Devistating Critical question

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DM Rendyll
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Post by DM Rendyll »

What a lovely conversation. People can have all sorts of opinions on this server, and post them for others to see, and that is fine, yet a DM dares to have an opinion and look what happens. :roll:

To those of you who wish to question my impartiallity...

Find me a circumstance where I have given "friends" DM created gifts. Go ahead...just one. Find me a time where I have been "unfair".

As the longest serving DM on this server, I most certainly resent the fact that stating my opinion has resulted in having my integrity questioned. Perhaps I've touched a nerve?

Regardless, if you want to sit and point fingers and whi...err...complain about my DM skills and how you erroneously assume things you have zero knowledge about, then take it to PM's. I'll welcome those PM's that have any basis in fact regarding the treatment I give friends and how I have *ever* been unfair in my dealings with the playerbase, cheese-build or not. If you can't have a conversation without needing to flame someone personally, then stay out of it. I find it truly amazing that when someone posts an opinion that differs from the norm, that others can't just sit and quietly disagree, they have to get their hands dirty and start slinging mud. Very nice. Amazing how when DM's have opinions, people take them as a personal attack.

As was stated in my original post, it was *MY* pinion that was brought forth, not that of the DM Team as a whole. If you are so distraught by my observations, at least have the courage and the consideration to keep on topic, and not drag others, who have nothing to do with this, into it. Dragging other people into something they have nothing to do with simply because your argument is so weak that you have to sling mud just to make some type of point is immature at best.

Now, for my right to confront my accusers, as it were...

Alter Fritz :

Thank you oh so kindly for your support. What a great place to state the fact that you think BSK does not have any decent DM's. I can't understand for the life of me why you feel neglected by those you so freely insult. Nothing like lashing out at the whole simply because of statements made by one. Bravo.

Qui Chang :

Yes indeed...we all meet once a week and build the uberest chars we can just to tick everyone else off. Of course, it makes things difficult since we can't import characters whenever we want, and there's that pesky script that prevents DM's from bringing things in from the toolset. And we won't even mention Driller's spot checks, will we? Of course, it doesn't matter that I watch DM characters more carefully than I do others, or the fact the *entire* DM team was dismissed at one time for just that problem...but why do research...your view of things *must* be correct. Anytime you like, I'll open up my inventory for you to browse through, and you can list off ALL the uber DM-made-cheese items I've created for my superchar.


I'm sorry my opinion makes you uncomfortable, but I fail to see how saying I miss the calibre of game play on the server somehow reflects my impartiality. I did not sign a piece of paper when I became a DM that said I was not entitled to my opinion. I apologise that my play style of not exploiting, not abusing players or DM's, not cheating, following the stated rules and volunteering my time is not, in your view, "leading by example". I will try to do better in the future. Oh...and next time you want to question my ability to do the job I was asked to do (yes, I was asked to be a DM by Driller, I didn't "apply"), please do so directly to me, and maybe look into things a bit before making assumptions. I am all grown up enough not to let my feelings cloud my judgment when it comes down to a job. Thanks terribly for your faith in me. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. How about you worry about playing, and us lowly DM's will worry about graduation day, the 50 yard line, who washes our striped shirts and how much the other team is paying us to throw the game. Think on this....I have just as much right to say the RP isn't as wonderful as it once was, as you have the right to say it's just fine.

And now, to forestall all the incoming comments I know are about to flood this post, if you have a problem with me or my characters or the way I DM, take it to PM's and to my face. The forums, as stated by the rules you ALL agreed to before activating your accounts, are not meant as a platform for personal attacks. I mentioned no names in my original post, and I find it amusing to see just who took offense at my opinion, as it was not directed at anyone in particular. My utter disappointment at people not being able to discuss things in a civil manner without turning it into a personal grief will prevent me from responding to any further comments in this post, but do feel free to use the PM button. I won't violate the rules by dragging personal issues onto the public forums. To those that feel the need to reply, I suggest you use PM's, or else I would imagine this post will be locked.

