A Portal in The Underdark Crossroads
Moderators: DM_eaze, Luceran, DM_Jaydaan, ST_DM_Myle, dm_xeen1, DM Nexus, DM_TrainWrek, Carpe_DM1, DM_Unicorn, DM_Griphon, DM_Shadowlands, dm_zane, DM_Centaur, DM_Mystic, DM Rendyll, DM_Avalon
I usually forget to buff at all, and so I generally spend 30 seconds with my head in my hand. Another 3 minutes is spent trying to remember people's nic's for PM'ing. 2 minutes is wasted on casual conversation leading up to me asking them for a raise. Anywhere up to 5 minutes is spent waiting (unless I'm lost and can't even give directions). So it's a bit of a lengthy process for me upon entry into the netheriss. But I have only myself to blame
Fact: Ninjas are mammals
Fact: Ninjas fight ALL the time
Fact: Ninjas fight ALL the time
True strike? I'm not really sure what the server AB stacking limitations are off the top of my head, but the spell True Strike supposedly raises your AB by +20 for 9 seconds.
If you can't cast it yourself... you're better off spending Thanatos's five minutes to ask a mage to just kill the blighter for you.
If you can't cast it yourself... you're better off spending Thanatos's five minutes to ask a mage to just kill the blighter for you.