Power leveling... Has it returned ?

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Power leveling... Has it returned ?

Post by SkyBlues87 »

Last night I became aware that this practice has returned to BSK.. My level 6 paladin joined a party up the blackstone road with a level 4 and then a level 40 character and it had no effect on the lower character's earning xp.. I though one had to be at least level 21 to join in party and get xp rewards with a level 40 ... And 20 and below were still no more than 7 levels difference between party members in the same area map...

I am disturbed by this as it takes all challenge out of adventuring at lower levels ... I went off to the skara brea cemetary whilst this level 4/5 went off to the spider cave so the 40 could power level the the other ... I do not think this should be allowed I assumed it wasn't allowed in the first place.. Can if possible we have a return to the level restrictions to some degree to stop this obvious cheat on the game here ...

I always thought here in BSK the aim was to have at least a bit of challenge to leveling rather than have levels handed to one on a plate...

I know this is possible because of certain things like the way a Epic Shadow lord summons is based on 1 level less than the number of levels one has in Shadow Dancer class and means having 10 levels in a base class is a requirement thereof hence a level 24 only summons a level 13 Epic Shadow Lord which breaks the this level difference requirement.. But am asking if it is possible this level restriction is applied to player characters and not their summons...
Where there is a will there will be a way...
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Re: Power leveling... Has it returned ?

Post by sergeil »

BSK is the world of ultimate freedom.

If someone wants grow faster, IMHO, it is his/her deal. In fact, BSK has only few rules and only one is key - do not offend another people.

Challenge? Who say, that people wants challenge? People want play.

Pavlo propose for low level, in specialy for new players, traveling with server overview and fast leveling as part of his small RP etudes.
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Re: Power leveling... Has it returned ?

Post by Lomilinator »

Hands up, I often "power-level" new toons to get through the fairly repetitive early levels - for me the game before you can get a haste item is incredibly slow and dull.

Why - well for me the most fun in BSK (and NWN in general) is trying out the diversity of different builds. I love trying something different, and while it is interesting to me to see how they perform at lower levels, the real interest is in seeing how they perform at level 35-40.

BSK has a fun range of quest lines, but after a certain point you have done all of these that you can in a solo environment. So if you want to find out how a different build plays at high levels, you have to get there by going through the low levels. There are only so many times you can kill Gank or run through the snake cult before it gets a bit repetitive.

The other fun thing (for me) on BSK is to take part in high level raids and horde events, but these require you to have some pretty well equipped and designed toons in a diverse party to be successful (hence the need for multiple toons), and also they require other people to be online at the same time as you, which is tricky for me as I'm normally playing during the US night/early morning.

The great thing about BSK is that it has a bunch of nice people and there is freedom to play the way you want. There are loads of different areas, with a rich and diverse range of different mobs, and in my experience when there are people in the area you want to play in they are either respectful of you or happy to join you, which is even more fun. I don't really design for PVP, as I almost exclusively am interested in PVM play. So power levelling is a fairly "vicitimless crime".

Level restrictions do exist, and prevent the party from gaining XP if an epic toon or their summons kills the mob. The XP is only yours if you make the kill. I generally don't use a high level toon for anything more than buffing the low level toon, or sometimes a res when it all goes wrong. It would be possible to use a high level to bait and hold the mob, or weaken it to near death, but to be honest it would take even more effort to do this.

I have regularly helped out others at low levels by providing items or buffs to help them level up - but I also only do so for people who want it, and I explain that doing so may reduce their full enjoyment of the server. Some want it, some don't.

So in summary, I don't see power levelling as a "bad" thing if people have already played through the story line and discovered the fun quest stuff. There are other servers out there that take a different approach - I don't get that excited about RP so they are not for me.
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Re: Power leveling... Has it returned ?

Post by sergeil »

IMHO mentoring and helping young adventurers is yet another way for seasoned players to entertain themselves.
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