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Re: Where did everyone go?

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:20 pm
by Thanatos
To go along with what I said earlier, here's some examples:

While I, myself, was logging a fairly large number of hours on the server for quite some time, I recently was promoted to a new position and acquired a girlfriend. Those 2 items alone make it nearly impossible for me to get any time logged (Roland will back me on the g/f thing).

Nicha is in college.

Who knows what Duo and Roland are doing (probably on some new game, making little kids is customary for them)

Jack and Jenn are off doing their own thing.

Lady Arial relocated to a different server for a bit, but has returned.

Mausman relocated, then took a job, then was promoted (I think).

Trudes relocated, then I think she got a new job somewheres.

Dan drops off the grid now and again, so it's tough to say with him.

Marko's around, but nothing like he used to be.

Gabe seems to be around, but not logging the previous hours he used to.

Shaggy's been gone for some time. I think he may have relocated.

Nizzle's computer broke, then he moved on to some other avenues (other games and such).

PFWG has been gone for some time.

Hordack...I try not to think about what he's doing.

Gibbo may be off womanizing...who knows?

Dread has relocated.

Now, that list alone accounts for 17 (not including myself) who used to log enough hours for a full-time job. There are 1/2 dozen people in that list who were grinding out lvl 40 characters like some sweatshop.

And to be honest, since I started playing on BSK 2 years ago, I've seen only one guild leader log in with any amount of regularity. My experience with the DM's has been limited as well. I'm not knocking the DM's for their lack of involvement, I'm just saying that I really haven't noticed their decline since there wasn't much to begin with.

Re: Where did everyone go?

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:11 pm
by DM_Avalon
Thanatos said
And to be honest, since I started playing on BSK 2 years ago, I've seen only one guild leader log in with any amount of regularity. My experience with the DM's has been limited as well. I'm not knocking the DM's for their lack of involvement, I'm just saying that I really haven't noticed their decline since there wasn't much to begin with.
I can assure you that there are 1 or 2 DM's on BSK most of the time ... we may not be there as DM's ... but we keep an eye on things just the same.

As for Guild leaders ... they may not be playing that particular character at the times you're there ... but I know the Starkson and the Dwarven guild leaders are usually only a login away if needed.

Re: Where did everyone go?

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:18 pm
by Arial_the_Destroyer
Lol Thanny
I'm still around, and I only moved to another server when BSK closed last year. As for Arial ....... I've stood at the tree for ages waiting to start RP and nothing happens. So I log as a different char and hunt Umgah.

I know at least 3 DM's make appearances on BSK, maybe there's no need for them to be there as DM's. I guess the party chat would get kinda boring with only a handful of players on.

As for the others you mentioned ....... people change, so too do real life situations. I'll be on BSK fos as long as it's here, and I know several other players who feel the same way. Don't give up on BSK yet. Anyhow .. with so many of the old vet players gone ... I'm a real old timer now LMAO. Guess Arial is the Granny of BSK :lol:

Re: Where did everyone go?

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 10:18 pm
by Wing--Zero
i've been logging in for the past couple of days but, just not as my regular characters. I'm normally on Light Yagami or L now.

Re: Where did everyone go?

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:56 am
by DM_Shadowlands
Well for myself life will get back to normal... ah what is that? Come around November 3rd. Just a very full few months that I had not expected to pop up so quickly. But once all is settled then people will have to watch out for the shadows again. In the mean time over the years I have seen activity come and go. Folks move on or have rl take over. It is normal, come around December things will start popping again.

As for a player base I'm not worried. The thing that NWN1 has over NWN2 is you can play it easy within just a few mins after installing. With darn NWN2 you have to wait and wait and then find out they have everything half ass backwards. Who ever thought up dial left to go right needs to be shot.

Re: Where did everyone go?

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:33 am
by Mizon Sky
Just a few days ago a grumpy Dwarf was happily smashing umgah heads asunder when a most strange monkey type creature was spotted being chased by a group of the nasty gits, further to this penguins were spotted around the keep by other people.
This quickly turned into a group of adventurers down in the underdark fighting off all manner of creatures: Dragons, Giant scorpions, flying vampires, massive spiders and Balors to name but a few. :shock:
( After alot of very satisfying combat it turned into a little RP event which was most fun )
A few forgeys were also thrown are way as a thank you for defending the keep. :D

Much thanks to the dm that was on that night :wink:

Re: Where did everyone go?

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 10:16 pm
by Kalizzle
Not online anymore at all because...
School is killing me...
I am trying to focus on the whole graduating thing...
This is my last year and BSK is a major distraction for me...
Ask the people that I spent long sleepless nights online with!
But if i get any free time...I WILL pop on for alittle while...

