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Recent Events

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 12:15 pm
by Andrun
Players of Blackstone Keep,

The in-fighting, the constant bickering, the metagaming/cheating, the completely unreasonable and irrational attitudes has really gotten out of hand. The incidents with the Ral-Grey, Knights of Blackstone, Liches, Resistance, et. al., has really had this server take a turn for the worse, in my opinion. Before BSK1 went down to make room for BSK2, I noticed a lot less malcontent between players. Sure, it was there, but no where near this scale. Now I don't know if this stems from the influx of newer players that joined BSK1 after it was started back up, or if people have just changed that much in the duration the server was down, I do not know nor am I going to make any judgement calls on this.

Long-story short... People really need to read the rules, stop the cheating/metagaming, and really use their heads. Even though I hang out with some of the troublemakers, I won't take sides in all of this. Someone using Bigby's Grasping Hand on characters that should be fighting the wolves/zombies (ie- low-levels completely incapable of effectively defending themselves against their attacker) are just as much to blame for the tension and bad attitudes on this server as are people using the rules of the server (rezzing after pvp) to their advantage or detriment to another player... as are individuals who are playing a certain undead floating skull who expect to be treated fairly (by their own omission) in town (seriously, you're playing a demilich. any paladin or good cleric should attack you on sight).

I just wanted to get this off of my chest so that all of Blackstone sees just how 'Uncle Andrun' feels about all of this.

Re: Recent Events

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 12:43 pm
by Hordack
=D> *claps* =D>

Yeah I agree with you Uncle Andrun even I am getting caught up in this crap. But I one thing I totaly hate is 40 lvls sitting in the Hamlet asking lowbies for 20 gold then killing them if they don't pay up.

Re: Recent Events

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 2:55 pm
by Thanatos
Hordack wrote:=D> *claps* =D>

Yeah I agree with you Uncle Andrun even I am getting caught up in this crap. But I one thing I totaly hate is 40 lvls sitting in the Hamlet asking lowbies for 20 gold then killing them if they don't pay up.
Yeah, I don't think this will ever stop. I've seen this done more times than I care to enumerate. I've shown up to spectate the events and got blasted without so much as a "hello" (William Mant, Cervantes, and Murdoc being the responsible parties involved in that little stunt) :lol: Good times.

But seriously, if I'm running a low lvl char and stumble upon the scurvy dogs doing the pirating, I'll usually refuse, take my beating (Props to Marko and Galen for the hilarious "Undead Killing Tax" incident), and go grab some snackies while I wait for someone to come rez me.

No need to get bent out of shape over one of the most overused scams in NWN history.

Re: Recent Events

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 5:49 pm
by Nathan Scorne
..............................See this, I am a Blackstone Keep Knight :mrgreen: ----->
I was going to quote you Andrun but there was just too much and I didn't know where to start so go check your PMs.

1st. I think the robberies at the hamlet were well RPed when my knights were handling the problem in game and we are not level forty. 20 gp is one wolf pelt and change. Now if all you are trying to use to stop the robberoes is force, what did you expect.

Hordack wrote:=D> *claps* =D>

Yeah I agree with you Uncle Andrun even I am getting caught up in this crap. But I one thing I totaly hate is 40 lvls sitting in the Hamlet asking lowbies for 20 gold then killing them if they don't pay up.
Quoted from "Lets Ban Dan (Toman Brand)"
Hordack wrote:Your not a rper, you are PvPer and they make server's for people like you so please go to one them. We dont need you on BSK and most of us don't want you on BSK. Personaly you remind me of the bully who made kids cry on the play ground by stealing their lunch money or just picking on them cause they where different.

