Making cut scenes in a PW

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Making cut scenes in a PW

Post by Mer`Zikain »

I'm making specific areas for the cut scenes to occur in, but since they're just areas anyone can enter them at any time which means they could enter the scene while someone else is in the middle of it and not get the whole story.

One thing I'm definitely doing is making a variable to check if they've seen a particular scene yet when they transition between the areas that contain scenes and if they have they go to an identical area without the scene so they don't see it over and over. But then I come to another choice for the whole thing. Do I make several identical cut scene areas and check if someone is in each one down the line until they find one that is empty and hope that more than the number of cut scene areas I make is never exceeded by the number of players who need to see the cut scene? Or do I keep the player out of the area until the player that is in the area leaves it? Is there a third option I'm not thinking of?

I'm planning to make the areas off the beaten path so they're not in your face all the time or in high traffic areas. I guess I could find a way to modify my story/plot so that the cut scenes happen when they sleep or when they leave any area instead of entering a specific one. That way I can do the check and bar them from entering all behind the scenes and not interrupt their game play as much.

Any thoughts on how best to accomplish this?
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Re: Making cut scenes in a PW

Post by driller »

Keep all other players out of the area until the one doing the cut scene is finished.

Mer`Zikain wrote:I'm making specific areas for the cut scenes to occur in, but since they're just areas anyone can enter them at any time which means they could enter the scene while someone else is in the middle of it and not get the whole story.

One thing I'm definitely doing is making a variable to check if they've seen a particular scene yet when they transition between the areas that contain scenes and if they have they go to an identical area without the scene so they don't see it over and over. But then I come to another choice for the whole thing. Do I make several identical cut scene areas and check if someone is in each one down the line until they find one that is empty and hope that more than the number of cut scene areas I make is never exceeded by the number of players who need to see the cut scene? Or do I keep the player out of the area until the player that is in the area leaves it? Is there a third option I'm not thinking of?

I'm planning to make the areas off the beaten path so they're not in your face all the time or in high traffic areas. I guess I could find a way to modify my story/plot so that the cut scenes happen when they sleep or when they leave any area instead of entering a specific one. That way I can do the check and bar them from entering all behind the scenes and not interrupt their game play as much.

Any thoughts on how best to accomplish this?