BSK Update List

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Re: BSK Update List

Post by driller »

Forms with weapons now get perks and special onhits transferred.
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Re: BSK Update List

Post by driller »

Added Dark Azul Event in the Waste Deadrock area. This is basically a beta test to find bugs or balance issues.

It is a four player event with three phases.

Phase one is to collect the flames we all know and love and deposit them in a brazier. You will need 25 for each one.

Phase two, you need to try and protect the pillars from being destroyed, you will not fail if they are, but your loot is reduced if they are destroyed.

Phase three is to beat the Dark Azul boss. He has some really nasty weapons and a healing rift. You need to DPS him as fast as you can or else he will heal up to full health.

The boss will drop a random rune for Runewords.

He will drop Runewords recipes in the future.
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Re: BSK Update List

Post by driller »


Recipes added to raid boss loot table.
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Re: BSK Update List

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Added an event to Captain Zim. You must be at least level 10 and a party size of 2-4 players(all of the party needs to be in the keep).
The event scales to party size and level.
There is a small chance for the boss to drop a rune word recipe.
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Re: BSK Update List

Post by driller »


Added the Final Dream quest.
A rune word recipe will drop if you complete the quest.
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Re: BSK Update List

Post by driller »

I will be adding a bonus to a few classes to improve build diversity.

A polymorphed PC's damage will be increased by 25%.
Blackguards/CoT/PDK and Harper Scouts will get damage bonuses based on their levels.

This will not activate for the following if you are ten levels or below.

PDK(5) d6(pdk level) of magic damage.
HS(5) d6(hs level) of base damage.
BG(30) d3(bg level / 3) of negative damage.
CoT(30) d3(cot level / 3) of divine damage.
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Re: BSK Update List

Post by driller »

Fix a few longstanding shifter bugs that involved weapon merging properties.

Fixed new bonus damage for shifters not applying.

Added Chaos Raids to Skyhaven.

How it works:

A random boss will spawn, if you defeat the boss, then there will be a 30 second intermission.
If you want to fight the next boss, do nothing and the boss will spawn at the end of the timer.
When the current boss dies, an exit portal will spawn, if you want to leave and cash in on any possible rewards,
step into the exit portal.

The more bosses you beat, the better the reward chances. But, the bosses get more difficult as you go along.

If the party is wiped, your reward chance is set to 0% and you are sent back to Skyhaven.

Once you enter, you cannot leave until either you die or the boss is defeated.

Because this is an instance that can be ran as many times as you want, there is not a guaranteed drop, it is only a percent chance
that goes up as you defeat more and more bosses.

Some boss abilities might be harder than others, it is totally random on what you will get.
Be aware of mechanics that can wipe the party if you are not paying attention.(currently, only boss #11 has a mechanic)
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Re: BSK Update List

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Added an option to the Forge that allows you to change how your gloves are seen by the Forge, you can toggle between armor or weapon.

Added a Battleground area event. This is the only area that will drop Forge stone shards. Collect enough and they can be put in the Magic Stone to make a Universal Forge Stone. There will be an option at the Forge to change the color of the stone to anyone you want. Except for Amber/Scarlet or Violet of course.

This event has a chance of coming up when you defeat a Horde boss. You must slay all the mobs within a time limit to clear the battlefield.

The number of mobs and time maybe adjusted as more information is collected. Please report any bugs you encounter.
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Re: BSK Update List

Post by driller »

Fixed various Skyhaven event bugs.
Fixed Shifter weapon bug.
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Re: BSK Update List

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Fixed shifter item ability/ac stacking.
Added dice roll chat command "/roll:".
To use it, type /roll:<number of dice | number of sides> i.e. /roll:1d20.
The number range for dice and sides is 1-100. There is a one second cool down between rolls.
Did a few balancing tweaks/area progression change to the secret start area.
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Re: BSK Update List

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Loot limit/nerfs added for flagrant multi-boxers.
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Re: BSK Update List

Post by driller »

Semi-rewrote the entire damage system(perks/onhits/specials/recipes/class specific bonuses etc).
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Re: BSK Update List

Post by driller »

Changed devastating critical. Fort saved removed. Multiplier changed to 1.25 base damage.
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Re: BSK Update List

Post by driller »

Soulfire debuff changed from permanent to 1 round. It can be re-applied after the effect wears off.
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Re: BSK Update List

Post by driller »

Added merged property transfers to all creature weapons(claws/bites/slams) and normal equipped ones like Risen Lord's Scythe when shifting.
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