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Shaggy please dont leave

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:04 pm
by Wing--Zero
PLS DONT LEAVE. Your one of the coolist people on this server man. Theres a bunch of people here that dont want you to leave b/c of a handful of idiots. Stay for the people that want to keep rping and hangin with you. Just as soon as we got a good rp goin to man.


Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:17 pm
by Roland Deschain
*fixes shaggy's computer so he can only log into bsk* wmahahahah
seriously though yuo cant leave...... youre not allowed to....... PLZ

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:35 pm
by Wing--Zero
Oh by the way Shaggy....Is Bathzaal Fennes

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:36 pm
by magicshisha
I don't post much, usually i just read the comments of others.

But on this matter i just HAVE to ask you to rethink your choice to leave BSK. We need you rpwise and ooc.
You've helped me so much and always been patient with me altho i know i bugged you with alot of silly questions... I can speak of you only in superlatives: you are prolly the kindest, most generous and coolest player on this server.

Please, don't leave!

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:37 pm
by Nicha
I agree with them too.. You reaaaally cant leave us! You're one of the coolest people ever in BSK... It just wouldnt be the same without you... Forget whoever it is that's making you leave, stay for all the people who think you rule instead.. :(

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:40 pm
OK HUn ya not leaving me to look after Duo and Roland on my own i NEED HELP with them two .....
ya have made to many good freinds just to leave them all behind so get ya BACKSIDE BACK ON BSK plzzzzzzzzzzzz *puppy dog eys*

You're going nowhere

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:54 pm
by Dan8145're in trouble now. How can you of all people let some D*heads ruin what is basically your server. You have helped more people on here than anyone...what's leaving gonna prove? You got a problem you come to me...or anyone else who's posted here...we owe you. can't leave or I'll hunt you down, tie you to your chair and force you to watch the simple life....hahahaha. I mean it...DO NOT LEAVE

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:08 pm
by shaggy1971
Dammit about makin a guy feel guilty :( .

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:12 pm
by Pretty Fly White Guy
if you leave, i'll tell the whole world that mini-shaggy is a better RPer than you!


Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:49 pm
by shaggy1971
Ok for those not knowin whats goin on ..after last nights little episode with a certain chr and some OOC cusiin etc and an OOC attack on my RL wifes has left a very very BITTER taste ....

Iam mullin it over cos atm all i want to do to this players chr is seriously GRIEF IT...i know many of us lose our temper etc in game but to log on after such a long time away then purposly try to grief kill a chr upon log on is bang out of order...

So to this end iam mullin over what to do ..i know a lot of you possibly think dont be daft but ive put up with a lot of crap over the last 4 years of my time on BSK and believe me this is going to be the hardest decision of my life...

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 5:10 pm
by wdpepsiman
i just get home and i see this post

cmon man do not let some a..hole drive you away we can fix this problem

you have been good for this server and all who play here

besides what would Raven do without her General

you have lots of friends on this server who depend on you

send me a pm or a tell in game to talk about it

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 5:13 pm
by viobane
What is up with all the strange crap going on in BSK recently? It seems that here on the forums and in the game itself there have been a number of people that try to impose their RP onto others or act inappropriately by swearing or OOC attacks... Normally, I would think it was just the ebb and flow of forums and online games, but itt's seemed more prevalent recently. Is it one or two people that could use a good banning, or is it a blend of circumstances. Strange, overall.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 5:30 pm
by Cajin
Hell no, you ain't leaving.

Don't you dare! I might have not been playing that long yet but I am not allowing those old school stuck ups to take ye from a group I look at as one of the most fun ppl to RP with.

(this is mausman b.t.w)

Now, have a look at that gang asking ye to stay.

Don't tell me that gang weighs less then any comment those natty clapdragons made. Insignificant worms is what they are, *we* however, try to make BSK a nice place of RP and fun... let's continue this, together.

on the other hand, the situation you point out to is a nasty one . So I can see why you are thinking this over...

I do hope you stay mate...

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 5:48 pm
by driller
What is going on? Please PM me the details. If you have screens please send them. You did take screens didn't you? If not, thats ok, I still need to know.


Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:36 pm
by Jazelle
What? I go away for a few days and all hell breaks loose. Shaggy you can't go... who will babysit Zin?

In all seriousness talk to Driller about the person there is no reason for such actions by anyone. Other than that you have a ton of friends who will pull out the chars to beat the fool out of the person. Foxy is a sweet person and fun to butt heads with in char. I don't see why anyone would try to hurt her.

Besides how will Zin' be able to keep getting Bath into trouble with his wife if your not around. Those rps are a great outlet and gives us all a fun view of Bath having to deal with the dingbat Demoness.