BSK Changes.

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BSK Changes.

Post by driller »

This is a list of changes to NWN that is specific to BSK.

Alignment Restrictions
Characters can move freely along the Good/Evil axis but moving along the Lawful/Chaotic axis is prohibited. This means that Lawful classes (Monk, Paladin, Dwarven Defender) can not be taken alongside non-Lawful classes (Barbarian, Bard).

Class Changes
Arcane Archer: The damage from Imbue Arrow has been increased.
Assassin: A damage bonus of 1d3 Acid damage per 3 Assassin levels is added to all attacks. This bonus damage is not multiplied on critical hits and it ignores both damage immunity and damage resistance.
Barbarian: Rage and Mighty Rage have extra bonuses in addition to the usual rage properties. Rage grants 2d6 Bludgeoning damage and 10% physical damage immunity. Mighty Rage grants 2d12 Bludgeoning damage and 15% physical damage immunity. Rage and Mighty Rage do not stack with each other. The damage immunity gained from Rage / Mighty Rage stacks with damage immunity from items and allows characters to go beyond the damage immunity cap of 35%.
Blackguard: It is possible to add the Unholy Avenger property to melee weapons at the forge. Weapons with this property have a chance to dispel all active spells on a target that is hit.
Paladin: There is a script in place that prevents non-Paladins from equipping weapons with the Holy Avenger property. It is possible to add the Holy Avenger property to melee weapons at the forge. Weapons with this property have a chance to dispel all active spells on a target that is hit.
Pale Master: Pale Masters are burdened with undead-like vulnerabilities. They have a 25% Bludgeoning damage vulnerability, a 50% Divine damage vulnerability, and a 50% Positive damage vulnerability.
Shifter: Item merging has been altered so that all items merge while shifted, however due to engine limitations some properties do not stack properly.

Feat Changes
Animal Companion / Summon Familiar: Companions and familiars are buffed based on the character level of the summoner.
Devastating Critical: Devastating Critical is enabled on Blackstone Keep however a failed save does not automatically result in death.
There is no save performed, physical damage is multiplied by 1.25 times when the PC lands a critical hit.
Epic Spell: Dragon Knight: The Summoned Dragon Knight has been buffed, the duration of the spell is unchanged.
Epic Spell: Mummy Dust: The Summoned Warrior Lord has been buffed, the duration of the spell is unchanged.

Spell Changes
Damage scaling has been changed for some spells so that they cap at level 30 rather than level 20.
Some spells have a timer on them in order to reduce lag. This timer is per character rather than per spell and it applies to all limited spells. Once the limit has been reached it takes one minute for the timer to completely reset to zero.
Aid: The granted temporary HP has been changed to +2 / level of target.
Blade Barrier: This spell now ignores both Evasion and Improved Evasion. In addition to damage this spell applies a movement speed decrease to targets.
Ice Storm: In addition to damage this spell applies a movement speed decrease and a -4 Listen penalty to targets.
Isaac's Greater Missile Storm: The number of missiles has been capped at 12.
Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm: The number of missiles has been capped at 6.

Summon Creature: Summons are buffed based on the character level of the summoner.
Tenser's Transformation: Rather than a polymorph spell this now functions as an arcane version of Divine Power. It grants +1 AB per 2 caster levels, improves attack progression to that of a fighter of the same level (similar to Divine Power), adds 2-5 STR, adds 2-5 DEX, adds temporary HP, and gives 100% Spell Failure.
Time Stop: Rather than affecting the whole server Time Stop only affects creatures in a radius around the caster. Party members are unaffected by Time Stop.
True Seeing: Rather than normal True Seeing, the target of the spell receives See Invisibility and +50 Spot.

Other updated changes:
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