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Meat Merchant

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:28 pm
by Drakoboldish
Skraethas had been doing well at this new business! Quite well indeed.

The kobold had followed several of the man-things into the man-village out in the desert. Food was scarce here, yet Skraethas survived and did well for himself.
In this "Oasis" amongst the miles and miles of sands, the small kobold was found stripping the flesh from several of what the man-things called rust monsters. The small fellow had been hanging the meat on drying racks above a smoldering cedar wood fire. Occasionally the small fellow would sprinkle sea salts he'd gathered, as well as many different herbs and spices, to the already tangy and peppery meat of the rust monster.
"Ho there kobold, what are you doing, this is asanctuary a place of refuge from the desert!"
Skraethas grinned, and replied, "Is okay yes? I dry meatses, is good you try! You like yes?"
The acolyte of Kazra was not shy about eating unusual dishes, infact this priest had eaten many things a priest of Vor might condemn him for, yet he was apprehensive. As he picked up a piece of dried smoked meat, "And where did this come from? Killing our citizens of this town for your food?"
Skraethas held his hands over his snout and laughed, "No noo.. man-things make bad food, not for eating, no! Is beast from under-earth, is metal-eater meatses!"
The acolyte had remembered Kazra's recent night of nights, the Blood Moon, and he grinned thinking about the plague of rust monsters that were to come upon the foolish.
With care, the priest-ling took a small bite of the smoked meat. It was good!
It was more than good, it was great infact!
"My good kobold friend, I can see where you could make a profitable living selling such meats to any city or town. Just imagine what you could accomplish in Blackstone Keep!"

Skraethas, tipping his head sideways, closed one eye so as the other one coudl quint better at the man-thing, "You mean many metal shineys? Things for trade among man-things?"
The acolyte chuckled and nodded, "Indeed yes, many 'shineys', see here good fellow, if you take your recipe, and was to use some of the er.. ermm..... some of the 'meat' that us,.. man-things use, I am sure you would have people buying your wares. It would beat trying to make a life for yourself fighting rust beasts, or stealing eggs?"
Skraethas laughed, covering his snout again. "Yes yes, is good? Is fine for eating. Where I gets for meat that man-thing eats?"
The acolyte smiled, "I will show you how to work a device in our Oasis.. It will take you to Blackstone Keep."
The kobold frowned slightly, "I not keep black stones, just for some shineys, and round stones for sling.. I need for smoking black stones?"
The priest-ling chuckled, "No indeed not, forget about black stones alright? Instead, I will show you a way to a huge.. City... er.. a big stone-village!" he said, correcting himself so the kobold would understand.
"Once you get there, look for an old man-thing, he has a far... he ernmm... this fellow has many four legged meat-animals that eat grass, you understand that?"
The kobold nodded and smiled a reptilian smile.
The acolyte continued, "Good, then you take these shineys and buy a four legged meat-animal, and then you will have plenty to dry and smoke for food. Then head to the taver... head to the stone hut that has eating and drinking there. A blue coloured gnome seems to run the place. Tell him about your food, tell him how you made it, and give him this piece of paper."
The acolyte scrawled a hastily written note;
"This kobold is a fine smoker of meats and dried goods, I woudl say if possible try a sample of his food he offers. I have instructed him on purchasing cattle from the old farmer just outside of the keep so this will be food you can trust to be of good quality. I have watched the fellow work here in the Oasis, and he is clean with the food. ~Tembarest Vendigar, acolyte of Kazra."
Skraethas took the paper, and put it in his belongings, amongst a wolf-hide satchel.
He packed away as much of the rust monster dried meat he could, and gave the rest to his new friend. The acolyte then "Shooed" the kobold off to the portal, and explained to him which 'bug-tracks' he should press in order to send him to the stone-village.

Skraethas was sure this to be a profitable business indeed. He headed directly to where it was described this old man-thing would be, and he began asking him for buying a meat-beast.
The old man, was a bit daft, senile and near blind. The fellow kept telling him that "Children should not play with cows, there are wolves out there and dangerous ones, get your pa to come fight them then your paw can talk to me!"
The kobold looked at his paws, and remembered his hatchling-kin Ghraethiz would make sounds while pretending his paws were the mouths of dragons.
Skraethas nodded to the old man-thing and used his 'paws' to speak to him, saying, "Skraethas want meat-beast for cooking and smoking!"
The old man-thing shook his head, "Your much too young to smoke laddy-buck, you head off now, and don't let me catch you near my cows, the wolves will get you!"

Skraethas frowned as he darted this way and that, away from the man-things bustling by.
A few would taunt him or throw kicks in his direction, but this was not uncommon, as in kobold society this was just showing ownership and dominance, so the kobold saw little problems with them.
Strange they were however. many would be riding on four-legged beasts.
These four-legged beasts would eat the grasses, and hay and such and... Wait a moment, these were what his friend from the desert was talking about. He did not need that old man-things meat-beasts when they freely roamed about. He'd find one or two of these things, and then he'd see about smoking them!
A large man-thing in blackened metal, that covered his soft pink skin shouted, "Out of the way P.. er... wait, outta the way kobold.."
Skraethas looked up at him atop the meat-beast, it was odd, he sad on more metal and hides that were designed well. These things had bags on them too.
The kobold asked the man-thing, "Yes is this? metal and hides and things you sit on? Why is good?"
The man-thing frowned, "If you are asking what I am sitting on, it is my saddle, and I'll thank you kindly to get out of my way now!"
The kobold laughed and repeated the word over and over, to remember it. "Saddle, saddle saddle saddle is for sitting, seat saddle sit.. on the back of meat-thing, for eat thing is sits and swaggers and smells!"
Skraethas continued on his way, looking into 'stone-huts' to see if any had much food and drink, and a blue gnome. It was not til he could smell the salt air, and see the sea, that he found the building.
The blue gnome was about to show him the door, when he fished around in his satchel, and found the note.
The gnome smiled, "You have any of this dried meat with you for me to try?"
Skraethas produced some of the rust-monster meat, and smiled as the gnome chewed on it approvingly. "Verywell mister Kobold, we do have a business arrangement, I'll buy what you have now, for a fair price, and I expect you can deliver more of these dried rations, each week?"
Skraethas nodded, not sure what a week was, but he was sure he could have more every several days, providing he could find one of these meat-beats alone from its man-thing.

A whole sea of salt, plenty of wood in the near by forests, caves near by where he coudl smoke the meat in peace and quiet away from observing eyes of man-things that might try and steal his secrets in cooking.
Yes, it would not be long before Skraethas would feed all of these man-things, and being helpful like this was somehting the kobold was looking forward to.