How to modify the forging system for ammunition

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How to modify the forging system for ammunition

Post by kunou126 »

At present, the forging systems favor melee weapons due to some limitations in how effects can work. In particular this counts in the area of damage effects which primarily have to be enchanted onto consumables like arrow. While I am no expert in the current crafting system on BSK, what I have seen from this utilizes the magic stone and can only manipulate 5 stacks of ammo at a time in a consumed fashion and it simply is not nearly as effective as it needs to be to compete with melee that can forge once and use forever.

Enchanting bows with unlimited ammo is uneffective and very limited in option as well... you're far better off with consumable ammunition.

I am going to detail an idea of how you could make ammunition work with your crafting system on a level that while still not equal to what could close the gap significantly and make way for archery types to be effective in end game. This could apply to bullets/arrows/bolts/shuriken/throwing axes/etc.

I would suggest the creation of special base item resrefs as various ammunition making devices, say perhaps using a misc. medium item. This item would be set to have two unique actions, one for self targeted and one that allows the player to target something else. The self target script could be used to create a stack of ammo of whatever type it is supposed to be (say arrows for example). These arrows would be flagged as plot, cursed, and stolen upon creation to prevent them from being sold or traded (so there's no infinite gold making exploits or ammo depots - created ammo belongs to and can only be used by the creator). Additionally, the first time ammo is created from the device logically binds the ammo creator to the person who first fired that script so that only when they activate the device will it produce ammo and they can't pass it to someone else for purpose of being an ammo depot, but it can still be traded to master crafters for future modification.

The unique power that can target will fire a script that has two functions. When used on manufactured ammunition, it destroys the ammo. This gives the owner a way to clean their inventory without having to go on a shooting spree and is super important for things like throwing axes which have significant weight to them. Alternatively, if the script is targeted at the ammo creation device itself, it will send combat log messages to the user on the forging status of the device (e.g. what properties are on the ammo it will produce). This script action should not bind the device so that the device. This way the master crafter has a way to inspect the properties that have been applied to the device without binding the device to themselves.

This item can then be incorporated into the forge system, where forge actions logically are applied to it and stored so that the item creation script can produce ammo in accordance with what has been forged. You could fully incorporate dak runes/socketing/enchantment stones/the works and it would no longer be destruction of such valuable items on a one shot for ammo.

Having an ammo producing item like this would do a lot to significantly bridge the gap between the effectiveness of forging melee weapons vs ranged and you will probably see classes like Arcane Archer emerge and be semi-popular for end game content with a change like this.

//Shout out to Mask-inc who suggested I post this in this forum. Feel free to discuss.
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Re: How to modify the forging system for ammunition

Post by driller »

Well, a melee weapon requires the PC get right up in the face of the mob and get pummeled. A ranged attacker can always keep their distance.

Because of this, I don't think ranged attackers should ever be equal to melee in damage output.

That being said, I am not against giving ranged attackers an additional way to improve their attacks. I just wouldn't do it in the way you and/or Mask described. But, I am sure if I do add something, Mask will take credit for it and proclaim it loudly for all who will listen.
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Re: How to modify the forging system for ammunition

Post by Sway »

driller wrote: Tue Feb 02, 2021 1:22 pm But, I am sure if I do add something, Mask will take credit for it and proclaim it loudly for all who will listen.
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Re: How to modify the forging system for ammunition

Post by kunou126 »

To clarify, I posted this suggestion in the discord and Mask suggested I post it here.

I didn't mean for that to be interpreted as being Mask's idea, only that he directed me to it post here so you would see it.

I also don't think Ranged should be equal, but they do need a quality of life change where ammo is concerned as it relates to forging.
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Re: How to modify the forging system for ammunition

Post by driller »

It was meant to be a joke. Mask has been a player here for a long time.
kunou126 wrote: Tue Feb 02, 2021 1:51 pm To clarify, I posted this suggestion in the discord and Mask suggested I post it here.

I didn't mean for that to be interpreted as being Mask's idea, only that he directed me to it post here so you would see it.

I also don't think Ranged should be equal, but they do need a quality of life change where ammo is concerned as it relates to forging.
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Re: How to modify the forging system for ammunition

Post by Mask-inc »

pfft, when was the last time...oh wait, HAHAHA :lol:

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Re: How to modify the forging system for ammunition

Post by Cybermagi1 »

Priceless... lol
driller wrote: Tue Feb 02, 2021 1:22 pm But, I am sure if I do add something, Mask will take credit for it and proclaim it loudly for all who will listen.
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