Attention to everyone! Identity theft!!

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Attention to everyone! Identity theft!!

Post by masterserge »

Hello all friends of Black Stone. I strongly feel that I have to share with everyone what happend to me in the last few month . Because it could potentially happens to anyone, well.. perhaps someone. But I feel that everyone must know.
I am one of the very loyal members of Black Stone and play on this server exclusevly for about 3+ years. I like it, I do, I feel right at home, I have met a lot of great people here and become friend with many of them. I get excited with every change that happend and I see how different waves of people come and go and how ambiance of the Black Stone changes with them. But never in all those years I felt that my characters and my identity on the server is in danger, until now.

In October of last year (2006) I came from the long trip to Europe and art retreat where I could not play the game and logged in one of my favorite characters to be absolutelly shocked!! My character came out to be naked, I open the inventory and to my amazement, there was nothing there: no gear, no weapons, no bags, no stones, no money, few scrolls were left and few insignificant things were spared!!! I simply could not believe what I saw. I thought to myself, well because of the summer updates, it is probably some kind of program glitch and no one would be able to do anything about it. Bummer, I have lost a character, I will not be able to replace all that I have lost, but I can make a new one. ...
But I got qurious and decide to log another character to see if he got "infected with the same bug" - damn- he was too. Same story- naked dwarf in the middle of the city under the tree with nothing to put on in his back, and no money to get anythying at the nearest store.
I decided not to do anymore experiments like that for one day- too much stress. Perhaps if I logg in tomorrow everything will be back to normal.
But the next day I discovered another character that lost everything in the void. The "bug" seams to affect only the most advance characters, and in the last character had definit preference to the most valuble items, leaving not so valuble in place. That was slightly odd but I didn't pay much attention to that, I was devistated as it is.
After that day, It seams that none of my characters didn't appear naked anymore and I convince myself that it was computer bug and no one can do anythign about it.

When sudenly, just not long ago, I start to knowtes that I am missing things here and htere. So, I mentioned it to one of our DMs to find out if there is some "bug" or glitch? Just to get positive answer that no improvements that has been done should affect characer in shuch a way. But suggestion was made that someone guessed my pass word and stilling my stuff. That came like a shock to me and sudenly all the little puzzle pieces start falling in to places. Things start making sence.

Finally last drop that encoarage me to come out of my shiness and write this long message is- I decided to check all my characters if they lost anything anything in the last weeks. .... Oh. my dear GOD!!! ... !!!! .... !!!!
....!!! Guy!! you know, that we have auctions, right now, right? Guy!!! You are byeing my stuff!!! No kidding!! Things that I accumulated for 3+ years of playing with about 20 characters, being a junk collector- can fead 20 auctions... it is all gone. There is no character left untouched... inventories looked like they were brushed with pooper scooper- leaving only single items here and there on pages, stones are gone with the bags, pages that were filed with scrolls look like oceans with remote islands, where use to be amount of gold you can see lonelly single digit "yawn" of "0" !

Now STOP! OK. you stall my pass word, ok, you guessed it- good for you. You tryed it- it worked. You robbed one character, that wasn't enough, then second one- still not enough... (you are not thinking that the person you are robbing spent time and effort getting all that stuff somehow, ok, it is just a game no biggy) , then you went and rob 3d character..
when is enough? Now you robbed ALL my characters, you left them with nothing, I can't repare damage you caused to my characters ever. It was accumulated for 3 years. I can't return 3 years of playing. What is your goal? If you are reading it... WHAT IS YOUR GOAL? Do you want me out of the server? Why? what did I do so bad to you personally that you decided at your own will to make my playing experience so devistating and sed? You stall my identity, whether it is in the game or real life doesn not make any difference, you robbed me and kip robbing me and I feel violated and raped, no, not after losing stones, but after repeated abuse.
When do you stop?

No, I am not going to leave. I will make a new account with harder to figure out pass word and be like a sore spot on the ass of the loser that robing my characters. Let him rob and rape dry corps of what is left.

As far as you guys, make your pass words harder to figure out. Because among wonderful people we meet and great friends we find in the game some times we overlook one disturbed puppet who would make your game temporarelly set back. And that might even upset you for a day. But at the end it is only a game. However our character very often opens up in the game like that. So, think of it this way. after you close your computer and go to a soft, nice, fresh bed. he might be going back from the prizon libriary to his sell to spend a night with a "Harry Barry".
*smile* :!:
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Post by Jazelle »

Has anyone had access to your computer while you were gone? Or have you played the game on someone elses computer? If yes to either you might look locatlly for who did this to you.

I know myself what I have been auctioning is from my chars and two of my friends but they are on at the time giving me the stuff and all of it dates from 4 years ago to just last year.

The copy bug won't take your stuff off your char it only duplicates your char in other folders. So that would not account for it.

Yes someone might of figured out your password. Do you use only one account? Myself I have used several and never keeped the good stuff all in one account and muled it all on a account with a password that is very long.

There was a bug over a year ago that did clean out some accounts it was I believe associated with a lightening strike that hit Driller's house and caused a bit of damage. I know Twin and a few others lost everything in their accounts due to that.

As for auctions are you sure folks have been auctioning your stuff or are you just assuming? I would suggest before passing a bad light on all the auctions talk to Driller and see if your account was one that was bugged during that time.

Also note if your account is buggy it will keep loosing items. Another thing I do is every once in a while I do a local save of my chars. That way if there is a major problem I can send a copy to Driller to show what my char did have on them at that time. You might do that too.
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Post by BabydollJennifer »

There is a way to change your password.

There was a post on this subject a while back.

I don't recall how, but surely one of the BSK "super geeks" can post it here.

It's sad that someone would thieve from a game account.
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Post by ValentianNizzle »

The legacy of the Bear has come to an end! This is a appalling! Asides from my obvious stab at sarcasm, sorry to hear about your unfortunate situation.
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Post by Lukas_Mandingo »

wow, that sucks somebody would do that, if somebody stole your stuff.
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Post by Jazelle »

Please do note there was a time that accoutns were bugged and stuff did vanish from them. If you were not on since then it could be your glitched. Talk to Driller.
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Post by BaskingDemon »

This totally SUCKS!! They should have their *darn* hands chopped off!

Stick with it Serge, dont let the bastards grind you down.

I propose the starting of a 'Save the Bear' charity, make it a sticky, Edmund has a few silver coins spare to throw in the pot.

Edit by DM Rendyll - Watch the language, misspelled or not. Thank you.
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Post by driller »

Before we all get to excited. Masterserge, I need you to send me the information I requested. Please read your PMs.

Last edited by driller on Fri Feb 16, 2007 10:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Red »

If I remember correctly, this isnt the first time soneone with an easy to guess password had stuff stolen from them. If you have a password thats easy to guess, you may want to consider changing it. This requires that you put in your correct email when you created the account, if you didnt, you'll just end up with an account you cant use if you reset the password.
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Post by Kricket »

You should always change your password often reguardless where or what it is but for nwn it can be done at the bioware site.
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Post by DM Dragonheart »

There was a time when chrs were travelling over into other players acc's...ive heard it still does happen so i urge all players DO NOT use or play that chr because it can and sometimes does make the players chr illegal or it will remove items as is what is being discussed in this post..

If you do have a chr that has transfered into your Acc dont touch it just ignore it and it will eventually go away
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