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Note pinned on the bulletin board: "To the gnome Fyren"

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:19 pm
by Mittranth
Greetings and felicitations on your documentations of happenings within the Keep.
I must however write you, that many of your facts are misconstrued.

You question heritage of the fellow known as Jon Litefingers.
I fear you have erred in your judgment. Jon is a secretive fellow, whom I have grown up knowing all my lifetime.
There are many secrets I will not divulge to you, however you seem to be under the assumption that the word 'lord' applies strictly to a status of a persons heritage.

I will, as a fellow scholar now 'inform' you on your err in this;
Your assumption seems to hinge strictly on, a nobleman holding the rank of baron, viscount, earl, or marquess; or a member of the House of Lords of any said kingdom. Or perchance, a man who by courtesy, because of his office is given the title of Lord, as a bishop, a younger son of a duke or marquess, or a Lord Mayor.

A Lord is a person having great power and authority; ruler; master, the owner and head of a feudal estate, a lord of ones own household, even to the degree of husband, as the title also applies, lady to wife. A lord may occur as a sign of respect to a leader in any circumstance.

Though you personally may not know "Lord" Litefingers heritage, I must and will assure you that he has been running his own kingdom, within kingdoms for many a year.
I will only say this; This leadership position was handed to Lord Litefingers by a lady Shyl, of whom I was well acquainted with. Her title was given to her by Raiment, who's name has been on the "throne". This position and title stopped with Jon, and was never passed on to another figure whom so many speak about openly. **
The person that is often spoke of as leader of that once old sect, was a pawn in a game of political chess if you will. This person sought refuge among the Starkson under Lady Ortelassa's leadership, and was bought 'from' Lord Litefingers for a pretty penny. Jon had told this fellow, 'Leave is you must my friend, however if you do so, you will be marked for death.' As it was proclaimed that any member leaving his order, would be hunted down and destroyed.
Aware of this, the fellow fled to the Starkson, and was later slain in the Hamlet for his betrayal.

Rumors state this fellow was resurrected, however without his head, which is still carried by the assassin, how is this to be? Facts clearly come to being that one posing as the dead man continued on in the fellows name, and even tot he fact of trying to usurp Jon's position. **
This fellow, I am guessing was a student or distant relative that wanted revenge. It is said, that now, he has left this plane of existence. Perhaps I am mistaken, perhaps some divinity was able to bring back the fellow from beyond and it truly was the same man. After all, I am the result myself from what some would consider divine intervention, however I do understand this differently from an arcane perspective, and know this to be a certain level of achievement in knowing the secrets of the great Grey Void.

Sufficed to say, although Lord Jon Litefingers does come from a humble beginning, he is indeed the only true lord to said properties, and is truly deserving of the title.
As for the property that was Raiments and later Shyl's then passed on to Jon, I do believe Jon abandoned it. Jon has always kept his group very close and very secret.

I am a historian, a diviner of the dead, and speaker to many beings folks here call deities. I certainly can confirm all that I have written here.

One final piece of advice, I am writing you this as a favour to 'you'. Things said here in your paper should be backed up by merit, findings, truth and fact, if you cannot verify it, do not present it in your paper as a fact. Some people on Lord Jon Litefingers payroll may act rashly to defend their lord.

In closing,
I must say, although Jon and I have grown up together in our youth, we took different paths in life. I sought to learn many secrets of the Universe as taught to me by my Auntie Medula. Jon also sought secrets, but in another path. Jon is my friend, however I do not have any contracts binding me to him or visa versa. So I have no personal gain in this information, other than setting facts straight, before something unfortunate happens.

~Mitt'ranth Addyrcap, former council of the Arcane Order, in the lands of Blackstone Keep.

Re: Note pinned on the bulletin board: "To the gnome Fyren"

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:42 pm
by ST_DM_Myle
//It seems people are debateing the issue of titles again. Before this becomes an issue between the two player sects who are needling eachother on this subject, let me address the subject using the current target of oppertunity.

Jon is not a Lord in the traditional feudal sense. He does not, therefore, merit its use in the company of land owners and nobility.

That said....

Jon is a Lord in the tradition of leadership. Just as the leaders of sizeable groups of medieval followers would bow to those whom they pledged alligence to.
Whether Jon is to be called Lord or Master by the thnking of an individual character should depend on what that person knows about Jon. His dealings are not generally 'public' knowledge. Most 'commoners' would not know, for sure, who Jon is and what Jon does.... though most would have at least heard rumors. As is common amoung commoners, when in doubt, they offer a respectful bow and use the term of respect that the style of the persons cloths/horse/weapons/etc suggests. Jon is known, by those in the know, to have clothing that fits his needs from appearing as a begger to appearing in the best fashion of the rich. So, he often controls how he is addressed based on his attire.

Amoung those in the know, those who also lead their own sizable number of people, Jon's status as a leader of men would be known. His chosen career path would likely be suspected, though proof may be lacking. Because of this, while not 'formal' in the traditional sense, it would be appropriate for him to be yeilded the courtesy of the title 'Lord' as a gesture of respect... even amoung those who hold the title through a more traditional role.

Whether his rivals or foes opt to extend this social courtesy depends on their temperment and political ideology. For those who are basically impotent to disparage others would be unwise without sum cause or means to face the cost of demeaning anothers chosen social prefix.

For like him or loath him, Jon is a noteworthy leader within the region who holds the alligence of many. One need not always be landed to hold lordship in the eyes of others.


P.S. I am locking this. If the OP would like it unlocked - send me a PM.