Rumor has it someone is asking around about The Starkson Protectorate

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Rumor has it someone is asking around about The Starkson Protectorate

Post by Se7en »

Someone has been spotted posting notes in and around the keep. The guards report that the person has also spent a sizeable time in the library of the State Building, pouring over books and tomes in search of something. When asked to describe the person everyone seem to only remember him or her wearing a purple full plate. Was it a man or woman? Tall or short? Their voice clearly distorted and the physical appearance apparently projected and changed at will...

Aside from the physical description - or lack thereof - the guards agree only on two things:
One - They consistenty refer to themselves as Masquerade.
Two - They are asking about and seek information about the Starkson Protectorate.

It was strange, but alas the Guards and citizens of the Keep are used to strange things.

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