To answer your question Dan .... Yeah I am hated by few people and most of them play on Newcastle. Good place for them. But every person I play with now and who is in the parties I am in. Likes me and I show respect back to them for their kindiness for not thinking of me as so normal ass-hole pick pocket and thief, but as a RPed thief who PP's only for the sport of it. I don't care if people hate me for how I RP Hordack ... He is a character ... not who I am behind the screen IRL..
Let me just say beforehand that I do not know this Dan nor have I ever played on Newcastle. I was shocked :shock: to find Hordack writing such a post none the less.
Now my point...
Hordack wrote:This is no threat ... just the fact that will happen for your insult ... you want out, a apology must be made in public in front of the "Great Oak" and a tribute of of one million gold paid. If the Apology and Tribute is paid this matter end's.

*signed the Dark One*
2nd. Is it acceptable for Hordack to extort 1 million gp from me or hunt me while I try to train hunting something more challenging than wolves on a fabrication, I think not but I rilled with the punches. I've told you all how it went down IC and none of you care to see what's really going on here. I am not nor will I make this a DM issue because I have DMed in other servers and know what it's like. Expecting them to solve all of our disagreements is unfair and frustrating to them. If it continues I would not be surprized if BSK went down again and none of us want that.

I know the server was not like this before but blaming my Knights and the Ral-Grey for taking my side is wrong. Your attempts to get rid of or scare off the new players just because they are not in your "Parties" is the problem here. Why don't you try letting new players join the server, then you choose who you RP with like you do to me is that you don't want to RP with me, fine then I'll find others as I have to RP the storyline going on. Arihant and Cervantes are doing as expected anyway so I won't be bored for some time. :twisted: Like I said before, just RP and roll with it.

The troublemakers here are :evil: .... You know what, I'll just calm down now :roll: . Please refrain from using my self exiled knights in your flames Andrun. I'm roleplaying one of twelve freakin piss poor Orphan living in a barn in Skara Brae and you're still in my face? :shock: Really now!

So not RPing with you is not much of a loss, plenty of players RP with me and they are what makes the server great. I enjoy having bandits rob the Hamlet, It gave the Orphans in the barn something to watch. :twisted:

p.s. Can someone post a reply to where I can hunt a 1,ooo,ooo gp Super Legendary Fiendish Dire Wolf pelt? And no, I'm not going to check near the rustmonsters. [-X

Re: Recent Events

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 5:57 pm
by ST_DM_Myle
There has been a downward trend in the behavior of some players on BSK. The uncertainty regarding how long the server would be up led, perhaps, to an atmosphere of tolerance that has drifted further out of hand than anyone anticipated. For the record, the DM forums have serveral player specific threads going and for the most part we are ending up with decissions to issue: long-term (one strike your out) probations, long-term bans (several months), or perma-bans.

Those players who have not been playing in the spirit of the rules - you know who you are. You have no reason to be suprised.

Those who want to put on as if they are victims because others harass them for harassing others are being hypocritial and such claims will not color you innocent.

Those of you who are sending in screenshots are helping us isolate the most troublesome of players and we appreciate your help.

Ideally, we would like BSK to operate without a 'policing' DM presence. One of the core concepts of BSK is for it to lean toward a 'wild west' style of play, but it is important that people do not push that line to the point of being abusive. I can tell each of you that the level of patience and tolerance of the DM's is dropping with those who are disrupting, greifing and harassing others.

Andrun makes many good points, especially when he points out that not all the problems stim from the well-known trouble makers. Each player is responsible to carry themselves in a fashion that brings enjoyment and fun to the entire server.


Re: Recent Events

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 7:12 pm
by Andrun
Okay, I was going to leave this thread lie at my original post, but I have been compelled to post further because I want everyone, and I do mean everyone to see exactly what I am talking about. But let me first apologize in advance to the DMs as I'm sure that this post will be a little less than the cordial attitude they've seen from me.

This is a PM I received earlier today from Nathan Scorne regarding my original post in this thread. ... Scorne.JPG

I did not speak of you or about you, Nathan. I never even insinuated even the barest utterance of your name. The only way you could have construed even the most remote cognisance that my earlier post had anything to do directly with you was my mentioning of the Blackstone Knights.
Andrun wrote:...The incidents with the Ral-Grey, Knights of Blackstone, Liches, Resistance, et. al...
You will note that I was not calling anyone out in that statement, that I was not referring to any one particular person in that statement, that I in any way, shape or form "making it personal." It is this very beligerant behavior that is causing so much undue drama and tension that infects Blackstone Keep.