And as for the rest of the DM Team, I am sincerely sorry that my opinions have brought about such rude comments directed at the DM staff as a whole by those unable to differentiate between opinion and argument. Had I known such comments would surface, I would not have presumed to voice my opinion. I assumed the community spirit here was stronger than that and not subject to such pettiness and thinly veiled insinuations.

And people wonder why DM Events are at an all time low...-shakes head-

Have a nice day.
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Post by greyghost »

Agreed Winteraven.

And an apology to Elfrouge, who's thread was hijacked.. which I completely abhor.

DM Rendyll, I see you replied. Wow.. you seem to have taken this awful personally... my post was not intended or directed at you directly.. but at the tone of the comment.. and as it was stated.. you are most certainly entitled to any opinion at all, and it is appreciated. Did I not state I slightly agree? Missed that one I guess..

Your skills as a DM or how you arrived there, were not the subject of the discussion in any manner (not sure why to took it there), but it was the tone of your comment that I found "unsettling". And I would hardly describe "unsettling" as a complete admonishment of one's ability or character. While I disagree with the tone of your comment, I didn't flame or personally attack you.

It is clear that reading through the postings, many players have had incidents or issues with DM's, witnessed activities, etc.- the DM's of course have seen many, many more of the same from the players. Result.. we're all human.. we all play a game we love, and that like all humans, we disagree on how we play it from time to time.

But if you post an "opinion" in a public place, then you do subject it to other peoples "opinion" on it. Please don't attack people if they disgree-
Last edited by greyghost on Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesius »

Folks seem worried that roleplay has declined since veterans have moved on in their lives and interests. I propose that this trend is normal and is not the fault of any particular group of participants in this game.

Powergamers: It's not their fault. They do what they always do. They play the numbers game. The sociopaths who make up only a fraction of this group should be dealt with on a case by case basis. PM a DM and include screenshots.

Roleplayers: It's not their fault. Sure it happens sometimes when it seems like they never leave their clubhouse as they play an electronic form of tea party with all their friends "on the inside". But there's no such thing as roleplay welfare. It's something you will have to find yourself. Or you can have them find you by doing something interesting like putting on a show or contest, selling goods and services, making up virtual hobbies for your virtual hero, hatching a villainous plot, etc. If you think there's some favoritism, screenshot and PM. Rinse and repeat.

DMs: It's not their fault. They are here to support and enhance the roleplay and arbitrate disputes between players. Any abuse of power caused by DMs should be screenshoted and sent to driller. He loves cheaters. With a nice chianti and some fava beans that is.

There. No one should be getting defensive. No one here should feel attacked. This is just a sign of the times and people move on. Just because player counts drop is no guarantee they will forever stay that way.

AND IN CONCLUSION.... That's why there's no Devastating Critical. ;)
Last edited by Caesius on Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by winteraven »

//oh my ribs hurt Caesius! :lol:

Now, if THAT is why there's no devastating critical...

then what would it take to have something else removed? :shock:

Hehe Happy Gaming :D
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Post by greyghost »

*struggles to grasp the desktop and pull himself up off of the floor, from where he has just recovered from a devastatingly critical laughing attack*

To Caesius,

To the author of the best sarcastic and tounge in cheek, however so eloquently and truly stated thread closing post I have EVER read, I salute you.
Last edited by greyghost on Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ValentianNizzle »

Right when things were getting Jerry Springer funny, Casius bursts my bubble.
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Post by Caesius »

Sorry to ruin your fun Nizzle. Here, check this out:

Jerry Springer: The Opera

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Post by Pretty Fly White Guy »

i loved that thing.
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Post by ST_DM_Myle »

On the matter of DM's
DM's have not been able to give uber items to players since long before I became a DM. If a DM is giving out uber items currently, then they have bypassed the script somehow and it needs to be reported.

Due to massive abuse by past DM's, Driller placed a 1000gp value limit on any item brought into game by a DM. This is the main reason all my special event items are so laughable and purely RP. Ask anyone who has ever gotten an event item from me and they can tell you that all the fuss over the item was ironic, beause the item MIGHT have had a few uses/day of cure light wounds, a few skill points for an RP skill or something silly like that.

