A Trip Through Time

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A Trip Through Time

Post by jeh1736 »

While meditating, Mauriando ponders the current events.

After the strange omen that prophesized the end of all things, the lands of Blackstone changed to a time of its humble beginnings. It was concluded between a group of adventurers that the answers to the change must be with the crazy mage that had locked himself within his tower. But sadly, the way into the tower was not found, and now that failure has brought another change. What or who could be causing the world around to change, and how can it be brought back to the world he once knew.
The solution must be out there, but he will not reach the answer alone...

// OOC: Alright everyone, one final RP goodby to BSK1. It's a chance to explore the lands of blackstone to see how things changed over the years and RP our way through it in a final farewell.
Posts: 11
Joined: Sun Jul 09, 2006 12:30 pm

Post by jeh1736 »

Now deep in the Oasis, searching for answers Mauriando thinks he may have found a possible clue to the events.

While searching out this new home, Mauriando came across the Vizier, who requested his aid in a couple of tasks. While completing these tasks he noticed a strange link of events. Both the orcs and the kobolds reported that their attacks against the oasis were a result of a demon threatening to destroy them if they did not. If this demon is behind the attacks at the Oasis, could he also be the one involved in the changes that have gripped the land?
Posts: 11
Joined: Sun Jul 09, 2006 12:30 pm

Post by jeh1736 »

Looking around, Mauriando feels a sense of despair. Is he alone in remembering how things once were? The others he has seen in the shops do not have any idea that things have changed. And adventurers he has passed in the desert ignore him like he isn’t there. Could all these events be linked? Is he the only one searching for an answer? A sense of sadness creeps in as he realizes he may not want to truly know the answer to the last question.

//OOC. By the way, this post and info is not just for me or those who were in the event started by Driller last night, but anyone can chime in about their travels through the different phases of Blackstone as seen through their characters eyes (though I may be the only one left at this point).