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Post by ValentianNizzle »

Valnir wrote:Nope, party play!!!
Oh for christs sake. Next thing your gonna tell me is that your one of those people who actually RP's. Heaven do forbid!

Merely kidding, of course.
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Post by Valnir »


it is more fun in party play.

And you can have dedicated roles. 1 tank, 1 hitter, 1 healer and support guys doing all kinds of things.

Being a hitter pays more off around here. and it is a RP-lite server so i'm not all for that *takes a smoke of his pipe* thing isn't natural to me to type emotions like that. I can read, write and speak english and that is good enough. I'm not english.

I do plan ahead with builds and rp plans.
Paladin of Azuth for one (paladin/wizard build), Mystic theurge (wizard/cleric). I have some plans for a true dwarven fighter (paladin of Moradin with dwarven waraxe, can't be more dwarf then that).

I play things i like and those builds are not always powerbuilds. Some are just plain wicked. Twitch Switchblade a dual wielding kama ranger with huge amount of attacks, a nasty twitching behavior and many pieces of enemies.
A friend of mine was playing on some nwn2 server and i came screaming from a mountain, that mental scream from that halfling (tommy?). Funny thing is that i came in charging/screaming and the sounds get louder when you close in on the enemy and my friend couldn't stop laughing.
Valnir Raven
