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Possible Return of a Vet

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 8:14 pm
by AcaciaJade
Sooooo its been 7ish years since ive played and i just recently bought nwn off and ive been playing around on the campaigns because to be honest i didnt think any servers were still alive. I stumbled across the forum just reminiscing on old times and noticed the post about the server being up I may need a heads up on what exactly i need to do to access it though:)

Fyi...previously played Sabel:)

Buuuuuuut totally forgot login info for thatXD

Re: Possible Return of a Vet

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 9:23 pm
by Sapphire
There are quite a lot of active servers around still including of course our beloved BSK... Though things have changed with bioware no longer giving listings there is an alternative around that lists active servers, like the one I use called "your server list" it covers both NWN 1, 2, and some other games that one can play on line it is useful to copy/paste server IP's to the direct connections box ...

On a slightly different tac... Am hoping to have some time to come play around on BSK over the festive season, family and visitors etc... allowing ... Because as usual xmas TV is so rubbish yet again ...

Re: Possible Return of a Vet

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 8:49 am
by driller
When you load up NWN1 and get to the part here is says enter your user name and password. Just enter your old player name and type anything in for a password, it won't matter.
Try to login(you will be booted). But, email me the date and time you tried to login and I will fix it.

Re: Possible Return of a Vet

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 5:24 pm
by AcaciaJade
After not playing for nearly 7years im thoroughly impressed with everything that was added to the server! :mrgreen:
Only downside is learning all the codes to get everywhere again and relearning the map! Other than that i feel like more people should start playing again! :D
I feel like there should be a huge reunion of all the vets that played when i was first starting out a decade ago #-o [-o< :oops: