Character Introductions

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Character Introductions

Post by Caesius »

((OOC: Post any introductory vignettes of your characters here. I'll go first: ))


Eridani Solanova

"Last stop, Blackstone Keep!"

The boarding ramp of Zim's ship extends and passengers disembark.

Amongst these passengers is a woman wearing a suit of chain armor casually resting a huge sword on her shoulder which is covered in runes along with a red stone set in it's hilt.

After disembarking, she looks on at the bustling town. It looked much different from the pictures she saw in the old history books she had read.

"So this land was once was home to the Arcane Order..." she thinks to herself.

Pausing from her thoughts, the woman reaches into her pack and pulls out a book, opening it, glides her finger to the bookmark and flips to the appropriate page.

"There must be someone around here who knows about it."

Taking a moment to get her bearings and referring to a map, she sets off towards the Playful Maiden in search of the truth behind the disappearance of the mysterious and reputedly mythical Archmagi, powerful wizards who lived centuries ago in this very keep...
The only constant is change.
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Re: Character Introductions

Post by StarChild »

Daylin Thaed

Name: Daylin Thaed
Race: Moon Elf
Class: Mage (Oh & He Uses A Nice Rapier Too)
Skin: Bluish
Hair: White

History: Introduced to his art by Myel Da-Mai, Daylin Thaed became a mage in leather. He cares more about his looks than anything else. Looks first magic second. Therefore you may see him straigtening out his hair in the middle of battle but he has no worries. After training he came across the notorious Wynter Lake where he gained an affinity for ice spells. Later he found himself repulsed by Wynter's cold attitude and antics. Eventually he left her but continued favoring spells of ice. While he is a little chumier than the two people who had much effect on his life, deep down inside he is just as morbid. After all his name spelled backward is death.

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Daylin K. Thaed
Properly Interpreted - The Day Of Death -
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Re: Character Introductions

Post by Veteran »


History Behind The Man :

As Xillow first arrived on the docks of Blackstone Keep many years ago it was not long before trouble had found him. As the young adventurer made his way to the gates of the city to hunt down the den mother for the senile old man a young elven maiden had approached him and began working her charm. But it was not the maiden who had charmed Xillow it was indeed the opposite, for after the period of time which seemed like hours the two had been talking did she reveal to him that she was forced to go out and seduce young adventurers like himself for gold. Xillow being the fool he was could not help himself but to offer his hand, he promised he would find a way to free her and indeed he did. Weeks passed. then onto months, then an entire year. The two have met secretly after her cruel owner fell asleep. What started with a passion for helping her turned into his first love. After confessing his feelings for her and hers for him, Xillow set off to confront this man he heard so much of, having felt he had enough seasons under his belt he thought the scum slave owner would be no threat. But that was where he was wrong under his first meeting with the man Xillow was astonished at his size, this "scum" slave owner stood towering over Xillow sneering at him. But our "hero" never backed away, he was determined to fight for his lovers freedom, and so he did even though he had lost, he lay on the floor lingering on his last breath of air before the lumbering reaper felt pity for him and offered the girls freedom in admiration for his valor. The two loved each other greatly, or so he thought, for it wasnt long before she left him, taking what she could and fleeing the city, the reason why, noone knows. But Xillow was left heart broken. He left himself in solitude for years focusing himself on perfecting his fighting style as he remained a resident of Blackstone. Until one fatefull eve when a twisted goddess crossed his path, she said she had been watching him through all these years, admiring his struggle, enjoying his battles. He was left speechless that a higher being admired himself and but caught enough words to as what it was she wanted of him. She simply asked him to stay by his side, how she knew his heart would never love again, but she said she could mend that pain, maybe, if he served her. Xillow enticed by the thought of losing his pain agreed to join her, months flew by as the two stood side by side. Xillow's moral's became twisted, where he would once offer a hand to a soul in need he now would rather render that person's hands from their limbs. Xillow's heart felt love once more, his love for suffering, and his love for the dark goddess who fought at his side. The two would linger under the oak tree and whisper meaningless nothings to one another, and one night he told her how he felt, offering his heart once more, and she offered him hers, along with her "gift" the gift of eternal life, power beyond imagine and the chance to spend eternity with her. Without hesitation he accepted her gift, his new curse. Ages pass and new citizens arrive in blackstone. A dangerous organization forms, they call themselves Hunters. They gather to cleanse the lands of evil entities, cursed beasts. This orginization takes from Xillow the one thing he has in life. They take his goddess. He mourns over her scorched ashes where the hunters had crucified her as he vows to revenge her death, he vows to make those who took from him his goddess. It is this day he meets a man who goes by the name Warlock. At first the two wanted nothing to do with one another, Xillow went into a deep depression wanting only his love back, the one he gave up everything for, his bloodlust became uncontrollable for the months to follow, Xillow went on rampage after rampage breaking bonds with old friends and taking the lives of anyone who crossed his path. The man named Warlock grew an admiration for his acts and began to ask Xillow why he was such a war-monger what his motivation was. Xillow glared him down and threatened his life, but Warlock pleaded his innosence and persuaded him to tell his tale. The two grew a bond of friendship as they grew an army for Kazra, Warlock swearing to show that Kazra is the only deity to follow where Xillow wished death upon any followers of the light. Wars broke out fueds caused the grounds of blackstone to be stained with blood. But a new evil arised claiming to be all powerful, the shadow lords, Xillow wanted to test this new power and set out alone to face it. On his path to the lords a few had begin to follow, some on a conquest to vanquish the evil in the name of light some seeking any treasures they may find on the way. Xillow had no concern and just warned them to not get in his way. Battles fought dungeons cleared, the travelers finally come face to face with the Shadow lords. Xillow smirks as he challenges them running in , his party following. The lords fall and cheers run through the streets. Everyone appeared happy but Xillow dissapointed, the curse of his seemed to sap the fun opponents seemed to give him no pleasure, so Xillow left blackstone taking nothing with him but the clothes on his back. Standing at the docks as he says his last goodbyes to his long lost lover and glides from the railing into the nights sky.

