These are some ideas I have been mulling over for a while. Think they should be pretty easy to implement, improve the game experience and not mess too much with things as they are.
Thanks for reading!1. Books of various town portals, that can be charged via portal scrolls. E.g Oasis tome, Citadel Tome, etc. Could perhaps have a "universal" book as a reward for completing homestead.
2. Improved pixie: higher buy price/better chances to get forgies, perhaps even runes, maybe as a set loot item from, say, epic tyranoid mommy (or someone else that doesn't get much love).
3. Swap the order on Clear Sequencer and Use spells on the various sequencer robes, to put the use on the "right" side of the item and massively reduce player frustration from the odd screw up, hehe
4. Add a base item value function to the level requirement tool (would help a lot in terms of forging items with custom bsk OnHit properties with values that can't be replicated in the toolset)
5. Increase the duration for the Soulfire effect a bit. Maybe 2d6 rounds. Same suggestion applies to the new horde weapons with similar effects, once they're working. 1 round is very short
6. Remove stinking cloud from Goblin Chieftains in battlegrounds (useless spell vs lvl 40 chars, but tends to cause both lag and local crashes)
7. Hate Machine or Mechanus unique reward for wizards: reskin golems (maybe something similar for Slaad colour once/if Chaos Rift is up and running).
- Some day down the line, a quest series that, say, lets wizards, pms and sorcerers buff their summon would be really cool. Perhaps something like doing quests to give the summons use of more item slots, like shoes, hats, belts, etc. But this would probably take a while, so I don't think, even if folks think it's a fun idea, it should be prioritized, given time constraints.
8. Boot players from the boat after choosing outcast
9. Add a text with Kalus to specifically inform players that runewords vanish (can only mention shields specifically, haven't tested since) if you change the item appearance. The "at your own risk" thing is not helpful since it hardly ever applies, so folks just ignore it.
10. Make LoT raid loot instanced (every time I suggest it, the discussion almost always ends with folks not wanting to do it since there is only 1 set of loot)