Proposed XP Change

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Post by Gibbo »

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Post by Pretty Fly White Guy »

driller wrote:Worst case scenerio now:

Level 40 cleric buffs up low level so much that he can actually kill trolls for 600 XP a pop.

Really, this buffing stuff is out of hand right now.

define "Low-Level" Please. anyone can kill trolls at level 9 with patience, a large supply of potions and a Greater [OMG Pr0 Secret!] Belt. they are the stock grinding area from 10-20. maybe you should put level restrictions on certain areas, if lowbie killing high level things is a problem.
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Post by driller »

A level 9 cannot wear a Greater Belt. But anyways, I define low level as a player who would normally not be able to kill trolls fast enough without high level buffs to make it worth doing.

Pretty Fly White Guy wrote:
driller wrote:Worst case scenerio now:

Level 40 cleric buffs up low level so much that he can actually kill trolls for 600 XP a pop.

Really, this buffing stuff is out of hand right now.

define "Low-Level" Please. anyone can kill trolls at level 9 with patience, a large supply of potions and a Greater [OMG Pr0 Secret!] Belt. they are the stock grinding area from 10-20. maybe you should put level restrictions on certain areas, if lowbie killing high level things is a problem.
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Post by Vannevar »

its true a low level fully buffed can level fast but when a player decide to level fast "with the help of a cleric" he also make a sacrfice , he get good xp's becuase the monsters are higher level than him so he need to kill less to level by the same occasion he get less chance to find good drops 1 troll at 600 and 6 tyranoids at 100 and 1 drop instead of 6 .

its just my opinion :).
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Re: Proposed XP Change

Post by oPlayer »

driller wrote:From time to time there are threads about XP and being in a party.

Here is what I propose.

1.The killer of the mob gets the full XP as if he were solo.
2.Party members within a certain radius of the mob get XP equal to half of what the killer received.
3.For the party member to get XP, he and the killer must be within 7 levels of one another or both over level 20 per server rules.


This is great!!! Perfect.. The leachers always got more than that of the person doing the killing. Never understood that. Leveling in parties was a a bit of a drag due to the loss of xp. I love all three ideas. This encourages the fight in everyone. *Two thumbs up* Woot!
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Post by Pretty Fly White Guy »

driller wrote:A level 9 cannot wear a Greater Belt. But anyways, I define low level as a player who would normally not be able to kill trolls fast enough without high level buffs to make it worth doing.

Sorry, greater belts are level 10. perhaps you should ban anyone under level 7-8 from going into the trolls?
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Post by Queen Naga II »

I guess Driller is joking about the disintegation, but how about this...

The buff cast on a PC that is not within 7 levels of the caster has the reverse effect intended on the target, or perhaps the spell just goes PUFF and does nothing to enhance the receiver.

Would have to make exceptions for raises, rez's, cure disease and other healing spells though.
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Post by driller »

I wasn't joking, I have a nice disintegration script I meant to put in a long time ago. Got sidetracked as usual.

Queen Naga II wrote:I guess Driller is joking about the disintegation, but how about this...

The buff cast on a PC that is not within 7 levels of the caster has the reverse effect intended on the target, or perhaps the spell just goes PUFF and does nothing to enhance the receiver.

Would have to make exceptions for raises, rez's, cure disease and other healing spells though.
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Post by Gibbo »

Erm... Hey Boss! Look over there at that other project thing that needs worked on... *points over in the other direction* I think the portals are acting weird or something. ... >_>
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Post by dm_demitri »

Just a thought here...

Instead of having negative stuff like that (which may or may not interupt RP as some have said), why not set it up to where if the char they are buffing DOES NOT have the feat "Epic Character", then the number of buffs an epic cleric could buff them would be equal to that chars level?

This would require a small check for the feat "Epic Character" on both the Cleric and the PC. If it's on both, the script doesn't run. If it's on neither, the script doesn't run. In fact... it would only run if the cleric DOES have it, and the reciever of the buffs does not have it.

Then each buff would add one to the counter (the counter which would reset only on that character resting). When the counter # = The low-level chars number, then no more buffs will work bewteen them, until the lowbie rests.

Ex: Cleric lvl 40, buffs lvl 5 char = a total of 5 buffs can be done (1 "blessing" per level of the lowbie). Blessings beyond that would be 'too much for the young one to handle'. Thus, no more work until the lowbie rests.

