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Re: BSK1 CEP update

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:26 am
by driller
Most of that list can be said of CEP 2.2. What is the specific thing in CEP 2.3 that you are wanting?


Serinity Swift wrote:This is the current CEP 2.3.

As with CEP 2.2, and the CEP's Updater, we are never finished with updating CEP. At this point, we feel 2.3 is stable and working well enough to place it as a first edition on the Vault.

Be warned, more is to be added and such will be updated on the Vault eventually but using your updater will keep you current faster and easier.

Many innovations of great importance to NWN -- DMTS with includes the Sparky Spawner that can spawn from the Monster Containment System (MCS).

The implications of the MCS and the ability to spawn from it will start to hit the NWN community - the importance of this is incalculable. If you run a PW server concerned over the DM palette limit bug -- or you are worried about future creature blueprints sending you over the limit -- here is the future -- you CAN have them all -- and custom creatures to your hearts content.

This is NOT a comprehensive list of 2.3 content, this is a list in general of some of the new features to look for:

CEP 2.3

Continuing to clean, compile and fix models. Redundancy in haks, other than necessary redundancy cleaned, textures fixed, cleaned and in many cases compressed into DDS format.

2da changes and fixed including expanded weapon capabilities and more functionality of CEP weapons.

* Lots of new portraits.
* Lots of new creatures (709 at the moment but more to come) includes creatures Hardpoints, Hydromancer, Adam Miller, ShadowM and JFK and from the CCP and the CEP Team to name a few..
* Lots of new placeables.
* Lots of new effects/Creature VFX appearances by Acaos
* New Clothing.
* New Masks.
* New Tilesets.
* Tintable Creatures. By Acaos, TheExcimer-500, Barry_1066, 420 A CEP Team System.
* Over 100 new doors by Barry_1066
* Dragon Riding models and riding system. Adam Miller (models) Barry_1066 and Malishara, scipts and other system components.
* CEP designed creatures and placeables including Demogorgon and Orcus models.
* Scaleable creature appearances in (glow and no-glow variety) up to 500X normal size
* New skyboxes
* weapon properties
* New miscellaneous base items

* DMTS: By Maliahara and Barry_1066
* Creature Wizard by 420 - (tint, resize, level, change appearances, names, descriptions, portraits and so much more, easily and quickly).
* DM Stage Manager System, SMS (now integrated into part of the Sparky Spawner – one can spawn a saved setup easily and change it easily with the SMS).
* DM Placeable Management System (The Pepper – move placeables where you want them in game – great for build or playing).
* DM Targeting Tool (many functions – an all purpose tool with an ever growing list of commands – utilizes the OnChat function so DMs can command in stealth)
* DM Encounter System (including DM Encounter and Ditto widgets, Encounter Area)
* Monster Containment System, MCS, (integrated with the Sparkey Spawner and found in the encounter area)
* Sparky Spawner (incredibly powerful full featured spawn system integrated with the test of DMTS)

Re: BSK1 CEP update

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:09 am
by Dan8145
Quick question. What's the most recent/highest CEP we can use on BSK?

Re: BSK1 CEP update

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:02 am
by driller
CEP 2.2

Dan8145 wrote:Quick question. What's the most recent/highest CEP we can use on BSK?

Re: BSK1 CEP update

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:36 pm
by Serinity Swift
* Lots of new portraits.
* Lots of new creatures (709 at the moment but more to come) includes creatures Hardpoints, Hydromancer, Adam Miller, ShadowM and JFK and from the CCP and the CEP Team to name a few..
* Lots of new placeables.
* Lots of new effects/Creature VFX appearances by Acaos
* New Clothing.
* New Masks.
* New Tilesets.
* Over 100 new doors by Barry_1066
* Dragon Riding models and riding system. Adam Miller (models) Barry_1066 and Malishara, scipts and other system components.
* CEP designed creatures and placeables including Demogorgon and Orcus models.
* Scaleable creature appearances in (glow and no-glow variety) up to 500X normal size
* New skyboxes
* weapon properties
* New miscellaneous base items

this is just a few of the things that i would like to see from the cep 2.3