For the record...

- When I spoke of the robberies, I have no reason whatsoever to bash them in the least if they are well-RPed. I have even watched my fair share of them and many of them were fine. What I am referring to is an incident where someone was hit with a Bigbys (the robber and target began to converse) and someone third party came out and whacked the victim for no apparent reason whatsoever. Unfortunately, I cannot name names (nor will I).
- I am not blaming your Knights or the Ral-Grey or the Liches for the state that this server is in.
- I have no problem whatsoever rolling with RP unless of course I am choosing to not RP due to extenuating circumstances (for example, if I am in the middle of a conversation/RP with someone else, I am not going to drop what I am doing and do something else on the whim of another player).
- My post was not a flame. I did not insult or belittle anyone. I am merely very concerned about the state of the server, and I thought it might behoove me to perhaps speak my mind. My sincerest apologies if you were insulted in any way.
- It's your choice to role play the orphan, Indie. No one is forcing it on you. And again, I am not in your face, nor was I, ever.

Again, to make my point abundantly clear, I am honestly and sincerely concerned about the state of this server. I felt that I should at least say something rather than sit on the sidelines and keep my mouth shut. If that has offended anyone, seriously, my heart-felt apologies to you all. I meant nothing ill by it, nor do I want more drama, tension, et cetera, to come from it. It is the absolute last thing I want.
ST_DM_Myle wrote:Each player is responsible to carry themselves in a fashion that brings enjoyment and fun to the entire server.
And I believe that sums up a lot of what I was trying to explain in my original post. Thank you Myle for putting it so eloquently.

Re: Recent Events

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:31 pm
by Nathan Scorne
I seriously thought my knights were being singled out by your post as one of the causes and was surprised considering that I even went as far as disbanding them. If that was not your intention then you may disregard that PM.

I have not nor would I say that anyone should be disciplined in any way whatsoever by DM intervention, No one. I just want everyone to take a good long look at what is going on and that we work together to find a solution.

In other words, stop picking fights and play nice, that's it. (No one in specific implied)

I admit to getting upset at your post Andrun and based on your clarification, I do apologize for the PM and my heated retorts. Perhaps I misunderstood your purpose.

Everyday it seems it's something new #-o

Nathan Scorne

Re: Recent Events

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:10 pm
by Axe Madness
well for record as Cervantes i wasn't gana kill you kill you i was gana like *emote knocks out* or something and snag a baby be hated by server for being kidnapper again and probably get hunted down like last time. . lose my other hand (lost left hand last time lol :mrgreen: ) i shot you with rod of frost did some dmg on you did that because i knew you where higher then lvl3 and you wouldn't die from it based on that and that i was chasing you wanted you to know i was still back there lol :P

I've noticed lot of the drama nothing much as of recent havent' been there much i like to rp with knights why might you think as would i like doing that? ok! this is why i've rped with Cervantes/Vicho Swift with the knights when i rp with them i get to use disguises! and they don't go HEY YOU THATS (blank whoever im on) ya. .they question the new person i make a cover story one time i was SOM monk and nother time i was a Inn Ale provider and one other thing had do with broken char that we broke ourselfs. .i didn't make one for Cervantes the most recent time i sorta just stalked out in corner then randomly pop out of it good times heh 8)

Re: Recent Events

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:20 pm
by Nathan Scorne
I remember that, lol.

Re: Recent Events

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:22 pm
by Jazelle
Well I remember Dreadlord doing the hamlet toll bit with 100 gold I think. Tried that on one of my lowbie chars and ended up getting a rp that left him both laughing and embrassed. I just rped him killing the char even after she was raised. Finally he sent tells to me asking for me to get her up, he decided to stop charging the toll. I and several others were laughing about it all. For a dead board she sure could communicate her feelings.

