Working with 1.69 -Building and some scripting

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Working with 1.69 -Building and some scripting

Post by Jazelle »

I thought I'd put a thread for those of us building places using the 1.69 tiles and more, since I wanted to not only get some input from Driller but also share what I found out, get fixed or confused over.

So to start this the drawbridge tiles are a pain. They are really hard to figure when they will work and won't. But I did get one to work for the cough... Starkson island redo that we talked about possibly doing. So I decided to use it as a tester anyway. Anyway... some how I did get the drawbridge to work that is connect. But found a few other problems when testing it. You get stuck because the bridge goes back up quickly. This could be a major problem for players since it's really next to impossible to get out when your stuck in mid air.

Well I did find a way to stop this happening. God I love waypoints. Get the thrill of watching the bridge go down then click on the highlighted area and poof your on the otherside. Works the other way back too. So until there is another possible answer this one works very well and no getting stuck. Just to be sure I put my little jump script for the trans as well as set the door to port players to the waypoint. I know it's over doing it but hey it works.

My only problem right now is the computer I'm using for the beta update is slow as hell and I don't want to use my main computer until after not only the update but also CEP and the servers update too or I'm SOL and pretty much only able to edit 1.69 basic mods. This means for now it's slow going creating a area and I can't listen to the sound or do very good screen shots. (The other computer has a video card to die for sigh...) But I will do what I can in screen shots and send you the mini mod to look over Driller, please tell me what needs to be tweeked.

I'll post the screen shot for you in a little bit.
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Re: Working with 1.69 -Building and some scripting

Post by Jazelle »

Here is the link to the screen shots of two different projects I'm working on. One is for a redo of Starkson island in part and the other is for another group. (etcbsk) They use the same tileset but in far different ways. Check the folder now and then because I will be adding new and deleting old shots. One note the dock for this tileset is only for show and not very useful unless you use a lot of waypoints and trans. To keep the Starkson docks they will have to be their own area.

As you can see the insides of Starkson town has had a big change. I do wish the tilset had cobblestones rather than the dirt look but over all it's not bad. To use the castle tiles you need to make the BIG or when your walking around the tightness of the tiles and their trees will drive you crazy. I think it's more my old computer than anyway but I kept having the camera angles change all the time when you got close to a wall or building. It was annoying clicking to move and suddenly be swung 180.

Anyway here it is about 5 hours of work using just basic NWN with 1.69 and all the updated verisons.
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Re: Working with 1.69 -Building and some scripting

Post by driller »

Looks nice.

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Re: Working with 1.69 -Building and some scripting

Post by Jazelle »

Thanks, you know how picky I am on the details. The only problem I see is this tilset does not allow for the huge tree so I will have to wait for CEP 2.1 to come out to add something like that. I think I'll have that as the town and when you go through the trees you get to the main castle and the forest area beyond that. Only way I can see adding in the elements that have been around for a while there.

What I see is moving the Dragon Cliffs to the ah.. I forget the direction but where I have the archery range have the entry there to the otherside of the island. Anyway going to talk to Pharo and work on it more tonight.
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Re: Working with 1.69 -Building and some scripting

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Ok redid a few things. You can view the docks, island and town through these links.

Just click on the jpg screen shots. More to come.
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Re: Working with 1.69 -Building and some scripting

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Starkson Castle and orchard
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Re: Working with 1.69 -Building and some scripting

Post by Jazelle »

That reminds me I have been trying to update the beta to 5 and the darn thing won't downgrade back to 1.68 no matter what I do. Have a idea Driller? Also I won't be doing any 1.69 areas for a few days because I'm moving and will have to redo my network and get a new ip address. The old one will still be up but only for my server. I won't have access after the 15th of this month.

Once I get things back together I'll do up a few more 1.69 areas.
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Re: Working with 1.69 -Building and some scripting

Post by Jazelle »

Ok I'm back online and was able to work on a few things today. Been very busy with the move and all. Yes I have more areas done for the Evil Town just no screen shots. Here are the outside redos for Starkson Island. Each folder has new peices. Basically with just 1.69 tileset the areas are finish except for any added CEP 2.1 items and the scripts. Current I had to delete all scripts outside of the Beta 1.69 they were causing major errors. Mainly the CEP sit script. I think it is broken totally and will have to be redone. Just needs the light house connected and Zim Needs the Jousting tents insides done and if you like a merchant to sell josting horse. Need to add caves for the dragons beyond that I'll need info for any other areas you want. just needs to be connected to the old CEP2.0 areas and add in the CEP2.0 areas exits so folks can get on the castle walls. Just need to connect the areas with the baths and inn. Add in a merchant and the Lia Temple. Add the insides of Kallow House.

The areas currently in the game that would stay the same except for adding a entrance or exit to access the castle walls are the Gardens, Starkson Castle, Baths, Inn, Lighthouse.

What would go is the Courtyard. Sorry the big trees can't be saved sigh. I'll have to set them up somewhere else. Forest Arena, Island entry, Dragon Cliffs. All these have been redone with the Castle/Cliffs tileset.

As said earlier I had to divide up the docks from the island layout due to the odd set up of the lake and cliffs on the tileset. The castle was also moved to it's own area for two reasons. The island layout was too big and to keep more with a real castle set up. The town in the shield wall and the Castle in the inner baily. It also gives more areas for folks to rp in and have fun making the 1k gold you pay worth it.

The Dragon Cliffs I tried to give enough places to explore. Yes the entry going down does suddenly open to a cave at the base. I didn't think it worth adding another area for the trans. Anyway I think it goes with those notes on quests and leveling areas I sent as well as the history of the island.

Driller if you have 1.69 version 6 beat up and running on your system I can send you a copy of the min mod I'm working on. Then you can tell me what needs to be changed or added. Also that draw bridge worked by an odd happening for the town. I can't dup it so far so I'm leaving it. Tried to get a draw bridge working for Starkson Castle and it just would not work so ended up putting in a series of bridge gates. That oddly in the log run might be over all better and easier to defend.

Anyway I'm still working on the layouts. I'll have the other one done for you to look at later. -Jaz
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Re: Working with 1.69 -Building and some scripting

Post by Jazelle »

Still working on this just RL issues I have to deal with right now. Most of that will be over after May 7th. I will be working more on these layouts then. In the works is the 1.69 changes to Starkson island and a Evil town.
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