The future of Blackstone Keep II

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The future of Blackstone Keep II

Post by driller »


I have decided to suspend development on Blackstone Keep II.
There is nothing to motivate me to keep it going. Neverwinter 2 just isn't very good. I have tried to get used to it but there are to many bad design decisions, cut corners, missing features and bugs.

I will try again when the expansion comes out , but I have doubts that
Obsidian will be able to salvage the mess they have made of NWN1.

All they had to do was upgrade the graphics of NWN1 and they would have had a sure fire hit on their hands, instead they were to smart for their own good.

If you are one of the few who actually things NWN2 is good. I recommend playing here ->

I will keep the server up a few days so that anyone who wants to can export their character.

Last edited by driller on Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The future of Blackstone Keep II

Post by ValentianNizzle »

driller wrote:All they had to do was upgrade the graphics of NWN1 and they would have had a sure fire hit on their hands.
Preach brethren, preach.
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Post by WhickedLyx »

I disagree with you again, but what's new. Nwn2 as it stands right now is not too much different that nwn1 when if first came out, just a little more complex. Oh well. But i agree, the direction of bsk2, if as it stands is the best you can do, i dunt blame ya.
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Post by driller »

Maybe you can take this opportunity to make your own server?
I am sure it will be better than anything that has ever existed.

WhickedLyx wrote:I disagree with you again, but what's new. Nwn2 as it stands right now is not too much different that nwn1 when if first came out, just a little more complex. Oh well. But i agree, the direction of bsk2, if as it stands is the best you can do, i dunt blame ya.
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Post by WhickedLyx »

Actually i am. 19 areas and counting all going according to plan. Will it be the best server, who know's. But i have always had the confidence and support after making more than a couple modules in the past, one being very succesfull and the others to keep me on my toes for nwn2. And i think you've taken my words the wrong way. I wouldn't be here, wouldnt have been here if i thought the work you were doing wasnt exceptional. It's too bad we never understood each other. And sorry to see you giving up on nwn2. I do not regret my invested time into bsk. Only regreted the huge disconnect between the players and the dm's/creator. Hehe but you guys have never wanted to hear about that.
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Post by driller »

There is no misunderstanding, your words were clear enough.

Nonetheless, I hope you world is successful. Feel free to post it here when you get it ready for prime time.

Oh well. But i agree, the direction of bsk2, if as it stands is the best you can do, i dunt blame ya.
WhickedLyx wrote:Actually i am. 19 areas and counting all going according to plan. Will it be the best server, who know's. But i have always had the confidence and support after making more than a couple modules in the past, one being very succesfull and the others to keep me on my toes for nwn2. And i think you've taken my words the wrong way. I wouldn't be here, wouldnt have been here if i thought the work you were doing wasnt exceptional. It's too bad we never understood each other. And sorry to see you giving up on nwn2. I do not regret my invested time into bsk. Only regreted the huge disconnect between the players and the dm's/creator. Hehe but you guys have never wanted to hear about that.
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Post by HelloBSK »

Driller, I wish you would reconsider as I have enjoyed my time with BSKII. But since you posted this, I assume you gave it much thought. I hate to see this server leave... I LOVE NWN1 but am having a TON of fun playing NWN2 as I needed a change and the new rules, races and classes make for a lot of RP opportunity and fun.

Thank you for your time invested I look forward to BSK II being back up in action!!!

Saddend!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Post by Nottingham »

I am sad too, Driller, as are my two real life friends that have been playing on BSK2 with me. We have been having fun during LAN party nights at my house. Because BSK1 had such a long life, I felt safe becoming emotionally attached to both the gaming world and my characters. I wish the server would at least stay on for a few more weeks so my friends and I could at least attempt to complete some of the higher level quests.

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Post by viobane »

It sounds like it is coming back... Fall, after the next expansion, right?
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Post by Gibbo »

Possibly, Viobane.. possibly. One thing I'm looking forward to are the push-back dates. Oh yes, I'm already starting a betting pool of which quarter and year the expansion will actually be in stores.

BSK2 was a very pretty module. It's unfortunate that all the cool features have been set up for use, but otherwise completely useless. So close, but so far away.

On the bright side, Driller can focus more on BSK1 and all the lovely and wonderful guildhall chang-- oh wait, that was already addressed... >_> lol.

What I meant to say is that Driller can concentrate more on the frozen juice in the freeze--- wait wait, that's a dumb blonde joke.

Driller can focus more on his secret desire to become an interpretive dancer and punk rock star. Yes.

Very yes.
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Post by ValentianNizzle »

Gibbo wrote:Driller can focus more on his secret desire to become an interpretive dancer and punk rock star. Yes.

Very yes.
I must not be sober enough.
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Post by Vonjan »

Well Driller i would like to say as a player that hits it off on your servers for a few years now from Bsk1 to Bsk2 thank you.
i,ve recreated old charactors and new ones of course a double axe weilding charactor kinda outa the question but neither the less i,ve painfully at times enjoyed your server.i also understand your fustrations trying to recreate a carbon copy of bsk1 to this one.But here my take on this ...its impossible in any case to recreate your success of one game to another without thinking completly something could of called your server the lengendary city of bsk and work something completly something new without the same quest and such.but hey its a carbon copy attemp and such feats are hard and challenging.i commend your efforts Driller and hope to hear from you and BSk2 should it ever rise from its ashes.
Sincerely: Vonjan. Aka Aiden (Rdd BAb Sor Beserk),Lhroen (Monk rdd),Mariko (War cleric),Julis Jane(Druid).
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Post by mario mario »

I have to admit, i logged on the forum here just to see what if anything was new, My heart sank a little bit, It took me ages to upgrage my PC so it was capaable of running NWN2 (no worries it will benifit me ), But one of the things i'd been looking forward to is playing BSK2, The server if fun to play, I dont personally , always notice game problems, exploits, obsidian mistakes etc, etc,, So i cant say or realise how hard it must be to work towards a goal with tools that are messed up.

You never know NWN3, (gulps) might turn up and obsidian might get it right, you never know, but i doubt it.

When Driller says all they had to do was upgrade the graphics and they'd have a winner, i got to agree.

There's not a lot that can be said beyond that, I'll take a look at other servers, but i dont think with the lack of complete servers out there the small populararity of NWN2. Obsidian just messed up. The single player game it seems is where there direction went, It obviuosly wasnt where the major part of the NWN's community wanted it to go.

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Post by Kell »

Aye it is a shame was enjoying bsk2 from little acorns as they say

As for the recommendation of
I have to say i was unimpressed 4 out of 10 for that one
perhaps i might have a different view if i stuck with it , But as they
say first impressions and all,

Looks nice when you first start then takes a nose dive i feel when you
appear in the town ready to adventure

I didn't get past the first dungeon before boredom kicked in,
But it may well be a good game it's just my opinion.
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Post by Pretty Fly White Guy »

Gibbo wrote:Driller can focus more on his secret desire to become an interpretive dancer and punk rock star.
Well, You're welcome to join SuperfuzZ.
