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Post by Zedral »

Hey all.

I am quite new here. I just tried first dex-based build and I found playing here quite nice. I have some experience with playing druid in other realms/campaign.
Is the druid worth of lvling here_ I would like to focus for dragonshape and even for elementalshape. So far I have seen the most classes are no casters, but I am maybe mistaken.
Im thinking about classic build 38druid/1rogue/1monk or something similar. Maybe the fast dragon build with COT, but this one si not my favorite.

Any advices?

Thank you.
Drow Arrow
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Re: Drood?

Post by Drow Arrow »

there are several dragon shifters currently playing on the server, so yes they're viable here. i would recommend making some adjustments like possibly using PDK in the build as it adds some free (magic?) damage. someone else could probably tell you more my current dragon shifter needs a rebuild so i'm unfamiliar with the current meta for dragon builds.
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Re: Drood?

Post by Zedral »

I am lvl 40 now. 32druid/6monk/2rogue.

Soloing is quite easy in almost all location I have been in. I nearly soloed Temple of Vor. (died on final encounter)

I have bad experience with raiding because some guys I was raiding with in Dungeon of doom told me, dragon shape is bad for tanking due to collosal size...

I built this character mainly for tanking. I have only basic +5/+6 gear and can cap AC over 90 in Dragonshape. Is this common on this realm or I just hit the wrong group?

Any other advices?
Drow Arrow
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Re: Drood?

Post by Drow Arrow »

so dragon shapes have been shrunk in size (though sometimes that does break under special circumstances), but honestly they're not good tanks because AC isn't something that really matters for end game content as the AB on enemies is real high, on blackstone it's all about Damage Reduction and Damage Immunities on your gear.

to that end i would highly recommend if you want to make a shifter tank, that you instead build for stone golem such as the one below.

Code: Select all

Druid(5), Shifter(13), Dwarven Defender(22), Dwarf

STR: 8
DEX: 13
CON: 18 (22)
WIS: 17 (27)
INT: 10
CHA: 6

Dwarf: (Darkvision, Defensive Training vs. Giants, Stonecunning, Hardiness vs. Poison, Hardiness vs. Spells, Offensive Training vs. Goblinoids, Offensive Training vs. Orcs, Skill Affinity: Lore)
01: Druid(1): Toughness
02: Druid(2)
03: Druid(3): Alertness
04: Druid(4): WIS+1, (WIS=18)
05: Druid(5)
06: Shifter(1): Dodge
07: Shifter(2)
08: Shifter(3): WIS+1, (WIS=19)
09: Shifter(4): Resist Energy: Fire
10: Shifter(5)
11: Shifter(6)
12: Shifter(7): WIS+1, Resist Energy: Cold, (WIS=20)
13: Dwarven Defender(1): {Defensive Stance}
14: Dwarven Defender(2): {Defensive Awareness I}
15: Dwarven Defender(3): Resist Energy: Electricity
16: Dwarven Defender(4): WIS+1, (WIS=21)
17: Dwarven Defender(5)
18: Dwarven Defender(6): Blind Fight
19: Shifter(8)
20: Shifter(9): WIS+1, (WIS=22)
21: Shifter(10): Great Wisdom I, (WIS=23)
22: Dwarven Defender(7)
23: Dwarven Defender(8)
24: Dwarven Defender(9): WIS+1, Great Wisdom II, (WIS=25)
25: Dwarven Defender(10)
26: Shifter(11)
27: Shifter(12): Great Wisdom III, (WIS=26)
28: Shifter(13): WIS+1, Construct Shape, (WIS=27)
29: Dwarven Defender(11)
30: Dwarven Defender(12): Great Constitution I, (CON=19)
31: Dwarven Defender(13)
32: Dwarven Defender(14): CON+1, Epic Energy Resistance: Acid I, (CON=20)
33: Dwarven Defender(15): Epic Energy Resistance: Sonic I
34: Dwarven Defender(16)
35: Dwarven Defender(17)
36: Dwarven Defender(18): CON+1, Epic Damage Reduction I, Epic Damage Reduction II, (CON=21)
37: Dwarven Defender(19)
38: Dwarven Defender(20)
39: Dwarven Defender(21): Epic Damage Reduction III
40: Dwarven Defender(22): CON+1, Epic Energy Resistance: Acid II, (CON=22)

Hitpoints: 688
Skillpoints: 128
Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 31/30/20
Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +2, Traps: +1, Poison: +2, Fear: +2
BAB: 25
AB (max, naked): 24 (melee), 26 (ranged)
Spell Casting: Druid(3)
Alignment Changes: 0

remaining skillpoints 128
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Re: Drood?

Post by Raybo69 »

Does shifter retain all of the base char armor and weapon bonus’s?
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