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Re: The Lack of Hide Gear for Rogues and Sneaker's!

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:44 pm
by Milk_Chocolate
ST_DM_Myle wrote:
Milk_Chocolate wrote:
ST_DM_Myle wrote:Whats this?....

Your suggesting that players use tactics and using tools already in game.... wow, do you always expect so much of people?

Yes as ridiculous as tht might sound, I automatically assume that people try to use tactics, tools, and ultimately, their head. But like they say, "common sense isn't so common".

Hm.. I think I found a new signature...
You would have liked my old signature:
"Few things are as stupid as large groups of intelligent people."

Re: The Lack of Hide Gear for Rogues and Sneaker's!

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:54 pm
by Hordack
Milk_Chocolate wrote:
ST_DM_Myle wrote:
Whats this?....

Your suggesting that players use tactics and using tools already in game.... wow, do you always expect so much of people?


Yes as ridiculous as tht might sound, I automatically assume that people try to use tactics, tools, and ultimately, their head. But like they say, "common sense isn't so common".

Hm.. I think I found a new signature...
You would have liked my old signature:
"Few things are as stupid as large groups of intelligent people."
Well some people are not here to pwn people like you MC ... Some of us value RP more then having a powerful build to push people around ... what you guy's seem have failed to noticed is the fact not everyone is a great builder and not everyone is here to beat people up. So why punnish the little RPer's cause people like you have a prejudice towards the uber sneaker build's ...

Oh and word on Tactics ... when the Timestop goes off and you lay dead at my feet and I PP you 3 times and rez you don't whine like little child about me being a scroll and wand Jockey then ... cause like you said learn tactics ... But for you guy's I pass out the time Stop and Mord's scrolls like candy to the rogues.

Re: The Lack of Hide Gear for Rogues and Sneaker's!

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:01 pm
by Milk_Chocolate
Hordack wrote:
Well some people are not here to pwn people like you MC ... Some of us value RP more then having a powerful build to push people around ... I am what you guy's seem have failed to noticed is the fact not everyone is a great builder and not everyone is here to beat people up. So why punnish the little RPer's cause people you have a prejudice towards the uber sneaker build's ...

Oh and word on Tactics ... when the Timestop goes off and you lay dead at my feet and I PP you 3 times and rez you don't whine like little child about me being a scroll and wand Jockey then ... cause like you said learn tactics ... But for you guy's I pass out the time Stop and Mord's scrolls like candy to the rogues.
Read the first paragraph. Then read the second paragraph. Am I the only one that realizes the contradiction about "not [being] here to pwn people"? Ok glad I got that out of the way. Now onto my second point.
Hordack wrote: So why punnish the little RPer's cause people you have a prejudice towards the uber sneaker build's ...
Newsflash. Not everyone uses power, or powerful items, responsibly. Sure you might not use sneaker items to become "uber" but others sure will, and thats not fun for everyone else.
Hordack wrote:I pass out the time Stop and Mord's scrolls like candy to the rogues.
Then start using them to dispel True Seeing, and stop whining for better gear. I'm no DM but even I know the server cant bend over backwards for your blind eye towards an obvious and simple strategy.

Re: The Lack of Hide Gear for Rogues and Sneaker's!

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:52 pm
by Thanatos
I thought detect mode only gave +10...

Re: The Lack of Hide Gear for Rogues and Sneaker's!

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:01 pm
by Milk_Chocolate
Thanatos wrote:I thought detect mode only gave +10...
Detect mode applies your full spot, listen, and search skill. Without it, these skills are cut in half and you have little chance of spotting a sneaker.
From the nwnwiki
Passive (default) mode

Trap detection radius: 3.33m (~11ft)

Trap detection rate: 6 seconds (every round)

Trap detection roll: d20 + full skill (in version 1.68, probably a bug)

Spot/listen roll: d10 + half skill

Active (detect) mode

Trap detection radius: 6.66m (~22ft)

Trap detection rate: 3 seconds (twice per round)

Trap detection roll: d20 + full skill

Spot/listen roll: d20 + full skill

Stealth checks

Player detects stealth: 5 times per second

Player rolls for hide/move silently/spot/listen: 6 seconds

NPC detects stealth: 4 seconds

NPC rolls for hide/move silently/spot/listen: 6 seconds
More from my best friend, the nwnwiki, about the spot skill
From NWNWiki

A successful spot check reveals a hidden creature.

Ability: wisdom
Classes: Arcane Archer, assassin, champion of Torm, Dwarven Defender, red dragon disciple, shadowdancer, ranger, rogue, shifter, Weapon Master
Cross-Class: yes
Requires Training: no
Check: The difficulty class is determined by the hide check of the hidden creature.
Special: The alertness feat grants a +2 synergy bonus on spot checks. Rangers receive a bonus on spot checks against their favored enemies. Elves gain a +2 bonus on spot checks, and half-elves gain a +1 bonus.
Use: Spot is part of the detect modal action. In passive detect mode, checks are made automatically every round. Active detect mode in a modal action reduces the normal movement rate and makes the character perform an active spot, as well as listen and search checks.

Additional modifiers
+10 DC if the spotter is in combat.
+5 DC if the target is standing still.
-5 DC if the spotter is standing still.
Size modifiers (tiny: +8, small: +4, medium: 0, large: -4, huge: -8).
Area spot check modifiers.
+5 DC for stealthed players (only), if they are in the back arc.
+5 DC at night if the spotter does not have a light (or darkvision).
-10 DC at night if the target has a light on them.
[edit] Notes
Cannot spot invisible creatures.
Cannot spot anything while blind.
The feats alertness, artist and blooded grant a +2 bonus on spot checks.
In Shadows of Undrentide, this skill is used to find tracks hidden in snow.
Now the listen skill:

From NWNWiki

Listen alerts a character to hidden creatures that may be nearby.

