Last edited by sergeil on Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: General suggestions

Post by sergeil »

Garrett wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 11:02 am instead of being salty, you could have just asked anyone in game to help you with crafting for free. :mrgreen:
I'm agree, that there is serious chance to receive info about crafting for free. People are not so greedy as looks.
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Re: General suggestions

Post by Qui Chang »

I actually somewhat agree with Harvey88 on some of this. It would be nice if there was some in-game lore/hints to help figure out some of the forge. Some ideas:
~Occasional line that pops up in NPC one liners in the Playful Maiden or other similar areas. "I heard such and such forge stone helps with spider bites."
~When completing an entire NPC quest line, maybe the last thing they say could be a forge stone hint. -Rodran, "I prefer to subdue my enemies before I kill them. Thank Kazra for such and such forge stones."
~Rare scraps of ancient parchment that drop, with some barely legible writing that gives a hint.
You get the idea.

And I agree that there seems to be a bit of weirdness sometimes when it comes to AB and AC balancing. That being said I know that it is a hard thing to get just right. As Driller said, "You can't please everyone". But If I'm in an area that is appropriate to my level, the enemies I'm fighting shouldn't only have to roll a 1 to miss me. Or the opposite, if it is hard for them to hit me, but then they hit me twice and I'm dead. etc.. It does of course depend on the build as well. Yeah that's a tough one.
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