Re: Where did everyone go?

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:54 pm
by morpheus
Tbh for me sadly BSK got boring...same thing day in day out no big aditions or areas to the server..give or take umgah mages or a few different mobs....there werent any real area changes or major additions ...and as for the RP well sadly that got same old same old...

Way to much OOC ...that chr did that to whome ever ..when it never actually happened...the old days and i mean the very early days of BSK when warlock crazy Evil Ann ...Dante ...Natasha Celestine (later davis when the first ever wedding was held on the server)...those were the great days of bsk and sadly all i ever saw towards the end was players who wanted a fun server type rp at all .

With the odd exception for a few devoted players...sadly NWN no longer holds a torch fopr me and ive long since removed it from my comps...sad to see nwn dying a very very slow and extremely painful death....

Re: Where did everyone go?

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:03 am
by Pi'el
This rogue pops out of the shadows on occasion when RL permits...

By the way, Love the Halloween Decorations!!!! =D>

Re: Where did everyone go?

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 8:31 am
by ST_DM_Myle
Wing--Zero wrote:i've been logging in for the past couple of days but, just not as my regular characters. I'm normally on Light Yagami or L now.

Someone is a fan of the Deathnote series.

Re: Where did everyone go?

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 3:38 pm
by tropiofCancer
I left BSK some time ago for a myriad of reasons . A couple people who use to play here started a server and I went there for awhile to try and support them . I have never been much of a pure RP player , I kind of like a 50/50 split to which I gotta thank Driller for uncounted hours of it . RP on BSK is almost entirely gone now , I initiated some the other day and the reply was "Whut lvl R U?" and thats becoming an all too common occurence here . I have done and did about everything BSK has to offer and once again I gotta express my thanks to the staff because its taken some time to do it . I could probably hang out and play king of the hill in the arena but to be quite honest really hurts my PvP game . As I've stated before the slash Immunities here are ridiculous It is a serious build flaw to focus in a slashing weapon if you ever decide to PvP here . Secondly Mordekainens Disjunction is so over the top it strips you of EVERYTHING regardless of DC or will even strip feats. However if you what a really interesting PvM server I could never recommend a better server than BSK ( and I do quite often).
I still pop in from time to time to see old friends and such but if I am on it is soley for that reason. I would like to address something Avalon said real quick..


I can assure you that there are 1 or 2 DM's on BSK most of the time ... we may not be there as DM's ... but we keep an eye on things just the same.

A server doesn't need the police thats what screenshots are for . If you are a DM your job is to bring life and player interactions to the table not walk the keep like the Gestapo . If you aren't having events and such anyone being a DM is pointless . To that end the server Im playing on now doesnt allow DM's as player characters and I've come to find that a damn good policy .

Re: Where did everyone go?

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:21 am
by Alamore-Threepwood
I kinda have to agree with Gabe, BSK has been by far one of the greatest servers I have ever played, and I still think besides looks, probably the best RP server in history, Driller did a very good job, but, the current RP level of it is sad... it's not what it use to be, and so I've gone to another server but I still hop in now and then say hi to the old gang.

Re: Where did everyone go?

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:14 pm
by Nizzle
Thanatos wrote:Nizzle's computer broke, then he moved on to some other avenues (other games and such).
Yes, and the butterfly effect took care of the rest. Which is a good thing actually, seeing as NWN had me going a while there, logging too many IG hours instead of RL hours, some of you know what I mean. I am currently doing my last year of college and pondering upon where I am to go from there. Writing is the obvious choice, but we'll see.

Re: Where did everyone go?

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:55 pm
by MidnightSyndicate
In all honesty and real life issues aside, I got a bit bored. I was never fond of power gaming or RP lite servers, but I managed to stick wtih BSK for a while. The server stays pretty much the same and unchanged with the exception of holidays and updates. I've seen countless other servers doing facelifts and using 1.69 tilesets to make things more fun for their players. Using some new tilesets, throwing in some more atmospheric areas, perhaps some really creepy looking dungeons or haunted places, and just a general make over, might be a good start for making the server more active again.

Re: Where did everyone go?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 3:29 pm
by Doofy Britches
Haven't gone anywhere- but only log in a few times a week at present. No RL issues- just occupied with other fun games and such. The 60 hour weekend marathons though.... .well... I haven't pulled one of those in a while.... LoL! Have several characters- so not everyone recognizes me.

Several other folks Thanny forgot to mention appear regularly as well.