Harm potions?

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Re: I like to streamline - Less is More -

Post by Jazelle »

dm_demitri wrote:
2> Just for the record: No-one (except now Fawn) has shown any interest in hearing my idea, and no-one has sent me any message about it. Because of that, I figured everyone is happier with adding more scripting to the server. (Because it's such a small smount of scripting that it wont count... Like a drop of water to a lake, right?)

3> Alas, the method I know would not work as a poison to the living.

Ciao! 8)
I was already told by another scripter and Driller how your system would work and your right it will not act as a poison. I figued no need to ask when it had already been told to me.

The matter was to have the potion heal the undead and harm the living much like the heal potion harms the undead and heals the living. To do that a script is needed from what I was told.

The issue is having a spell that normally is casted on another to harm them instead cast on self. That is far more tricky because yes you have to do it as potion and make it so the shifter can use it.

Rather than play hide it until someone asks, post it like I did in the script forum. Since really hidding it from others is silly. Your not going to make anything from it and well sharing is what the NWN community is about. I have no problems posting what I use in hope others will find a better way to do the same thing. I just like to get the author's permission first.
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Post by dm_demitri »

Jazelle, I sent you a PM. Other than that, I am done with this topic - period.

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