Question for Ms. Manners

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Question for Ms. Manners

Post by Fenrip »

Do you all establish ground rules for drops when setting up a party? How do you do so and not sound like a jerk when you move from one group to another. Please read below for explanation.

I prefer rogues and enjoy gunshipping for groups. Disrupting spell casters and laying down heavy sneak attacks is better than tanking and less trouble for me than casting. HOWEVER, it is getting expensive and I see very little loot as a result. While I stand back and look for the next target coming at my group, the group is picking up what is at their feet (far away from me). I've missed out on a few forge stones in the process.

I was going to just deal with it until the other night when I locked on to a target and fired a couple arrows at a critter engaged with a character I thought was in my party. I realized the char was not in my party and disengaged. I then got a message from the person telling me to stop kill stealing. One volley of arrows and I get that????

Now, I don't want to sound like a baby but I've been losing money on these excursions and everyone else is getting rich AND experience. The dexer Halfling can only carry so many sets of armor that the others leave behind. I think popping off the amount of damage I do, often the majority of it, deserves more than the scraps. Sticking to regular arrows solves the problem a little but I still lose out on loot and do less damage.

Sorry for the long post and thank you for your time.
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Post by Gibbo »

Do you all establish ground rules for drops when setting up a party?
I come out and tell people straight up. Nothing beats clear cut words.
How do you do so and not sound like a jerk when you move from one group to another.
I'd start off saying something like, "I'd like to make a few simple personal requests for the party before we begin..."

Most peeps are understanding, and if they're not, they aren't worth your time to party with. If they slip and don't comply with a request like... well, "save me some loot" or "don't do quests in party" or "no IC chatter in partychat" or whatever the request may be, you can simply leave the party.

I know it's general policy to not do quests while in party. Whenever in a large party purely for 3D chatroom socializing purposes, people tend to forget that rule and turn in a quest. That glorious fanfare chime blares and I smile cause I think I did something awesome, but then I realize that someone just forever took away one of my quests ;_;

I just give a snarl or rawr in party chat and take my leave lol... Peeps are nice enough to apologize for turning in a quest. They forget until it's too late.

But to imply to you issue... if people aren't sharing the loot, I suggest you take it up with them. If they mooch off your work, take your skills to people who do share.

And to the player who told you to stop KS'ing? Well, you could always do what I do and goad them into an argument. ^_^;

"Oh, sorry about that. I didn't see you doing any significant damage to that very easy creature with your inferior weapons and flawed tactics. My apologies. Perhaps next time I'll sit down and watch you have at it while drinking a spot of tea and enjoying a crumpet."

Works 80% of the time. The other 20% of the time they're confused beyond disbelief.
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Post by driller »

Before you start, make sure everyone is in agreement on taking turns.
No matter who kills what, divide the loot up like this:

Player A gets the loot from the first mob that drops it.
Player B gets the loot from the second mob that drops it.
So on and so on...
Rinse and repeat.

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Post by Akimb0 »

Simply play with people you know. Who will share loot. If you don't know anyone, just play solo like I do. I play a mage who can't get into the thick of things, so she'd miss out loot if I party played. My other character is a rogue and tends to hoover up the one nice looking thing he spots drop, then leave everything else to the other players. I see it as the fringe benefit of being the handyman of a team.
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Post by Caesius »

Another option is to assign one party member to gather all the treasure then split it up once everone returns from the excursion. Someone with a high strength and is trustworthy is ideal.
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Post by T'banyin »

The folks I have been playing with we pretty much ( without even saying anything ) rotate loot. We also rotae forgestones, no matter who picks it up.
If we are in an area with other parties working, we then, break loot protocol, for our party and loot whatever and share later, So by off chance that the other party is dishonorable, we wont be losing out on that.
I'd sooner see one from my own party pick up 5 forgies in a row, than wait for someone fromt he party to try and get there before a shadowdanced rogue picks it up ;)

In addition, hunting with a person I am not familiar with, they get a warning if they are hording too much, if they keep it up, I don't hunt with them again. I may however still roleplay with them, but, I won't hunt with them.
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Post by oPlayer »

If i see something i want and can get it first. Its mine! Muahhh!

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