This prevents uber buffing of lowbies without the negative effects from a skilled and helpful cleric.

Again, this is just a thought. ;)
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Post by Pretty Fly White Guy »

a good idea, but i dont think weapon buffs would could to that number, as they cant be dispelled and are counted as seperate entities...

...cue driller to prove me wrong.
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Re: Proposed XP Change

Post by DarkShape »

driller wrote:From time to time there are threads about XP and being in a party.

Here is what I propose.

1.The killer of the mob gets the full XP as if he were solo.
2.Party members within a certain radius of the mob get XP equal to half of what the killer received.
3.For the party member to get XP, he and the killer must be within 7 levels of one another or both over level 20 per server rules.


Heya all, first post here.

I thik you're idea is a good one, but if its ok ide like to throw out an idea.

Everyone in the party gets the same XP, as long as they're within the 7 levels.

The calc would be (Base/Party Members) + 25%

Exp would only be awarded to people within 7 levels of the killer, and near to him, but the calculation would take into acount everyone in the party.

This would deter powerleveling, and would encourage sticking together and working as a team, as if you have joe hero who wanders off in your party, you're earning less.
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Post by DarkShape »

driller wrote:Worst case scenerio now:

Level 40 cleric buffs up low level so much that he can actually kill trolls for 600 XP a pop.

Really, this buffing stuff is out of hand right now.

Well, simple mechanic soulution (scripting it would be teadious) That instead of always using the clerics caster levels for a buff, use the recipients charecter levels instead, just compare whats lower, the clerics caster levels, or the targets charecter levels and use the lowest.

That way clerics can still RP and have fun giving out blessings, but thier blessings will be in line with the targets level, culd even leave durations intact, but the effects would be in line for the charecter levels.

For example:

a level 5 RP's with a cleric and gets a blessings, for the sake of argument this cleric has a plant domain so he can cast barkskin.

The cleric casts Barkskin, Flame Weapon, Greater Magic Weapon and Shield of Faith

So, because we're using the targets Charecter levels for the effects, the bark skin will add +3, and shield of faith +2, not +5 each (still nice, but not godly) the Flame Weapon is only doing its d6+2, instead of the d6+10, and the greater magic weapon is only adding +1 to his weapon.

Sound feasable?
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Re: Proposed XP Change

Post by ST_DM_Myle »

Zacarias wrote:
ST_DM_Myle wrote:
driller wrote: 3.For the party member to get XP, he and the killer must be within 7 levels of one another or both over level 20 per server rules.


This could mean a party in the troll caves of a handfull of XP-milking 5th levels and one 12th level muscle character buffed by his level 19 friend... and all would be earning XP.

I would suggest a calculation of the party levels and only give XP to those within 3 levels of the party average. The exception to this remains that level 21 and over need not worry with level margins.

How do you think up these things?
I come up with these based on my experience on many servers as a player and on my experience dealing with players as a DM here and other places.

One thing I have learned about players, about 2% of them purposefully look for and eventually break most systems. Then they teach it to about 10-20% of the player base often before DM's find out about it.

Driller likes to consider the best in 100% of people. I prefer to play bad cop and expect the worst from that 2%. Hopefully his optimisim and my pesimism will colaborate into a script which will meet his goals and not find him having to rewrite it a few months from now.

A narrowed leveling range of 3 from the party average would allow a total party level spread of 6 levels. When your dealing with Pre-Epic builds, that is more than generous.

Dem's idea of having buffs scale down to the level of the recieving character sounds like a good idea to me. This would prevent alot of the Lone Rangers who beg buffs and powerlevel like fiends.

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Post by Tearloch »

.. as someone who plays a character who *buffs* low level characters new to the server .. I say.. why?.. who does it harm? .. someones altered sense of fairness?.. sheesh.. Bastion helps all .. good, bad, ugly and ilegal .. no more tho .. why bother, when we focus more on this than the quality of play and inequity of the very builds that drive the engine...*refers to a palladin/palemaster exercising both attributes* .. I bet you "dollars to doughnuts" that Bastion can RP his lifes mission than ANY PM/Pally can justify using his immune to crit while holy smiting his enemies... I need a break ..
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