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A New Day...

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 11:13 pm
by Cybermagi
Sitting in her chamber reading the latest news from Blackstone,
Panacea contemplated some of the rumors and stories she had heard in recent days.
While her mere-dragon familiar sat perched on the window ledge waiting for it's morning meal.

"Dear old Kaz back in the world, murders, poor Jon and his little band attempting to take control of the market again?", She spoke out loud while reading.

Looking up from the daily paper, she tossed a small piece of chicken to the dragon then continued,

"Well Mira, It looks like we have much to do and perhaps with out him here to mess thing up, it will go better this time."

The dragon snatched the meat in mid-air, chewing as it responded

"Yesss Mistressss, yous no tied downsss with that Manthings anymoresssss?"
Mira's words, as always filled with contempt for Pan's now ex-husband.

She was indeed finally free of him.
After these long years of endlessly putting up with his scheming, Hordack had gone, once and for all.
Panacea had watched him go and this time did nothing to stop him. She had a feeling he was up to something but didn't care
Having long passed the point of caring, She waited and watched
Soon as Hordack had crossed the portal, She destroyed it and was going to make sure
that anyone who knew the ritual was never going use it again.
Her old teacher on the shadow plane would keep his word to ensure Hordack would never return.

"Yes, He is gone and lets hope never to return.", Pan sighed.

Panacea's voice was filled with relief as she poured a glass of wine.
The wine was a fine vintage, the last bottle she had brought from her homeland.
The taste of this wine always made her remember her younger days, before her "mistake".

She laughed to herself, "Mistake indeed."

Mistake was the term she had been using the last few months for her husband.
Mira looked up from the meal.

"Mistresssss, whatssss we'ssssa gonna dooss nowss?" The dragon asked.

The complexity of such a seemly simple question struck Panacea as humorous.
She was was now free to do as she liked.
No longer constrained by keeping the peace between her husband and the long of list of enemies he had.

Panacea thought about a few offers which had been made to her lately.
She quickly dismissed those offers as people trying to win her favor for some forge stones or to make her do their dirty work.
While also knowing that one offer was made, merely as an effort to get at her husband.
Safe in the the knowledge that nothing passes in the keep without her hearing about it.
She already knew of the plans before they were presented to her.
The vast amounts gold and forge stones have bought her spies or friends in every guild hall.
Panacea had volumes of information about everyone of note inside and outside the keep.
But now, without the albatross of Hordack around her neck, she could act with out regard to his petty schemes.
The day had come, the one she'd been waiting for all these years.

"Maybe, I'll let the gnome have access to my ledgers", she smirked.

But no, she had better things to do than engage in petty gossip.
After all, there are people to meet with and a few items she still needed to retrieve.

"We'll call on some old friends." she paused briefly, "I have a few interesting things in mind."

Looking though the window of her bed chamber she watched the sunrise. pondering her new life.
Off in the distance the folks of the keep would be waking soon, going about their little lives.
She had much to do and not much time to to complete her last mission.
A promise she had made to herself many long years ago.
Standing, she snuffed out the magical light on her desk with a wave of her hand.
Then a slow wicked smile crossed her face.

Panacea whispered, "But first, It's time to take care of a few problems the I've let linger for far too long."

Speaking a word of magic, the world flashed before her, she disappeared into a weave of shadows.
Just before she faded from even her familiar's dragon sight, Mira heard Panacea speak a few words.

"Then we'll make a call for the Council to convene"