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Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:30 am
by LordofUndeath
DMs! Reveal thyselves!

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:39 am
by halfogre0520
*sigh* Well, NWN2 sucks monkey testicles as far as I see it. The interface bites, the engine is a resource hog, and my current uber machine chokes on it. With the settings tuned down, why play it?

Nah. BSK1 was awesome. I'll be sad to see it go. Take care Driller! Bye all!

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:02 pm
by Daris
my comp has no issues with it so far with video cranked and everything else all kicked up my pc has no issues at all not even vid lag i like the new look and the new server

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:04 pm
by viobane
Does this mean no more complaints about drops?!?

WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:07 pm
by Daris
isn't it grand

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:39 pm
by Whitewolf


My friends here in canada, said to join them on NWN2. I said no cause I need an Upgrade. They spent there cash and never played NWN2 again. they moved on to LOTR (or something)

It was great being on this server, even though I was never in a guild and all my characters were "commoners" of the keep.

Driller. you made a free server that was interesting to play for many many hours of fun and socializing. I would have even payed a small fee for a locked BSK1 !!

But. I have not had time latley to be online and maybe it is for the best.

I wish all of you well and hope you have fun on BSK2 I need to upgrade and I will be quite a while before I can afford that again.

Chow 4 now
Sneek Eclean
Dameon Whitewolf
Merkury Vapor-ghast

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:28 pm
by Gibbo
Aw! Been a player here since Winter '04 ... actually. We've had our ups, our downs, and our lovings all around. For me it's been a pleasure, a pain, a honor and a shame. Blackstone Keep isn't going away, it's simply evolving to the newest state of being. Like when the Ancients attacked the Gods, and what's-his-face had to die so they'd stop pwning us.

There've been good times and bad, times I wanted to go into a homicidal rage and others where I've swooned for more. Players I hate, players I love, and players I couldn't care less about (most of them players I hate). The Gibbs and his fast paws will be seen again, mark my words, but probably just whenever I get the free time, and whenever I have the motivation to annoy the bajesus out of some of you.

I've been a player for three and a half years, and (hopefully it's not too much of a surprise) a DM for about half that time. We're not all bad. Sure, there's those that abused their powers and priviledges, but I feel like defending some of the good ones.

Before I do -_- let me assure some of you that I'll likely hate myself forever for what I'm about to say.

Myle's will always been that delightful Rule Nazi in my heart, but he's always been a legit DM and played by the rules (even if he was the one to make up the rules). I think my blood has just run cold saying just that alone... He's... *starts shaking uncontrollably* ... a good dm.... *gags on words* Even though we've never exactly seen eye to eye on most things.

Carpe and I will always have our little fights at the Circle of Stones... *cough* (just kidding there)... New to the team, and always a sport... hopefully Carpe will return to BSK2 if the griefers that chased people like him, winteraven, Thorval, and others away keep to themselves (yes Matt, I'm looking right at you -_-; ).

Rendyll.. Our resident policeman. A great leader who has a sense of fair play and has been around BSK longer than even me! Thankfully he came back after being chased off years ago. He's been an inspiration ... but unfortunately for us, has an actual life now that sounds pretty cool. lol

I've made my mistakes in the past... over-rewarding in forgestones and trusting players that shouldn't have been trusted. Crashing the server with large-scale hack&slash events and starting religious wars between factions (cause let's face it... when you play both Vor and Kazra at the same time.... you tend to get multiple personality complexes... or is it complexi?). I've always tried to be upfront with my mistakes, and honest with the Boss. Hopefully my absences as an Olympian have been slightly made up for with my substance as a player. -_- hopefully. Since BSK2 won't have DM's, I don't feel like it's necessary to hide the fact anymore. Just don't harass me. I have a tendency to harass back.

Farewell, BSK1! I shall remember you fondly! .... And hope that your new form as BSK2 is twice as sexy!

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:53 pm
by Queen Naga II
Am already missing BSK even though there is a week left to run.

My only wish would be that Driller could somehow see his way to pass on the server to a new server host. I guess though that is unlikely to happen.

Still if I was rich enough I'd buy it off him *crosses her fingers as she puts her lotto numbers on* , and run it as it is with as little changes as possible.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:34 pm
by killtspar
Bummer. :cry:

I know of one server that is decent which has crafting and all that called 9 Dragons (BGB). There are currently no plans for it to die that I know of though it's empty. It's primed for RP or Power-gamers or Both if that's what the players want to make of it. ... ?gid=10276

This server is also up and running with no plans to die, though it is more of a Power-gamer server.