[[12:23 AM probably alot of typos and I kind of just skimmed over his history so I'll probably pop in now and then to revise and updated it, but enjoy]] (( Also please do not use this unless you knew me from BSK and took part in any past events I list))

A New Beginning : Xillow arrives at the docks once more, his feet landing onto the cold cobblestone as he falls from the nights sky,his attire settling as he stands firm, the silver lining of his outfit reflecting the moon's glow, illuminating the golden celtic cross that hangs around his neck on a silver chain, taking in a deep breath as he absorbs the the scent of Blackstone's atmosphere. Before letting out a soft sigh and tilting his head, whispering ever so softly to himself "Hello old friends...." he smirks lightly as he makes his way to the city gates.
One hell of a drama starter, got to love wars aye?
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Re: Character Introductions

Post by Gibbo »

Serena Angelus


"Fight fire with a lot more fire."

The shadows after twilight swirl with anticipation, and the moon grins from above as the events unfold this night. The area surrounding the hamlet is as quiet as a graveyard, though not even the shambling inhabitants of the Road are responsible for this unusual occurrence.

A figure shifts between the farm houses, avoiding the moonlight at all costs. He's a thief, and a cheat at cards. It's not his fault-- these are hard times, and it's difficult to make a fair gold piece. Besides, he slipped away without his voluptuous opponent even noticing she had been robbed. Though his luck was just about to change...

"Going somewhere, friend?" that silky smooth voice whispered in his ear. He froze as he felt her breath on his ear. He turned just as she shifted out of the shadows, her invisibility invocation winking away.

"You seem to have something that belongs to me. Should I take something of yours in turn?" she asked, raising a slender hand crackling with dark magic. Her eyes suddenly flared as some hellish energy welled up inside of her, urging her to blast the cretin. Hellfire swirled around her fingers and unworldly whispers filled the air around them, encouraging terrible dark acts. She took some mild amusement in the reaction of the poor bastard, but ultimately she knew a fearful thief was more useful than a dead one.
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Re: Character Introductions

Post by sergeil »

Petro Sokil.

His surname he got from his father, who was born far away from Blackstone Keep, and where it means Falcon. Petro did not remember him very much. He just knew, that his father died when enemy came to their village suddenly. Father was not very skilled warrior, but he fight till his end to buy time for family to run away. He sacrificed his life to let Petro stay alive.

Petro dedicated his life the mastery with sword. He trained his body and spirit, became more and more powerful warrior. A little by a little his sword became the continuation of his hand.

Petro grew hot, honest and straightforward like his sword. Proud, honor, conscience, compassion, protection of the weak, respect to the womans and elder.

// Human, weapon master
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Post by sergeil »

Lilith ....

Human, woman in all, strong, intelligence and ... super chaotic.

She is evil, but thanks to her super chaotic nature she can be good and evil in the same time. She can help and kill 1 minutes later ...

She is affected to all sins of all people together. Greedy, envious, weak, sneaky, driven by the feeling of this moment.

She is the dream and curse of all men

Lilith do not remember her past at all. She remembers just some fragments, but she doesn't know when it happed. Maybe it is memory of her mother?

She just remember that she is alone and permanently hungry.

Lilith do not know how she came to this world. She just feel, that here she do not feel herself hungry so much. Maybe because air. Maybe it feeding her and allow to feel much better.

Lilith was young and weak. Her best weapon was beautiful face, nice smile, keen mind and internal charm.
Lilith was too egoistic and selfish to earn everything by herself. She knows much easier way. She have to became beloved child of strong family and get everything for free.

