Dak runes not working

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Dak runes not working

Post by Dyndrilliac »

I used a socketing stone on my Tower Shield of the Ancients so I could socket it with Dak runes to add an AC bonus. I added two to it, the combat log indicates they were socketed, and they were consumed - but my shield doesn't have an AC bonus.

Edit: P.S. the shield didn't already have an AC bonus just FYI, and now I can't socket the shield with anything else because it says all sockets are full. Is there any way you can clear the sockets since I didn't actually get to benefit from any of the runes that are in it? If I can't get an AC bonus, I'd like to at least replace the Dak runes I wasted on it with Cunic runes for some additional piercing immunity (I already have the runes, just want the ability to use them, which I think is fair). I definitely don't want to have to replace my shield.
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Re: Dak runes not working

Post by SkyBlues87 »

I believe you'll find the answer to this in the recent update it would appear DAK runes are being phased out ...
Where there is a will there will be a way...
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Re: Dak runes not working

Post by Gnappo »

Report a little bug: dak still dropping on undead altars around the map
Douglas Thurman
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Re: Dak runes not working

Post by Douglas Thurman »

Still dropping DAK stone from Forsaken Altars. Multiples in some cases.
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