Another time he killed Zortak and we ended up with a 2 week rp with folks seeking to raise the druid and in that case Orty was a real bitch about getting her fav grey elf back to life. I seem to remember Dread's crew stayed hidden after that one something about wanted posters that were being paid by Starkson. Had a few takers too.

In other words if you think on your feet you can make rp out of anything.

Re: Recent Events

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 8:43 am
by ST_DM_Myle
In general, most people are willing to RP and want to RP (even if just a little). The problem is when other people take assumed actions that force others to accept things or when one group moves too fast for the others to keep up with the flow.

Another issue is when no alternative is allowed and only one outcome is permitted. The 'victim' can't have much fun if they have no choice and they can't do anything right without completely submitting to whoever is accosting them.

Yes, I know, in real life people who are harassed or attacked do not get suh luxeries - BUT we are playing a game... A game with people from ALL OVER THE WORLD who come and log onto BSK to what?.... to have fun.

If the only person having fun is the bully(ies), then the bully(ies) is/are the one(s) doing something wrong.

And yes.... "good guys" can be 'bullies' also.

Sometimes players need to take a time out and OOC clear the air and make sure that Player-to-Player everything is fine and cool. Things can get brutal and cruel Character-to-Character and everyone can still be having fun with the RP because the players are on the same page.

Yes it can be a pain to go OOC and make sure things are alright, but the good thing about that... is after doing that a few times those players get used to eachother styles and learn what kinds of things are okay and what might be a problem.

Communication, Fair Play, and Consideration are all things that will improve the relationships between players and allow for RP to take place in a way that is mutually fun and sought after.


Re: Recent Events

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:12 am
by Hordack
I just wanted to clear some stuff for those like flaming me here.

Banned by DM's >>> 0 times

Placed in Jail by DM's >>> 0 times

A proven track record sence 2004.

And to those who think its "Good RP" for a 40 level character to force lowbies to pay a road tax in the Hamlet. Well I say it is not, because this is why we lose so many new player's to this server in last few weeks.

For those who wish to continue to play highwayman in the Hamlet, Why dont you get some "fortude" and try this in the underdark with us 40 lvls. I think it would make for better RP to stake out the Umgah Portal for a road tax.

Re: Recent Events

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:54 pm
by ST_DM_Myle
Hordack wrote:I just wanted to clear some stuff for those like flaming me here.

Banned by DM's >>> 0 times

Placed in Jail by DM's >>> 0 times

A proven track record sence 2004.

And to those who think its "Good RP" for a 40 level character to force lowbies to pay a road tax in the Hamlet. Well I say it is not, because this is why we lose so many new player's to this server in last few weeks.

For those who wish to continue to play highwayman in the Hamlet, Why dont you get some "fortude" and try this in the underdark with us 40 lvls. I think it would make for better RP to stake out the Umgah Portal for a road tax.
ROFL... not for lack of trying to get yourself banned. You've danced that fine line more than many. You also have a habit of disappearing long enough to let the smoke clear before returning... Your saving grace is that you manage to be fun even when being annoying.

So, don't toot your horn too loudly.


Re: Recent Events

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:55 pm
by dreadlord69
Yes jaz i tolled many people lol its mother nature that people with big gahoonas will pick on the smaller weaker gahoonas. Im sure starkson had plenty out for my head but who would try to assinate dread back in tha day?... I do remember one person i asked for some gold as a toll and he put me through 30 mins of painful rp so i jsut decided to put his ass in the ground before it went on any longer.... But i have not collected the toll for some time. Lol i remember hunting marek a few times in hamlet, or fighting his crak h@re gf cricket lol she always gave me threats 0.o ... I do remember pwning Winesa in hamlet.. pwning breanna... pwning candlce... pwning faythe.. moire... lota toll poeple... many randoms... im sure there where others i cant remember.... oh yeha pwned manx man was he/she furious lol. But yeah the toll was not worth it... when taking into account the minimal money you made and the high chance of spending life in prison it was hardly worth it, like minimum wage.

Re: Recent Events

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 5:08 pm
by Thanatos
Can we get a definition for "Gahoonas"?