Where did everyone go?

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Re: Where did everyone go?

Post by Jake_Master »

icequeen wrote:When comes to WoW ... well you dont need to pay to play if you know right people and private server's ... few Old BSKer's currently play here ... its all free and free download of WoW.
Maybe so but how many people are gonna know the right people to get this game for free...Cause trust me I sure didnt thats why I wasted my money
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Re: Where did everyone go?

Post by Thanatos »

There are many reasons for the decline. Most all have already been stated. But I think what's important to note here is the time-line. Keep in mind that this game is 6 years old.

Neverwinter Nights was really a pioneer in online gaming. 3/4 of the globe didn't even know what the hell an MMORPG was before this game. What really set this game apart from its competition was its online features though. But the online world has evolved. WoW has taken center stage and even it has lost its luster.

But the internet isn't the only thing that's evolved. High Schoolers have already graduated from college. College kids have entered into their careers. Casual gamers have moved to the family life or other hobbies/interests. When you cut out those groups (or marginally reduce their playing time), attendance is going to suffer. And while those groups certainly don't encompass the player base in its entirety, they were probably the back-bone. Many people logged on just to hang out with the people from those groups and with them went their friends. It trickles on down from there.

Recruiting a younger generation to play the game is fundamentally flawed as well. With newer and flashier games being pumped into production, the younger generations will gladly choose a game that requires a 5-pound graphics card over one with time-tested vets who offer excellent Role Play and less pre-pubescent angst.

Neverwinter is in the death throes of the gaming world. And while it's sad to watch it go, it is an eventuality that all games face. As such, all we can do is enjoy the time we have left with it, and wait for the next good one to replace it.
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Re: Where did everyone go?

Post by XDragonDoomX »

icequeen wrote:
Hordack wrote:
First off well said XDDX. I personally have played WoW and it sucks...No RP, No thought process in makin a build you are one class throughout the hole time to lvl 70. I dont think its worth paying 30 bucks every 2 months to lvl slow as hell. 1 year of playing on WoW = 150 bucks gone and thats not including the 60+ bucks it takes to buy the game and expansion...And their will be more expansions for it. As far as NWN2 goes I havnt tried it myself but the thought of 4 classes is just to confusing for me. For me I will still be on BSK just about everyday till it is 100% dead. You will see new characters made by me and I will be just as active.
When comes to WoW ... well you dont need to pay to play if you know right people and private server's ... few Old BSKer's currently play here ... its all free and free download of WoW. Need also understand WoW is not Nwn ... different style of play and World and not based on the AD&D system


Now for BSK ... I am around just only on for limited time and only on saturday's for now. And I will continue to play until Driller shut's it down. BSK great server ... just shame NwN2 was a bomb and the game itself has become old and out dated.


WELL said Hordy if ya know the right people ya can get on WoW with out paying a thing *grins*

The PvP is great , good old fights and ya get mounts which are 100% better then a horse lol .

Shame BSK is dieing but good things have to come to a end
Free or not. Its not a game I enjoyed playing - like NWN2. So I wont be going to either.
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Re: Where did everyone go?

Post by DM_Shadowlands »

Guys there are a ton of new things coming up for NWN1 it is not dead. The system is opening up to a major change soon. As for this DM not being on for the past month I have had a few RL things going on that will soon be finished. Just a few more weeks and I'll be active again. So watch out for November the shadows will again be active. But for now they are quiet and watching you all.

As for NWN1 don't count it out and down. Bioware's team came up with a BIG and very sneaky fix that is from the talk turning out to be a revival and if everything goes as suggested will surpass NWN2 and blow it away. CEP and others are looking forward to a very different NWN1. Give them a little time for this unoffical patch to come out.
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Re: Where did everyone go?

Post by Cybermagi »

yes Project Q - the unofficial patch looks very interesting.
lets just hope there is still a player base when it's released.

anyhow back to the topic at hand.....
I still pop in from time to time. RL/work/summertime been taking my time.
things calming down now. so hope to be on more.

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Re: Where did everyone go?

Post by Mizon Sky »

Hey DM_Shadowlands it sounds very promising could you provide a link about it by any chance? :D
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Re: Where did everyone go?

Post by Mask-inc »

Nice, new patch, one word say it all: wonderful :D
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Re: Where did everyone go?

Post by ST_DM_Myle »

Here is the LINK for Project Q.

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Re: Where did everyone go?

Post by Wing--Zero »

lol honestly I still pop in from time to time. I haven't been active but, I still pop in a try to get a few lvls for some of my characters.
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Re: Where did everyone go?