Ability: wisdom
Classes: Arcane Archer, assassin, barbarian, bard, Dwarven Defender, Harper Scout, monk, Pale Master, ranger, red dragon disciple, rogue, shadowdancer, shifter, Weapon Master
Cross-Class: yes
Requires Training: no
Check: Listen detects hidden creatures by opposing their move silently check. A successful check renders the hidden creature visible, and makes it a valid target for the listener.
Special: Standing still provides a +5 bonus to a listen check. A character with the alertness feat gains a +2 synergy bonus on listen checks. Rangers gain a bonus when listening against a Favored Enemy. Elves, gnomes, and halflings gain a +2 racial bonus to listen checks. Half-elves receive a +1 racial bonus.
Use: Listen is part of the detect modal action. In passive detect mode, checks are made automatically every round. Active detect mode is a modal action that reduces the normal movement rate and makes the character perform an active listen, as well as search and spot checks.

Additional modifiers
+10 DC if the listener is in combat.
+5 DC if the target is standing still.
-5 DC if the listener is standing still.
+1 DC for every 3 meters between listener and target.
Size modifiers (tiny: +8, small: +4, medium: 0, large: -4, huge: -8).
+5 DC for every 40cm of object (including creatures) between listener and target in outdoor areas.
+2 DC in indoor areas if the line of sight is blocked and the target is within 4 tiles.
Area listen check modifiers.

Re: The Lack of Hide Gear for Rogues and Sneaker's!

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:22 pm
by ST_DM_Myle
So because some people want to RP rather than build.....




Thats your justification.

Well, Hells Bells, Hordack - why didn't you say that so clearly before. Of course, I agree....
In the interest of making things fair regardless of the playstyle or talent or the effort anyone takes.... we will be reducing the price of all items to 1 gold piece and all items will be offered by the pawnshop. No need to be bothered with any other shop. We will install a hak file so everyone automatically gets max HP and 40 levels of every class.... We will just set everyones skill points to 127 as the default and .. and... and....

Or not.


Re: The Lack of Hide Gear for Rogues and Sneaker's!

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:23 pm
by Thanatos
ST_DM_Myle wrote:Or not.
Crap...I got all giddy there for a sec.

Re: The Lack of Hide Gear for Rogues and Sneaker's!

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:21 pm
by Hordack
Well, Hells Bells, Hordack - why didn't you say that so clearly before. Of course, I agree....
In the interest of making things fair regardless of the playstyle or talent or the effort anyone takes.... we will be reducing the price of all items to 1 gold piece and all items will be offered by the pawnshop. No need to be bothered with any other shop. We will install a hak file so everyone automatically gets max HP and 40 levels of every class.... We will just set everyones skill points to 127 as the default and .. and... and....
Yep one day I will give back a pair of Dragon Slippers ... Or in fact I mite actualy get a useful DM reward for RPing other then a lump some of gold too hasn't happen yet in 4 years ... or even better Myles you mite even show up and run a DM event sometime ... or even better Starkson mite even grow to be a real guild again (Driller is Starkson for sale? looking for a new home for the Shadowstalker's?) ... oh wait just maybe I will return all those forge stones that DM's have say I have stolen off of all those players for year's ...

And one day Myles you will realize sarcasm dosen't work with me *sarcastic laughter*

Yep Myles I truely think in my best judgement you are unable to see outside the box, and you forgotten the whole point of the game is to have fun, not count beans and worry about the math . I feel so sorry for you that you cannot understand this.

Guess I'll just become like that power builder and pwn the little guy who can't do builds, steal the newbies forgestones and genearly be a fulltime asshole like I was with the all those Starkson's who treated me like crap when I first joined Blackstone and needed some help. *more sarcasm*

NO actualy I will be better then those who have treated me like crap around here. I will continue to be a better person, give out my gold, find ROB's for my guild member's, give them the forgestones out my pocket for free if the need them. And unlike some of these so called rip-off auction's I have seen in the past I will never rip off another fellow player when it comes to price on a item or forge stone.

Re: The Lack of Hide Gear for Rogues and Sneaker's!

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:35 pm
by Thanatos you need a hug?

*looks around* Can we get him a hug?

*sees no one volunteering to give him a hug* ....please??!!?! *note the desparation in Thanny's voice*

Re: The Lack of Hide Gear for Rogues and Sneaker's!

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:36 pm
by ST_DM_Myle
Your the one trying to use math and beans to justifiy your position... the you try to use RP intent to cover it up.

again.... no


Re: The Lack of Hide Gear for Rogues and Sneaker's!

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:21 am
by Hordack
Sorry Thanny I get plenty of hugs from the Ladies *grins*

But think Myles will soon ... *evil grin*

Re: The Lack of Hide Gear for Rogues and Sneaker's!

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:23 am
by ST_DM_Myle
Actually. This thread is done. It is discussed to death and for the umteenth time with the same tired BS and excuses on why the poor rogues need a hand up in order to get their hands in someones pocket.

Any other suggestions regarding this should be made to a sympathetic DM. If that DM choses to post it for discussion on our DM boards, we will address it there and if a change is decided on, you will see it in game.