I know these things because I'm a Linux user and I won't go to NWN2 due to no native client support. So, I have looked around to try to find servers that look like they're going to stick around or have declared as much.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:55 pm
by Carpe_DM1
LordofUndeath wrote:DMs! Reveal thyselves!



... no...

This way I can still terrorise some of ya'all *grins evilly*

Take care of yourselves folks, it was a pleasure entertaining you :twisted:

You can still reach me by email/PM

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:46 pm
by Shadow_Nightfall
Well, I've come across a very good server (though no one seems to know of it, so its empty... its new as well, so you can become a rich VIP epic.... crafting system, low lvl items instead of the huge ones that were unfair in some peoples view) Its called Dawn of Nordock, and the web site is

Also, I want to check out this -Newcastle- server, tell me the adress, because I cant find it (does it have high ping, because that might be why, my filter taking it out, but then again high ping isn't good...)

see everyone later, ima miss you all.... I'm definately going to save many of my ubber chars...

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:11 pm
by dreadlord69
Nightfall use this link go to the page there is a post for newcastle with a link on it about how to start. Enjoy!

link ... topic=1053

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 1:37 am
by ST_DM_Myle
TY Gibbo ... We have had a lot of good DM's, a few bad ones... but a pretty good lot all around.

I have had a lot of fun on BSK as a player and DM. Over all the experience has been great and I offer my gratitude to each of you who contributed to the enjoyment of others.

I have quite a few friends here whom I hope to keep in touch with.

As everyone probibly already knows, Legends of Talan'ith is a server Jaz and I have been working on slowly, but surely.

Before I talk about LoT, I want to also say that Amia is also a great world to play on.

To answer a few questions I have gotten about LoT:
Yes, it is also a RP-Lite world that is set up to support most play styles. We do focus on RP and it is through RP that the rewards are the greatest.

No, we are not doing character transfers from BSK. However, if any BSK group comes over - we will help set up events for your group to interact with our existing guilds, get to know your way around the world ( it is big) and locate a good place that we can set you up a home/guild house when your ready.

Yes, we are still updating and periodically run a second test server for de-bugging the updates.

Yes, we are looking for people interested in helping with development.

No, we are not patient with griefers or exploiters.

Yes, do have similar rules to BSK - since I wrote most of them for both servers.

Yes, we do have guild housing and player housing.

The only spells nerfed are:
Truesight- it gives regular TS for just a few rounds then gives a +50 spot bonus.
Time Stop - Lasts around 12 seconds with a limited radius

Yes we have crafting
-Sockets are in the current update that we are debugging.

Yes we have subraces
-Minotaurs, Illithids, goblin, brownie, fae, pixies, all have visual skin changes due with the update we are debugging.
-We have over a 18 active subraces that will be added with the update and 7 planned to be added later.

Yes the world is big

Here is an overview:

The single greatest thing about LoT, is the in game and forum community which is growing within it.
Designed to provide players with a moderate magic world - which is truely a world. Rather than a main road with short side distractions from the start area to a far off (or not so far off in some cases) destination we offer a dynamic world with enough places of interest to have several crossroads.

The developing quest system will have everything from "fetch the widget" to "exploration" to repeatable "work".
The subraces will eventually have over 2 dozen options.
The crafting system will actually include many different systems. The Neverwinter system will remain active. The CEP appearance crafting process is highly encouraged for personalizing your characters belongings appearance. We will have a socketed item system and a recipe based crafting system and topping all that off, in time, a Class Based Crafting System that will offer many spectacular creations.

While the world is story based, we do not exclude those who prefer other play styles. Keeping to a RP-Lite style, we have Roleplayers, Powergamers, and Solo-ists, but we also have guidelines in place to keep the styles from clashing. People are encouraged to have fun in the way they wish as long as they do not impede the enjoyment of others.

Something we are quite proud of and want to keep strong and develop further is our character based economy. Auctions are fairly common and though most commonly held on the forums, they sometimes are held in game.