Post by driller »

Myle, as good as the Q-Project is, there is no way NWN1 is going to match the graphics ability of NWN2 stuff like this:

http://www.theswordcoast.proboards89.co ... thread=219

ST_DM_Myle wrote:Here is the LINK for Project Q.

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Re: Where did everyone go?

Post by Gatt »

well i am kinda new here, and wanted to say thanks to you old timers that help me out =D> :lol:
also i would like to jump on the band wagon and say i hope BSK stays around for a while to come, the nothingness aint quite here just yet.
i must also congratulate Driller on a fine job of the server as well here =D>

as for the graphics of NWN2, yeah they look impressive, but who needs flashy grapichs when you have palyability and a loyal following?
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Re: Where did everyone go?

Post by Drakoboldish »

Well I just want to say, that playability of NWN2 was so horrible ( control wise and lag wise even on a great computer system with high speed dsl ) that I could not play it.
I Beta tested nwn2 for Atari, was under a NDA and ground my teeth while they did nothing to fix the bugs and problems everyone complained about.
NWN2 may have a fair graphics engine, but if you cannot control your character, change your general appearance to look much different from the next player. ( canned looks with just a couple of options )
Then it looses a lot of flavour for me, and just becomes another Baldur's Gates type clone.
NWN1 with the Project Q is something that should have been done 4 years ago hehe.
But, for playability, and control, NWN1 is 10000000 times better than NWN2.
I had pre ordered NWN2 before beta testing, then I got in beta and shuddered at how it handled, we were promised fixes that never happened, and or, told " that wont change" flat out.
I tried to play BSK2 once or twice, and the enjoyability just was not there.
The game felt more like Second Life, than NWN.
I have played a lot of good online games, pay to play and non pay to play, NWN2 is a flop in my opinion, and cannot be redeemed unless they completely overhaul it.
The toolset for NWN1 was useable,workable and great, the toolset for nwn2 is clunky and hard to control hehe.
I don't feel that NWN2 has any advantage or use and I'd hate to see BSK1 lost again.
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Re: Where did everyone go?

Post by Mizon Sky »

Having checked out project Q it seems to be just what the docter ordered, and will inject new life into nwn when it comes out.
I feel the same way, who cares about graphics? Whats more important, that or playability?
Although saying that remember when Nwn first came out with no expansions or updates? It was ok but now with all those its a heck of alot better.
I think the same will apply to Nwn2. With time will come more and more updates, patches, expansions and mods and will be alot more player and dm friendly.
Thats just my humble opinion anyway. :wink:
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Re: Where did everyone go?

Post by Capt Cliff »

I have to agree NWN2 has big playability problems ... like living in the USA then renting a car in the UK!!! #-o

NWN1 runs fine, well mostly, and has excellant I/O so maybe Bioware will catch the drift and mega patch NWN2 by backing down to NWN1 playabliity with the new NWN2 graphics. But in the mean time Project Q looks like a stop gap to reinfuse NWN1 so old players will come back, and since NWN1 is dirt cheap snag some new players.
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Re: Where did everyone go?

Post by Alter Fritz »

I believe that most of the people that still play NWN 1 are here because of the RP, and the friends that they have already met there. NWN 2 wasted all its energy on graphics and left its core players behind. RP's were playing PnP back when the graphics were in their heads. The good RP's don't need all the fancy graphics.

That said, what BSK 1 needs is some good RP. It needs a good shot in the arm. I know that we all have other lives, and can't be on all the time. I myself am very busy this time of year. I think what BSK needs are Guild Masters and DMs that have the time and want to improve the RP of BSK. Some Guild Masters admit they don't play here anymore, or once in a while when not playing another game. Being the Leader of a Guild should come with the responsiblilty of being available in game(NWN 1-BSK). I think the internet game has combined Dungeon Master(DM) with Game Master(GM), a good DM is there to run campaigns, events, and create good RP, and GMs enforce game rules. I am not saying there isn't any good DMs in BSK, there are a few and they know who they are, but for the most part we have a TON of GMs that are acting like hall monitors that just got their badges.

My point is...I think that Guild Leaders and DMs should be players who are dedicated to BSK. Sure check out the new games, but if you think you will be spending your time split between 2 games... give up your leadership or DM position on BSK and let someone who is there more do it. We don't want to know we have invested time with a DM or Guild Leader who is now gone because some other game has shiny lights and better graphics.

A few months ago the server took a huge jump in attendance. Some could look at time lines, or coincidences, and come up with reasons why this happened. My opinion is...Guild Leaders stepped down to let regulars take over, and some good DMs that were getting envolved creating RP and events. I think this was short lived because of some typical drama and some GMs. Again, just my opinion.

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