Fellow Rogues and Thieves UNITE!

Use this forum for In Character Interactions only.

Moderators: DM_eaze, Luceran, DM_Jaydaan, ST_DM_Myle, dm_xeen1, DM Nexus, DM_TrainWrek, Carpe_DM1, DM_Unicorn, DM_Griphon, DM_Shadowlands, dm_zane, DM_Centaur, DM_Mystic, DM Rendyll, DM_Avalon

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Posts: 140
Joined: Sat May 26, 2007 9:05 pm
Location: That shadow you see out of the corner of your eye

Post by Carpe_DM1 »

//What part of IC is misunderstood? Post locked.

//On a side note, let me remind folks, if you do not belong there, do not go there. Many times Driller and DMs have said, "sorry we can't change your classes or levels" . Either do it the hard way or rebuild. Don't metagame and frustrate everyone. And there are other places to sell. If you are caught trespassing, you also consent to pvp. (See Driller's revised rules) Most importantly, respect your fellow players.
"Common sense is not so common" -Voltaire
"I thought to myself 'Why doesn't someone do something about that?' ...And then I realized I'm someone" - Lily Tomlin (when commenting on the environment and other tragic circumstances)