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Passwords, Keycodes, etc...

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 4:19 pm
by ST_DM_Myle
While I can be a hardass, I do not mind helping folks out as long as they have reasonable requests.

In helping people, I sometimes have to ask questions and get infomation on things ranging from style of play, RP experience, understanding of a specific genre, etc...


let me repeat that....

AT NO TIME .... do I need your passwords or CD-keycodes for NWN or your password for the forums.

If I REALLY need specific character information I can ask Driller to grab it and send it to me, but even then... passwords and cd-keycodes are still unrevealed.

Even if you trust me to have your passwords and you think it will help me assist you... I will not use them.

When a ban is issued on this server, the keycodes associated with the offending character/sign-on is flagged. Depending on the severity, ALL keycodes assiciated with all associate characters/sign-on's are flagged.

I annoy Driller enough without having to explain why my keycode is attached to an assortment of player accounts that have been banned for some reason.... lol

So while I appreciate the faith in my honesty and since 5 players have sent me, unsolicited, their nwn passwords over the last few months ... I want to tell everyone.. thanks, but no thanks.

I can do my job as a DM without your passwords or keycodes.

Your passwords and cd-keycodes should ALWAYS be kept confidental. Niether the BSK staff nor the NWN staff need your passwords or your cd-keycodes to assist you.

FYI: Your cd-keycode and your in-game keycode is different anyways. When you log to a server your cd-keycode generates a unique personalized "server-keycode". Only A DM with a Tilde command or Driller with a log check can get your "server-keycode"... but even then, your cd-keycode is not revealed.
