Cloak Crafting?

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Capt Cliff
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Cloak Crafting?

Post by Capt Cliff »

Well I am upgraded to 1.69 and CEP 2.1 ... there was a problem with 1.69 and had to use the crit patch, but no cloak crafting! Is it somewhere else or what?
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Re: Cloak Crafting?

Post by Daris »

bsk is a little messed up at moment im sure driller will fix everything when he can
Marcus.. General Of the Starkson Protectorate
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Re: Cloak Crafting?

Post by driller »

Please let me know what is messed up.

Daris wrote:bsk is a little messed up at moment im sure driller will fix everything when he can
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Re: Cloak Crafting?

Post by T'banyin »

Hmm... haven't been around in some time.
Had to check out the changes to 1.69 and Cep 2.1

I popped over to your tail and wing changing feller, to see if CEP added anything new.

What I got here, i am not sure if you currently want.

I was able to access all the wing and most of the tail nodes, which means a lot of visual effects, and I do mean a lot.

I was able to scroll through about 80% of the monster list, and have the monsters floating about shoulder height walking above my head.
Not to mention, floating horses.

I can see where some of the visual effects might add an interest to a players character, however most are supposed to be one shot visuals, and some of these ( like the gore and blood ) are on looping animations and would cause considerable lag.

Also, I logged in a character that was corrupted long ago to delete it, due to crafting an item ( which turned invisible in the inventory ) When I logged in this old character, the item was once more visible. So folks with old corrupted characters might have a stay of execution on these guys now :) =D>
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Capt Cliff
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Re: Cloak Crafting?

Post by Capt Cliff »

Are we going to get cloak crafting back? Or is this a CEP thingy?