By chance Lilith have noticed Pavlo. Strong, charismatic, good, chaotic by nature ignorant. Lilith seen how he trained young adventures, gift them useful things and tried to establish romantic relationships with young female.

Lilith began collecting information and learned that Pavlo has a large family. All another brothers were not much smarter as Pavlo, but family is rich and strong.
Well, I want this family, thought Lilith.

Lilith caught Pavlo in not very dangerous place and simulated incident. She inflicted a small wound on herself, fell to the ground and began to call for help. As soon as Pavlo appeared, she began to cry loudly, smearing tears on her cheeks.

Pavlo did not think for a long time, picked her up in his arms and, instead of just healing and leaving, carried her home.

Family was even bigger as Lilith knew. Fathers, brothers, sons... And no any female in home. It was Jackpot.

Family has adopted her and began to care. First part of plan was realized. It was even easier as she thought.

Time has passed and Lilith has grown up. She remained the same eccentric girl, but she became a little wiser and became more careful about her family. But it was not the love of the daughter, but the love of the owner who takes care of his property.

Some time later. Lilith is grew. She became beautifil girl. Strong and smart

Lilith saw Halaster. A noble man, strong, charming a real villain. He is not a petty insignificant that is content with little. This is a real man who can conquer the world. Her senses of a real predator were sharpened. Lilith sensed a new purpose. She wants him. This is the man who is worth her attention.

Time passed and Lilith realized that she idealized the Halaster. He was not the man she dreamed of. It was disappointing, but Lilith do not cried for long. Windy, driven by feelings and momentary desires, Lilith could not experience real emotional dramas and rushed in search of her new ideal.
Last edited by sergeil on Fri Nov 19, 2021 12:52 am, edited 6 times in total.
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The Preacher

Post by Preacher »

His real name belongs to his past. At a time when he was just a Waterdeep scholar. That life ended in the shadows of the castle Ravenloft.

On a journey of study, in which he was traveling with his family and a group of students, the caravan was surprised by the Mist. Not an ordinary fog, but something evil and with a will of its own, which transported them to a place where nightmares are real: Barovia.

Before being taken by darkness, they were found by a group of locals, a vistani family. Unfortunately, in that place, hope and security never last long.

Little by little, the group dwindled as they sought to return home. Vampires, wraiths, and other unspeakable things hunted them every night.

Months passed before they learned to survive in the dark. But when you live among monsters, you end up becoming one of them. Gradually the teacher of Waterdeep became a warrior capable of anything to protect his family. No price was too high to preserve yours. And many were the victims who died at his hands so that his family could live another day.

But whoever lives by the sword tends to die for it. And one day, death came to get him. His fate, however, was changed by the intervention of the god of justice himself, Tyr. In exchange for release from that reign of terror, he would demand a life of service where justice was not properly served.

By accepting the divine proposal, the man and his family are taken back home after so many years of despair. But the joy was short-lived, for he was then taken to a distant kingdom to serve the god of justice with his life and his sword.

He abandoned his name to retrieve it only when his mission was accomplished and granted to return home. Until then, it will only be the Preacher.
Douglas Thurman
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Re: Character Introductions

Post by Douglas Thurman »

With an audible "POP!", a disheveled dark skinned dwarf with a scraggly white goatee staggers onto the pier next to Zim's ship. He looks around with bemuzement and more than a little maniacal cackling.

"I'm back?" His high pitched question elicits more than a few stares from the people nearby.

"I'm back." The glint in his eye gives the children playing pause as he scuttles by them on his way to the inn.
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Re: Character Introductions


Great KHAN feel sick while CRUSH rebellion old enemy Xi Xian vassal

Lay down with evening rest

But before sleep, say, SUBOTAI and OGEDEI- courageous Mongols- if GREAT KHAN not on field tomorrow, PUT THIS PLACE TO THE SWORD, and spare NO THING

GREAT KHAN fall asleep, awaken here

Not sure if in Uçmag or Tamag. No mind- GREAT KHAN accept Will of Tengri

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Re: Character Introductions

Post by Pharo_IK »


Blackstone is much different than her last time here, but much the same as well. The small demoness watches. Her red pupils are a light within her black eyes. The black, inky onyx of her skin seems to still issue a faint mist of shadow. Her short needle thin and gleaming white teeth give her mocking grin a sense of the predatory. Her tail swishes to her mood, and the soft sound of her hooves can be heard distinctly from the booted foot. Though easily able to slip into the tunnel vision of her current focus, she is generally quick to quip and chat. Most can expect her initial discussions will, at some point, come to a point when she asks about when Captain Zim changed his routes and when the fog rolled in over the distant islands.

(At the time this was made Heroforge did not have eyes that were ideal for her:)
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