Kil'dar - Peaceful and mighty, this nation rules most of the continent.
Drakeston - Militant and harsh or polite and generous, just depends who you are.
The Black Tower - A theocracy run by honored clergy of Fant'aween.
The Starkson Protectorate - Dedicated to balance and peace. (player guild)

Darian o'Dell - The capital city of Kil'dar and most busy (legal) port of the known world.
City of Falls - A city of art and magic. A city of Kil'dar
Cold Keep - Under a nighty siege from undead. A city of Kil'dar
Ravenslost - A city with only one rule, do not disrupt the flow of trade. A city of Kil'dar.
Black Tower - A huge tower which contains a city and serves as the entry into the dark nation.
Drakeston - The capital city of the nation with the same name, built around a desert oasis.

Yarrow - High amoung the trees, elves live and play. A town of Kil'dar.
Ireenu - The Hin go about their lives along Lake Odinea. A town of Kil'Dar.
Starkson - A town built within the forward courtyard of their nations castle. (player guild)

Ravenshill - A small keep on the southern edge of the central plains. A Kil'darian settlement.
Cadela De Fridget - Located in the mountains, they do things their own way. (player guild)
Brightaxe Fortress - Though drinking often, the dwarves somehow managed to build a fort. (player guild)
Silver Oasis - Along the desert route to Drakeston, the Argetlam offers travels a peaceful Inn. (players guild)
Whiteflower - The monastery offers clarity and order to those seeking direction. (player guild)

To be added:
Tory - City of Kil'dar and centerpiece of the book Jazelle is currently working on.
Val'Orlau - Town of Kil'dar and still in the conception phase.
Ice Dome - A town locked in time during the final days of the great Aztrian Empire.
Shadowsands Tribe - A village which has sprung up as an independent.. for now..
The continent to the south is mostly elven and will be added once the main continent is complete.
The Isle of Seven, many other islands, and the Underdark will be added once the main continent is complete.

The lore of this world is unique, extensive and growing. The players have posted many of their characters stories and active RP's.

Greater Pantheon: 3 main gods, each with 3 aspects who serve them.
Lesser Pantheon: 8 gods who struggle for dominance amoung their peers.

We have a staff of over a dozen working of projects and 5 DM's on the Main Server with 4 more DM currently in training on the Test Server.

So if your looking for a fresh fantasy game world setting, come by and check us out.

Legends of Talan'ith
Adventures in the Kingdom of Kil'Dar

Link to us at:
Direct connect at:


Fond Goodbyes

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:28 am
by Shynomoki

I wish I knew about this sooner....all I can say is that, Driller, thanks for the 4-6 months I got to spend on your server and renewing my faith about nwn in general. Sadly, once the server is shut down, I will be at a end in my nwn and probably most of my gaming career. There are a number of things I need to do and trying to find a new server and starting over will be a long task I wouldn't be able to accomplish given the time and situation given to me. That said, I would personaly like to thank and say goodbye to those that made the game good enough that anything else isn't worth it.

Please excuse the ic names, most account names or real names I forgot, but this goes to the players behind the characters:

Justin and all his goofy characters.

Shiva and her almost dominatrix women.

Nick and all his nut-ball characters. *gyrates hips*

Jack and his seemingly effortless transition from a child to a jerk wizard.

Jen and her always giggling chicks. >.<

Nikki and her intimidating shiva-like chicks.

(starting the ic names)
Dread, Thanks for trying to teach me how to mage duel even tho I suck.

The whole Swift Family, Man you guys are freakin crazy and always good for a laugh (at).

Nicha, Watching you get drunk was awesome. =P

Arial, *PKs sum1* "What?...I'm a hunter...its my thing.." -hehehe..

Elvayel, Goes to show blondes can almost count as intelectuals. XD

Theres so many more I wish I could mention cause there was hardly a person I didnt enjoy talking to.

Above all, all of you have helped me a lot one way or another, from gold to gear or maybe just a simple laugh or someone to talk to. For that I couldn't say thank you enough. I hope you do well for yourselves and maybe in a year or so if I can come back I'll look you all up. I thank you all and going to look back on bsk with my head held high. Good luck all, and good luck Driller on bsk2.

If it turns out half as well as your first, it will be something to look forward to.

Master Sky Darkcloud
Magothium SoulRift


If you haven't noticed, I finally learned how to type again. I guess it was too late though for it to be noticed. That's Life for you.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:04 am
by driller
I am kind of hesitant to post this consider how it played out last time.
But Luceran has expressed interest in running Blackstone again.

I am going to give him the module and all the database/character files.
Whether he ends up running it or not I don't know. But there is a small chance.