Shortly after I became a DM, we learned an industrious DM was loading herself up with forge stones and forgemaxing items to the limit and giving them out to her cronies. That was scripted out. We had another DM who was found with items not available of the server *at any point* on their player characters and was also tossed.

DM's are generally made up of those who present themselves as a value to the server and manage not to grate on Drillers nerves too badly. Sometimes these DM's fall prey to the corruption effect, but we endevour to police our own. We do this because we want the best for the server and also because if we fail to do our duty, Driller will fire the entire team and start over. He does not have patience with people who disappoint him after he places trust in them. By my count Driller has fired the entire DM team at least twice, overhauled the team three times, and rightly so each time.

As for RP and the availablity or lack thereof
Players have to RP on a regularly predictible bases for anyone to catch on and pick up the habit. Part-time RP is one of the biggest destroyers of RP I have ever seen because others never know if that PT RP'r is going to participate or blow them off. Soon none of the RP'rs bother to include the PT RP'r and suddenly we hear about the sad demise of RP on BSK.

Other players and DM's do not exisit to supply RP. Why does anyone expect OTHERSto RP in order to validate making an attempt to RP.

True, the concentration of RP has lessened as some of the players have moved to other servers or characters have retired and the RP of some the new characters has not blossomed as fully as the previous characters.

Well, guess what folks, you can not rely on the same core groups of RP'rs to always carry the wieght, especially if they are not around anymore. There are A LOT of great RP players still on BSK and their is no good reason that you can not also become part of that body of players. You just have to stick to it.

The easiest ways to get RP going and maintained is tobe loyal to your character,

Making a new character and rushing to level 40 every week is NOT how to improve RP.

Avoiding RP until your an ALLPOWERFUL-UBERIZIED-MUSTBEFEAREDAND RESPECTED...blablabla... is NOT how to foster substantial RP.

Be loyal to your character.
- Chose a few characters that you will RP with

Develop the character.
- Strengths and ... AND weaknesses in a characters personality and other aspects of the character are important. Some of this servers most imposing and powerful characters could not even consider stepping in the underdark or wander too deep into the Wastes without a quick and painful death. The RP of those characters carried power and influence that no sword, spell, or amount of stealth could compare to.

Keep to the RP of the character.
- Do not change the characters standing in a way which runs against the established RP of the character for the sake of gain. Stick to the characters personality. Do not go against the norm for the character as that makes it hard for others to understand thier own characters relationships with your character.

Do not metagame.
- This is a hard one because sometimes if your involved in RP. 'John' will offer to sell you information on 'Jake' or 'Jane' works for you and reports something she learned about 'Jessy'... How do you know if John or Jane got their information IG or if the info is OOC? If you happen to also play a sneak or an informant for your group, how do you defend yourself against anothers claim of OOC information gathering without exposing your source?

This sometimes boils down to getting to know the other people you RP with and either you trust them or not.

Do not suffer fools.
- There are people out there who just want to ruin the game for you or they just like picking on RP'rs in general. Give them a chance to RP, but if they breach the RP ethics then STOP RP'ing with them and refuse to interact with any RP which they are part of.

While it is true that this may limit your RP, eventually people will either catch on, rol play more with you, and avoid the person, or you will learn that either you need to relax your RP standards or seek another server to RP on.

That is NOT to say that your not welcome, but to say that YOU should be HAPPY when you play.

That is what play is supposed to be about: fun.

Do not assume that powergamers are bad.
- Some of the most powerful characters on the server are Roleplayers who either started off as powergamers or were Roleplayers who learned to crunch the numbers to powergame so they could stand up to some of the server bullies at one time or another.

I know I spent probibly a year trying to get the hang of powerbuilding before I got any good at it. I am not the best, but I finally hold my own.
BTW, none of my characters are twinked with DM goodies either. My best gear is actually stuff that was forged for my PC's long before I became a DM.

The short of it is this:
If you want RP on the server, then RP.
Stay consistant in your RP.
Be loyal to your RP characters.
Avoid Metagaming.
Don't let idiots undermine your fun.

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